2025: Year of Emergence and Emergencies
The fall of the old older opens space for a new one located on family life, not money
I remember being struck by this Cicada 3301 video when it came out nearly seven years ago (the original upload copy being lost in the digital sands of time). It is a standout animated short of this era that delves into occult themes, noteworthy along with IN-SHADOW and I, Pet Goat II. When I first saw it I was entranced, and have viewed it many times. This is not a moment when I feel moved to deconstruct it, but rather to note two related messages it contains: the theme of “emergence” (with the cicada as motif), and “when you are in the light, what will you do?”.
The Martin of 2018 who viewed this animation is very different from the Martin of the first day 2025. While I could detect hidden messages were encoded in the artwork, I could name few of them. Now I see more on each reviewing. The recovering intellectual of 2018 could sense the profound learning journey ahead, but the humbled servant of 2025 recognises that the amount to learn would take lifetimes, and that all we can aspire to do is offer testimony of our own growth, not a definitive picture of the entire information and spiritual battlefield. My relationship to books is an ever-expanding library of tomes I have never read!
You will doubtless have your own parallel tale of change and growth over these years, and many losses along the way as the world rejects those who stand up and refuse to be part of wickedness. The last year has, for me, delivered fresh insight into the corruption of family courts, the dynamics of narcissistic abuse, the importance of submission to divine will, the hopelessness of seeking remedy in legalism, and the diverse poverties that afflict different geographies. In the background has been a longing for release from living in the “false matrix”, and reconnection with its brainwashed victims.
My own lesson from 2024 is that emancipation is an internal job, as well as an external one. Yes, we need (military) help to relieve us from neuroweapons, rigged elections, and debt slavery. But the light that dispels darkness is something that we emit, and our collective emergence into a new world is contingent on sufficient numbers engaged in self-emancipation via spiritual growth and rejection of worldly doctrines. The years spent denouncing enemy actors and amoral officials have to be balanced with our own renouncing of behaviours and relationships that lower the vibe. My life changed substantially in 2024, and for the better, even if it was a great struggle.
Without the “geopolitical pause” of 2020-2024, I would not have faced the developmental hardships I needed to accept that someone else had already overcome the world on mankind’s behalf, so I had no cause to overcome it myself using my own energy. No matter what the outcome in terms of a second formal Trump presidency, or gyrations of history that take us elsewhere, I know one thing is true: that “consciousness constipation” is done with, with a “Year of the Collective Enema” ahead. It won’t be pretty to look at, and may smell awful, but we will be absolutely relieved when it is over. The paradox of cleansing is that you need to get close to the grime and muck, becoming dirtier before restoration.
Mixing our metaphors, like the cicadas coming from the soil on schedule, we have reached the point of emergence, where a new world visibly bursts forth. Money, learning, media, governance, medicine, energy, transport — a long list of industries face instant obsolescence or absolute transformation. The “mucky” horror of the old has to be seen to be removed: suppressed magical technologies, deliberate poisoning, mass human genetic engineering and criminal experimentation, cancer as weapon of war and depopulation, targeted ethnic genocide, universal brainwashing. Emergency messages to the public, revealing hard truths, appear imminent and inevitable.
The old order isn’t going away peacefully or honourably. They are murderous bastards, adept and equipped to cause the extinction of humanity and ruination of Earth. I had no idea how bad the universal existential blackmail was back in 2018, and hence why this whole process was so painfully slow. We are in a place of incipient liberation after “only” a few years (following decades and centuries of planning and preparation). This is a miracle when you begin to appreciate the (still unknown) scope of the war. I cannot tell you how many species, planets, or parties are involved!
My “known unknowns” have grown far faster than my ability to assemble “known knowns”, so my universe of inferred “unknown unknowns” has grown boundlessly. Just reading up what is already out there on our the hidden histories (galactic as well as local) could absorb all my days. Add on the physics, astrology, biology, semiotics, linguistics, technologies, weaponry, divinity, and more — salvation through gnosis alone is hopeless. The starting place is the spirit, located in the eternal, which appears more tractable to an ordinary mortal. What aligns to truth, morality, and beauty? My innate intuition can aid me to navigate those, while not becoming enmeshed in my own faulty understanding.
Most people looking into a year ahead will discuss what is changing, but as a computer scientist my preference is to first search for the invariant, which is that which does not change as the system operates. “The Way” of peace, harmony, and love isn’t going to be different in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, or 2025. Any endeavour that isn’t founded in that pursuit of “The Way” lacks either grounding in reality, and/or attachment to the heavenly, so cannot last. While biblical texts and modern translations may have been munged over time to suit the needs of the powerful, the careful scholar can still reassemble the ancient recipe for standing apart from the empire of the money changers.
The trolling of the legacy media by the Elon Musk stage character — via a name change to Kekius Maximus — signifies we are (finally!) in the end game of the Q operation and the deletion of the mind controllers. Hard experience has taught me the dangers of soothsaying, especially attached to a timeline, so we will see where this leads. Many talk of a financial reset, military tribunals, crypto mooning, healing medbeds, staged WW3 scare event, Taiwan being retaken, new Republics, restored monarchies, mass deportations, hidden celebrities, exposed secrets, and removed tyrannies. Wilder talk references DNA upgrades, ET disclosure, age regression, changed skies, cyclic cataclysms, pole shifts, and free energy — some maybe over a longer timeline. Given the prolonged setup, we have the preconditions for a year of change beyond anything experienced in many lifetimes.
The collapse of the old paradigm of power based on legal fictions and fiat currency, catching out hordes of people who were hoodwinked for generations, is inevitably going to be a painful process. Discovering that much you believed to be true and moral is a lie is necessarily destructive, as is the collapse of all deceptions. Many of us are going to find ourselves as first aiders in a psychological mass casualty event. Even if much of the Covid bioweapon poison was swapped for saline, the fallout of the dead and injured being commonly acknowledged cannot be overstated. At that moment, our world changes irrevocably, and all the institutions attached to the hijack of humanity face an existential crisis.
We know that moment of emergence into truth is coming, just not when. I cannot see 2025 passing like 2024 or the years before — the collapse of insurance companies as their actuarial tables fail is a leading indicator. There are secondary effects, too. For instance, what happens to the orders of every judge who may have been cognitively impaired or suffered personality change following mRNA injections? The scale of the restart required boggles the mind. This is where faith comes in: the rational belief in unseen forces, of mankind or otherwise, that act in righteous ways, and plan to protect the innocent from harm. We may be wracked by induced earthquakes, HAARP hurricanes, nuclear tsumamis, chemical fake fogs, or other vile assaults, but at the end of it all humanity will survive and prosper.
Looking forward, I see the locus of change being in our families, no matter how great the transformation in the world. Many of us have in the past constructed faulty relationships founded on pursuit of misbegotten selfish goals, and paid a heavy price with estrangement of our parents, siblings, and children as we have sought a higher path. The ending of the debt slavery system, and the bonds based on state birth certificates and marriage licenses, is the beginning of a profound cultural change that fixes this. The war is about the children, but not only those trafficked for sex, experimented upon illegally, or sacrificed to cruel deities. I see 2025 as the fresh start for the family, where God can make everything new.
And on that basis alone, 2025 is a momentous year to look forward to, as total deprogramming of humanity is completed. We are emerging back into the light, after a long season of rule by the deceiver. This gives us choices over what we do; this freedom comes with accountability, which is not universally popular. There have been years of losses and painful reconfiguration, but 2025 seems like a turning point where we can restart our lives, and that begins at the family level. Reconcile with those who repent from the death cult, remember those who pass from its violence, and restore our hope for life through the gift of children — whether our own, or those of others. No matter what circumstances the world throws at us in 2025, we can all choose to be pro the creative.
That’s no hardship at all, is it?
Thank you, Martin, my friend and humbled servant. Yours has been a true 'voice in the wilderness' for me, each time supporting my own inner work and play. My gratitude for coming alongside you is immeasurable, and I look forward to your continued inspirations for creative healing and loving as we move forward together! To God be the Glory!
Excellently written and explained. It’s been a tough slog understanding it and thank God for the light of our souls and the intuition of the body to see it!