Back in print! 3rd imprint of banned book
Open Your Mind to Change (and your wallet to buy a copy!)
Good news! Today I got delivery of a hundred author copies of my banned book, Open Your Mind to Change. It is now in its third imprint, having been “cancelled” by Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It is also now on sale again as a paperback, having been republished via Ingram Spark. (If they too want to volunteer for prison for racketeering by censoring it, that’s on them!)
You cannot order direct from Ingram Spark as a consumer; they only sell wholesale via retailers. It takes a few weeks for them all to come online, and they operate globally. The first one is Barnes & Noble in the US (again). So although it was banned by them from their self-publishing platform, it is on offer as a different ISBN and imprint using B&N as a distributor only.
The price is set at $17, which is the Bidenflationary equivalent of the $10 it was before. That said, I wouldn’t care if someone rich printed a copy to send to every house in America and I didn’t get a cent. The cosmos will look after me anyhow. Plus no money arrives in my bank account for about four months, and by then the banking industry could be bust and gone.
It is still available as a free download from, as well as a paid audiobook. My attitude is that the content is always free, the convenient packaging is what you pay a premium for. Can’t complain about that, really!
Let’s see how long this version lasts; every cancellation is an endorsement. Who knows, you might have a collectible item! At some point I ought to get it published via a company dedicated to free speech. One step at a time. If it gets banned yet again, it’s a sign of having annoyed some rather desperate losers. You have to be a pretty hopeless totalitarian if you need to stop people reading my philosophical musings to stay in power.

Just a thought, Martin. You might like to consider Korsgaard Publishing ( - they published Dr. Vernon Coleman's book "COVID-19 The Greatest Hoax in History" (2022). I ordered my copy of his book direct from them, which came from Germany. Dr. Coleman has been similarly censored and banned from all directions, which was why it was pleasing to buy his book from an independent publisher. Any independent free speech pathway that avoids Big Blob Totalitarian Hogs like Amazon is especially joyful, empowering and soothing to the soul.
They must have sold them out. I hope that is the case👍