Disassembly of an administrative lie
Pulling apart the narrative in order to see the underlying wrongdoing
I am going to share the presentation I have sent to Newcastle City Council and the Traffic Penalty Tribunal adjudicator. I hope that providing the logic here inspires others to deconstruct “official administrative lies” with the same rigour and vigour. (You may be able to tell I am a very annoyed GenXer raised on 8-bit computers, and am exercising my faculty for patiently pulling apart problems in the same way as debugging 6502 assembler back in the 1980s.)
Go(o)d is in the details, whether public or private. Drilling down like this is a brilliant method for exposing the creeping rot that always seems to occur with issues of bureaucracy. I wish you well in terms of personal outcome here, but ultimately you are correct - this result is not the real point. Thank you for having the courage, fortitude and skill to take this on. You are a true public servant, in a world full of pretenders to that title, and an inspiration to us all.
Some great work here, however the remit and rules of engagement of the court and the evidence it may take is unclear to the outside observer.
By far your most compelling case is actually the insurance which is illegal document and proves that your usage of the vehicle is not as a good vehicle. I would focus on that and ask the court the simple question which is if it is the case that my usage of this vehicle at the timing question is as a good vehicle then the court must explain how this vehicle was used as a good vehicle at material time. he brings the case must prove the case and the owners should be upon whomsoever is bringing this case to court to rebut your evidence.
Second line of importance is the equity angle , however this needs to be linked to the jurisdiction of this so-called “court“
Have a look at the senior court act and the judicature acts of 1873 and 1875 to see what they say .
Magistrates court it is simple to refer to section 148 which mandates common law and then two plead equity when there is a conflict between common law and equity .