Finding peace through the 'Great Reconciliation'
We have been divided against each other, and reversal of this is our personal work
I have been learning new things about extraordinary topics like zero point energy, hidden history, and occulted law. It was tempting today to write an essay on The Enormity Of What Is Coming, and to dwell on the stunning transformations in our world that are unfolding or impending. Instead of the greatest macro view of events, I have chosen to focus in on the micro of the everyday, riffing off my own life experience. For yesterday I had a fabulous walk in London with a family member, reconnecting and healing wounds. I like to protect the privacy of myself and my loved ones, so forgive me if I stick to ambiguous generalities.
Being the 20th of April — or “4/20” day — there were many people who were taking advantage of the occasion to get stoned in Hyde Park. Walking around in the spring sunshine, you could smell quite a few pungent spliffs. There were police everywhere, and a sign at the entrance reminding people that “cannabis is still illegal”. Technically this is untrue; cannabis just exists, and simply existing is never illegal. Pedantically, it is the possession of weed that is against the law, with your property rights infringed by the criminal nanny state. Yet I was mildly surprised in discussion to discover that this was an area we could find common ground over.
In my role as an activist and dissident I engage with many controversial subjects that tend to act as a “fun repellant” when engaging with my nearest and dearest. The last thing they want to discuss is debt slavery, transhumanism, vax genocide, propaganda wars, or bioterrorism. The mass media has stoked up animosity between us, using pejorative slurs like “anti-vaxxer”, “conspiracy theorist”, “climate denier” to turn us against each other. The press and TV tell us that freedom is selfishness, truth is violence, and honour is weakness. Large swathes of conversational topics are “off limits” as a result, which creates limited scope to find mental connection and social intimacy.
Yet smoking a doobie in public is an issue of liberty on which discussion is possible, because (perhaps ironically for a drug) the conversational space is not so poisoned by social engineering. As a strict orthodox hedonist, The Green Herb isn’t my thing: “give me chocolate, or give me death” is my own rallying cry of intoxicant delight. As far as I know, nobody else in my family is keen on mild paranoia and a mashed head in the morning. Yet several people in the family network like a toke, and are generally respected and ordinary folk. People who might disagree on “15 minute cities” can agree on the wrong of persecution of bong owners.
As a result of its relative social normalcy and lack of “controversy”, I was able to discuss the difference between a crime (has a victim) and an offence (broke a policy). This opened up a shared conversational space about constables versus police. There was an intersection of the woke-lite cosmology of the “just awakening” and my own perspective located in a more absolutist view on sovereignty and spirituality. This is an issue on which the overreach of state power could be brought into the open, and a framework for discussing it offered without it being immediately rejected as “boring conspiracy talk”.
We are still a long way from being able to delve into the harmful consequences of graphene oxide in falsely named "vaccines” used for depopulation. But we can find some common ground that is located in the worldview and lived experience of the “less awake” person. You don’t come over as part of an extremist fringe political movement by wondering whether it is a good use of public resources to arrest people involved in a remarkable static protest of sitting in a park on a sunny day and quietly enjoying themselves — with no loss to any other.
I also found it possible to connect over more mundane issues like TV Licensing and council tax. We could agree that it is not OK for the BBC and Capita to hide their identity behind a trademark that morphs into one or the other depending on who it favours, and to fail to make proper disclosures according to the law. It doesn’t matter what you believe about the funding of public broadcasting, deceptive practises are never acceptable. Nor is it OK for a judge to assist these entities to break the law, no matter how “controversial” it may be to rule against them.
It was also acknowledged as being wrong for the council to claim to have a liability order when neither they nor the court can produce any documentary evidence of one. There was agreement it is unacceptable to go on to attempt to “enforce” a debt that is legitimately in dispute. Even if I was a council tax evader (I am not), it is still not OK for the council to send someone (without a court warrant) to my home when I have withdrawn implied right of access under common law. There was a lot of shared ground that offered opportunities for learning conversations that brought us together, and normalised my anti-corruption activities in matters located in everyday experience rather than geopolitics.
It involves a discipline to allow conversation and connection to grow where there actually is room for it, and not to have to steer it to weightier matters that excite me personally. I have been consciously re-engaging with my family over the last month or so, and gently restoring relations that had become strained and distant, by abandoning any agenda. I previously kept away because I was being treated badly, and needed to protect my own heart. Yet the tide of history does seem to be turning, and there is a recognition, albeit unspoken, that there was sense and wisdom in the staunch position I had taken during Covid. I have had to take the initiative, but the long and slow healing process has begun.
The pure insanity of those years is still sinking in, and is like a bad dream. I struggle with generalised anxiety, variable energy, and trauma triggers as a result of the psychological violence we have been subjected to. Some days I feel “normal” and fully functional, others I just want to curl up and rest and recuperate. My inner achiever has to be silenced when I feel guilty that I have “only” produced one essay in a week (or even longer) for my paying audience. We are constantly having to straddle two worlds, the collapsing old, and the emerging new — whether in terms of self, family, work, church, or state. It takes a lot out of you when sustained over years.
These inner wounds need healing, and it is “real work”, every bit as much as paid employment. A consistent theme is how emotionally exhausted many of us “light workers” feel after so many seasons of battle, because working with feelings is energetically tougher than working with ideas. The foundation of progress seems to be to recognise the divine within us, connect to the sacred around us, and to repent the wrongs done by us. Beyond that is a renewal process with the fallen world and broken relationships within it: a “middle space” of the spiritual war, located between the purely personal and the completely public.
We were subjected to a mind and spirit attack designed to fracture society and break the collective bonds, so that we could be “hived”. It did not succeed at the scale necessary to deliver its goals, and now we are entering into the “truth, justice, and recovery” phase. Doubtless the public narrative will be dominated by financial upheavals, war crime disclosures, public unrest, economic turmoil, and media meltdowns. But the “real” stuff is done at the intimate, local, social level. My sense is that unannounced and generally unseen is a “great reconciliation” as we each seek peace at every scale, especially with our families and friends.

Your truly inspired writing touches me deeply--it is beautiful to feel so bonded to a young man I have never met across continent and ocean with a very different background than my own. Yet our responses to the events of the last several years have us sharing so much. I am experiencing a similar healing with my sister who has responded completely differently than I, and has been very combative and angry toward me. It has been my desire to focus on our shared love for her children and grandchildren to maintain our family bonds. Because I have consistently attempted to steer conversations in that direction that the light is breaking though the cracks....Thank you, Martin, You are a beautiful man and soul. Keep taking good care of yourself as we heal as individuals and as humanity.
Well written Martin. I'm at the same place as you. Lots of internal work building up my spirit while coming to terms with the damage done to my psyche over the past 3 years needs yet to be done. I'm finding that both mourning and forgiveness are necessary for me to progress. For me prayer, time at the ocean and in the woods and a spliff now and then (legalized here in CT,USA) help the process.
With great appreciation for your insights,