Learning law the streetwise way
As responsible adults we need to engage with the painful reality of corrupted courts
I am giving a talk at the end of the month about my experience of using the law in the fight for truth and justice. Unlike previous talks, where I am coming from a place of being a subject matter expert, this is instead the “diary of a novice”. It is the journey many of us are undertaking out of practical necessity, not desire to become students of law. This is a summary of my talk notes, which is work in progress, so feedback is welcomed. It is not meant to be legal advice or a comprehensive “how to” guide to fighting justice battles, just a gentle introduction.
We are being harassed, extorted, and harmed by various institutions who act with the colour of law, but without its true form or substance. Treasonous courts have acquiesced in the stripping of our constitutional and civil rights, turning us into chattel that are merely administered. As a beginner, fighting back against such a broken system has been a humbling experience. We are all starting from a low baseline, and inevitably have fumbles, including myself. My main reason in accepting the offer to give the talk is not to attempt to teach law, but rather to legitimise the fear, confusion, and ineptitude.
Administration is the weed that strangles law
In a previous article I enumerated how the law had become twisted to enable legalised slavery. I reproduce the headings below just to make the point that the problem we are grappling with is wide in scope, as well as pervasive in scale:
Godless (in)justice
Morality of necromancy
Administrative inversion of rights
Perversion of language
Evasion of personal accountability
Swapping of legal and lawful
Registration as voluntary enslavement
Confusion via doppelgänger trusts
Deprecation of equity law
Substitution of jurisdiction
Swapping form for substance
False doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty
Merger of powers that ought to be separate
Dilution of trial by jury
State monopoly on enforcement
No militia or military skin in the game
Ignorance of birthright by indoctrination of the young
Outright fraud by authorities
Force and intimidation
Corruption of policing
Legalised bribery of minions
Treason as standard business practise
Human (and gender) rights that muddy the waters
Our own failure to insist on lawful due process
Just getting a sense of what is wrong takes endless hours of research, many calls with friends on the same journey, and practical experience of interacting with “outlaw” authorities. Eventually the fuller picture emerges: the courts, press, legislature, police, councils, lawyers, debt collectors, banks, prison operators — nearly all work for the enemies of our constitution and our rights. It is not that justice is extinct, just that it is only available to a select few and subject to whim. Administrative law has industrialised extortion, and displaced common and natural law.
Passive disengagement is not an option
So, how to restore equality of living men and women under the rule of law? Prosecuting treason is not something the ordinary member of public can undertake. Yet we must step up and relentlessly insist on accountability for truth and justice. This means intelligent engagement in the “lawfare” battlefield, and acceptance that there are casualties in all forms of combat. The system is rigged, but it is not absolutely one-sided. While there is a danger of getting hurt, participating is preferable to abandoning future generations to endless predation. There are enough Achilles’ heels in the schemes that haves been inflicted upon us to give us an “out”. There are principles that even contrived courts refuse to break.
My own life history has only involved mundane encounters with legal processes: suing for a rent deposit after university, purchasing a house, getting divorced, falling out with business parters, and making a will. None of these revealed to me the skulduggery going on. It is only in recent times as an activist that I have actively pushed back against my local council, magistrates’ court, police, taxman, and media monopolies. I have also explored and written about the struggles of others: utilities, common law travel, child protection, banking fraud. It is only by turning up that we learn; “street smart law”, not “book smart law”, is what matters.
True (living) versus false (dead) morality
In every case there is a collision of two worlds, one of genuine justice, and the other of false morality. In the “true world” of natural law we “do unto others” because we have a conscience. It requires us to stay in honour, follow due process, and respect equality under the rule of law — since that it how we ourselves wish to be treated. The laws of man are only valid to the extent they flow from the laws of God: we are divine beings of infinite worth. Our free will must be respected, which includes allowing us to experience consequences of mistakes.
The contrasting “fake world” takes the law of the dead corporation (corpse-oration), and applies it to living beings. The agents of this legal positivist world can justify “following orders” as long as some government has passed a rule to OK what they are doing to their fellow man. It is what has led to us being fraudulently entrapped as “human biofuel” for trusts that do not service us. We are denied our divinity through the (false) presumptions of law — that you are a pauper, imbecile, etc. — that requires the court to act for you. Law is displaced by legislation, real men become legal persons, and individual sovereignty usurped by the legislators.
I saw a quote that captures this issue: “Corporations masquerading as government, enforcing company policy under colour of law, is today 90% of what we have been trained, not educated, to call government.” It is not that “the game” of maritime trade and commercial law is wrong in principle, just that it is being deliberately and knowingly misapplied to the wrong jurisdiction. The search for finality in each case is appropriate in contests involving commercial entities seeking to profit, possibly at the expense of others. It is OK to lose out in business, and for companies to go “dead” via bankruptcy so their investors and managers learn. Murdering or enslaving people is not OK.
Everything flows from the spirit
If you wish to live in a way that aligns to the holy, then you must begin by standing in your own divinity, and accepting that of others. Until you deeply believe in your inalienable God-given rights, they will be taken from you, and sold back (if you are lucky). You have to accept the consequences: it is better to lose your life fighting for these rights than to lose your soul by renting or relinquishing them. You will make mistakes when “in the heartless game” of the court, as it isn’t natural to abandon our conscience for cold and ruthless rules. That’s alright.
The flip side is that you must offer compassion, grace, forgiveness, mercy, patience to minions of the system, as well as to yourself. This is a ministry of repentance and reconciliation. Atonement and restitution help to rebalance any wrongs, but you have to be careful not to conflate a “spiritual win” with a “temporal win”. If you can get the other person to engage their conscience, then there is no need to dominate them, and “winning the game” is in court becomes irrelevant and obsolete. They can only exit the game if your goal is peace, and accept that we are all flawed and make mistakes.
Satanic system of law
A “satan” is a role, being an accuser. Our narcissistic and psychopathic legal system is Satanic, since it habitually supports false accusations being turned into punishment. For instance, your council accuses you of owning them money for a property tax, but cannot show a chain of authority for this claim, so they know it has no substance. The “council tax” is really a fine for having shelter. The way to override their reference to tax legislation is to appeal to a higher power than Parliament, and God (plus his prophets) fill that role. They will endlessly justify themselves otherwise as having followed official guidance.
The power to punish (i.e. imprison, fine) is the crux, and is why Magna Carta is so important, by establishing democratised limits to its application via juries. It also referred to the need for Christian monarchs, for a good reason. The alternative to the holy spirit is witchcraft: manipulation, intimidation, and divination for purpose of domination. Our legal system is filled with such crafty vermin, who will tell any lies they can get away with. They manipulate via language (legalese), and fear (of prison or bailiffs). They intimidate with robes, titles, buildings, airs and graces. They divinate via predicting terrible punishments and offering plea deals. The whole “black magic” process is a conversion of men and women into chattels, and is depraved.
Trusts are foundational understanding
Trusts are central to how this corrupt process of conversion happens. In particular, there are “constructive trusts” being formed all the time in everyday life, and we are unaware of them. We have “birth trusts”, too, done without the consent of the future tax slave. The core fraud is to switch the role of trustee and beneficiary using trickery, so that you and I take on liabilities and forgo benefits. Yet trusts are not the problem in themselves, since they are essential tools for managing life and public assets.
The most important concepts of legal argument
Every legal argument rests on two pillars:
proof of claim — i.e. is what is said truth, and
proof of authority — i.e. does it ultimately flow from a righteous source
Is what you say aligned to the divine, sacred, holy — or not? If it is true and of godly authority, then it should be lawful. So if someone attacks your “castle” of the domestic home, and you repel them with deadly force, it is not murder, but necessary self-defence. Law has its own realm of “official legal facts” and a process to establish them, which may appear strange to a newcomer.
Tools of the lawfare trade
You might imagine that the most powerful tool is one that relates to law as practised by lawyers, but it is not. The most potent form of legal argument is Scripture, at least in the context of engaging with the dishonest and dishonourable (but who retain a fear of judgment by a higher power). “Your actions are unholy” carries more weight than “your conduct is unlawful”.
A letter is the most basic form of communication, but it does not carry the same legal weight as a complaint. And a complaint is a level below what you really need, which is a notice. There are different formats for each, and where, what, and how you write matters depending on the level of formality.
The legal mechanisms that come to mind as being important are:
Conditional acceptance: accept the other side’s argument, based on them making proof of their claims and authority (which you know will not be forthcoming). This keeps you in honour and takes the high path.
Affidavits are the means to assert “legal truth”, and if not rebutted the claims become fact in court.
Estoppel is a process to stop the other side from making certain claims in court downstream, and requires a particular form and timing of notices to achieve.
Rejection and return of letters is a powerful way to deny the other party power, especially when they attempt to trick you into a contract or obligation.
While much legislation works against the interests of the ordinary citizen, having being sold to the highest lobbying bidders, there are legislative methods to push back. In the UK these are the Data Subject Access Request, and Freedom of Information request. There is a particular skill in formulating requests so that they are not ignored, or classified as vexatious.
Finally, as schedule of fees lets you turn the tables on them. If they are acting outside the law, you are perfectly entitled to ask for compensation for your time and inconvenience of interacting with them.
Dangers of the game
It is easy for things to go wrong when you don’t know the rules of the game. If you do not rebut the other’s false assertion in a timely manner, you have acquiesced to it. If you accept the “service” the of the policeman or court by answering their questions, you have joinder and are subject to their rules. If you do not pay attention to the signs that demarcate their jurisdictions, you may accidentally find yourself in an unfavourable one. If you do not comprehend their system of titles and meaning — like “Mr” versus “Master” — you take on roles and responsibilities unwittingly. If you leave the game early, you always lose.
Judges and not your friend
Most judges seem to be in it for a career, and are not campaigners. The world is full of persuasive liars and narcissists, so they are obligated to only make their judgments based on evidence presented, not their gut feeling, so it may appear to be cruel when it is not. There is a frequently observed bias towards establishment causes. Equity arguments are ignored in lower courts. Legislation is treated as law, and common law rights are neglected. Knowing the principles of law is only a partial solution, you also need to grasp whether they are actually being applied in your context.
Treason, corruption, and constitutional law
Magistrates’ courts are 100% corrupt and unlawful, being the venue for fake administrative courts, using the corrupted fiat currency of sterling as equity (i.e. enabling securities fraud). County courts routinely “lose” documents, are closed when they should be open, and change hearing dates without proper notification of the parties. The UK’s Supreme Court has an “all seeing eye” motif, so lacks objectivity. Parliament treasonously claims sovereignty it does not have, and won't answer simple accountability questions, such as who wrote its website. Our monarchy has given consent to Parliament writing itself into constitutional and/or judicial authority, which is treason. The system is corrupt to the core and needs a total overhaul.
Advice for justice campaigners
As campaigners of truth and justice, there are different paths, outlooks, and alignments. Some may emphasise God’s law and stay outside of the system entirely. Others pursue common law solutions. While some master the intricacies of legislative law. There is no singular way to solve all problems.
A good piece of advice came to me via Stacey’s World Rocks channel on Telegram: you need to harden yourself, as once you stand for yourself and your rights, there will be losses. Your car may be unlawfully taken, thugs will come to your door, and your wages may be illegally garnished. You must not waver; these hardships are the price of future freedom.
We have regressed into a form of feudalism, and that can only be reversed if ordinary men and women are willing to govern themselves and be accountable. Being a full civic participant means mastery of some of these concepts and literacy in how legal processes work. We are routinely denied this understanding it our current education system, likely by design.
I hope that was useful as a conversation starter. I have some stiff IT and transport expenses right now — if you want to help out then details are here.
Administration is also the weed that strangles education - I like that, administration is the Weed =:-)
Thank you Martin, for your work.
Great article Martin. Thank you.