Why are Cumbria Constabulary so shy?
It is almost like they are running a crime syndicate acting as a legal simulation
As part of my grand tour of Britain to survey its social circumstances I went to Appleby horse fair in Cumbria in June. It is the largest gathering of the genuinely free gypsy and traveller people in Europe, unencumbered by legal fictions and birth certificate fraud. More on this later. As a byproduct of my trip, I came back to my van to find a fixed penalty notice sticker attached, along with many others who had stopped the same way. This surprised me as we had been directed by a sign to turn down this road to park and avoid congestion in the village. There were no visible signs saying not to park, and I was not blocking the passage of other cars in either direction.

Can you see the “no parking” signs? They are there! One on the fence, two on posts.

Hidden inside bushes…
A few cars down from mine… you can see the road is easily passable in both directions, and is not blocked in any way. So everyone parked in good faith and according to the law. I won’t bore you with all the photo evidence — there is no traffic offence committed here.
Now, in the ordinary course of events I would simply dispute the penalty and not trouble the wider world with the matter. But there is something more interesting (and darker) going on here than an entrapment operation. The police are running a crooked cash harvesting crime syndicate. Take a look at what was put on my car.
Ignore the purported traffic offence — what do you observe? This claims to be a “notice” under common law, but that requires the name of a man or woman on it, and there is none. Furthermore, it has the logo of Cumbria Constabulary, but not their organisation name, nor any contact information. For all I know it could be someone having a prank! So I know right away they are playing dirty games, and knowing the law on these matters I decided to have some fun myself. If Cumbria Constabulary police officers can be too shy to state their identity details, then two can play at that sport.
Sometimes I receive post with a window on it, and a return address. According to UK postal law, the address must be written on the envelope itself, and it is illegal for anyone to intentionally open a postal packet addressed to someone else. This is stated in the Postal Services Act 2000 and the Postal Packets Regulations 2004. So a windowed envelope with a return address in Cumbria may or may not have arrived, and may or may not have been sent back “addressee not recognised”. All quite lawfully, as there is no addressee, the correspondence not being properly addressed mail.
It is illegal for me to peek inside the envelope, even if you put a clear plastic cover on it. I am only holding authorities to their own rules! Section 1 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 also says that you must receive a notification of a traffic violation within 14 days for it to be valid. This rule is commonly referred to as the “14-day rule.” To save money, they don’t use recorded delivery, so cannot prove receipt; they are offering to contract, there is no presumption of my acceptance. (Posting an acceptance is in case law equivalent to receipt.) We like strict adherence to rules, no?
Furthermore, the use of PO boxes to hide identity is also unlawful, so I am not feeling too guilty at this point for gaming the system. People who have nothing to hide don’t hide; only those up to no good need these subterfuges. I know they won’t be able to make this stand up in court given all the entrapment evidence I have, so this is me exposing their crime, not just repulsing the ticket. Additionally, you are not obligated to sign any confession, even if you are legally obliged to say if you were the driver (or not). Without a signature they have no basis to prosecute you, as they have no evidence at all that you are the defendant without you incriminating yourself!
Later I get another piece of mail from Cumbria, so opened it. This letter also has the logo, department, Chief Constable name, and URL — making it look official. But it is not, as it lacks the name of the police force, as well as their address. Both are lawfully required. It is also not properly signed, and we do not have the full name of a man or woman.
Also note that the name is “Mr Martin Royce GEDDES” — which is an attempt to confuse me (the status of a living man) with the a trust (Mr is a title, GEDDES is the all caps name on by birth certificate) of which I am the beneficiary, in order to trick me into acting as if I am liable as the trustee. The all capitals text is not proper English — what language is this in?
So I sent them this letter, all of which is strictly true:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Ref Final Warning Letter dated 16th July 2024
Notice of Intended ProsecutionI note your above correspondence, which I received on 25th July 2024.
On 8th June 2024 a piece of paper was left on my car in a sticky envelope purporting to be a notice of a traffic penalty, and bearing the logo of Cumbria Constabulary, but lacking any details of a man/woman or legal person. I decline to contract with you or form joinder, and waive any benefits.
I also noted that all three relevant signs for parking on the highway in the vicinity were obscured by overgrown vegetation, and have photographic evidence available. I cannot imagine your own procedures allow for penalty charges to be issued that you know are defective on this basis. The public had been directed down the road to park by a sign managed under the policing remit, and many were parked safely on this road; that a large number of such envelopes were deposited on said cars smacks of entrapment.
I have not received the Notice of Intended Prosecution referred to in the above correspondence, and hence there cannot be a matter outstanding.
I observe that this correspondence also lacks the signature of a man/woman accountable, and any details of a legal person or entity with whom I am interacting, thus lacks authority and standing being essentially legalese artwork. As such it is not a lawful notice under common law, and raises questions of integrity under the Nolan Principles of public life.
This intended prosecution appears to be unlawful ab initio, being vexatious and malicious, and hence void. My schedule of fees is attached for further interaction on the matter, and you agree to these fees whether the interaction is with yourselves or your agents.
To which I get this response:
This has the same defect of appearing to be official when it is not. What is more, it is signed “pp” — short for the Latin per procurationem — which means “by proxy.” It indicates that the person signing the document is doing so on behalf of someone else, usually with the authority to act for that person. However, you typically name the person signing this way, as they are liable for assuming that authority. None of this is lawful — the police are acting as agents for the corrupt Crown and their fraudulent birth certificate trust system. It is all witchcraft and necromancy in order to solicit money with menaces, not real law enforcement. That is why nobody wants to be accountable.
So I have put together the following draft letter to the Chief Constable, than I plan to post tomorrow — suggested improvements are welcome!
To Chief Constable Rob Carden
Cumbria ConstabularyNotice of potential criminal fraud by officers of Cumbria Constabulary
Notice of unable to respond to unsigned correspondenceI am in receipt of multiple communications that give the superficial appearance of coming from Cumbria Constabulary, using your personal name and institutional mark to imply authenticity, but lack appropriate legal disclosures and moral accountability. This raises the possibility that a third party is impersonating the police, or more likely, that staff in your organisation are soliciting personal data and monies from the public in a legal simulation, while acting ultra vires. If confirmed to be so, then this is a crime, being in contravention of the Fraud Act 2006 s2 (false representation) as well as s4 (abuse of position).
Other criminal statutes may also be breached: Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 s1, Theft Act 1968 s17, Police Act 1996 s90, and Companies (Trading Disclosures) Regulations 2008 reg 6. Common law crimes of misconduct and malfeasance may also apply. The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 s86 requires a registered office address, not a PO Box, and this is absent. The Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR Article 13 mandates that the data controller must provide the identity and contact details of the organisation when collecting personal data, and the absence of such disclosure raises compliance concerns.
Copies of the relevant communications are attached:
a) A note put on my car with the constabulary logo but no other name or details, and not compliant with the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 s54.
b) A “final warning” letter that again has the force logo, your own name, force website — but no named legal person they are writing on behalf of, no physical address (just a PO Box), nor the full name of a man or woman and their signature.
c) After me raising these issues, another letter that asks me to fill in a form, similarly having the appearance of coming from your force. It has a bland assurance of legality, but references no authority for the force to evade legal accountability and legislative compliance. Furthermore, an illegible squiggle acts as signature per procurationem, yet fails to disclose who is signing on behalf of “K Yeagers”.
The Nolan Principles of public life require that public servants act with integrity, accountability, and honesty. That I am receiving communications that superficially appear to come from a police force, while evading personal and institutional accountability, is indicative that something is amiss. I am sure you agree that the public deserve to know that those who enforce the law also comply with the law — and that I have reasonable grounds to question whether these communications are authentic and authorised.
More seriously, the use of all capitals can be an attempt to convert the status of a living man (and traveller under common law) into that of a of trust, by forcing power of attorney via tacit contract, to deceive the beneficiary to contract as trustee and falsely assume liability. You are notified that this is a crime of conspiracy to defraud under common law, and explains why nobody wishes to use the correct and lawful form of notices, as that would result in personal and corporate liability. For the avoidance of doubt, I decline to contract with Cumbria Constabulary, and this notice does not form any contract or joinder.
As your name as Chief Constable is used as a proxy for the authority of these communications can you inform me:
For each of the above (a) to (c), are these official communications on behalf of Cumbria Constabulary?
Is “K Yeagers” an officer of Cumbria Constabulary and what is his or her full name, rank, number, and service address? If not an officer, what is your relationship to this man or woman (if any)?
Is “K Yeagers” the man or woman who has authorised (b) and (c) and takes legal responsibility, and if not, who did?
Is any data collected from me being held by Cumbria Constabulary per the Data Protection Act 2018? In what capacity are you acting: ultimate controller, joint controller, or processor (please specify)?
I served a schedule of fees dated 25th July 2024 to the PO Box listed. Whether you accept the schedule or not, does Cumbria Constabulary agree that this legal document has been served upon it via this PO Box address? A copy is included.
If these (a) to (c) are official communications, please account for why there is no company name or named man/woman with liability for the notices. If you claim exemption from compliance with the above legislation, please give details to support your claim.
If these are not official communications, please advise me how I may report a crime as they are fraudulent and forge the authority of the police, which is a serious offence.
You are notified that I am unable to respond to any further correspondence that lacks the name of a man or woman accountable. No further correspondence will be entered into until this dispute of authenticity, authority, and accountability is resolved.
If I do not hear from you within 7 days of receipt of this notice then you acquiesce to these not being official communications, and they have no validity as evidence against me in court proceedings initiated by Cumbria Constabulary.
Please note that I am not writing to you about a claimed traffic offence per se — only the adherence to the letter of the law in due process. That there may be a separate entrapment operation is not the subject of this notice.
Every part of this system is corrupt — conversion from living to presumed dead via the birth certificate and “named placenta” fraud, being forced to act as a “driver” (commercial) rather than a “traveller” (innate right), duress to contract via driver and vehicle registration that surrender travel and property rights, “offences” that lack a victim (or even evidence!), sleights of hand to make you incriminate yourself, notices without the name of a man or woman, trickery to get you to identify as trustee when you are beneficiary, courts that bulk process outside of constitutional law, and blatant disregard for their own policies and legislation when shaking you down for money.
What we have here is a counterfeit legislative and enforcement system that simulates lawfulness, but bypasses all the processes that hold those responsible to account. Once you see it is ALL fraud, and endorsed at the highest levels, and normalised for decades, then you cannot unsee it. The administrative state is one vast crime syndicate, legitimised by offering a minimal level of welfare to the public in select circumstances — a protection racket that Covid has ended by attempting to murder us all. There are many subtle “pathways of corruption” that enable this thieving doppelgänger, and it takes time to spot them and rebut their effect. The police are “shy” here for a reason — long prison sentences await if caught out.
I hope this missive gives you a shortcut so you can repel these criminals in uniform and seek justice for your own losses. I am in a good position to file a High Court claim on the basis of this, depending on what response I get. They are likely to become adversarial given the situation and consequences, and so be it — I am not the right person to pick on as I won’t back down and cannot be intimidated. What is worse, this kind of criminal behaviour by authorities is treasonous, as it denies us our constitutional rights. What is the penalty for treason, I wonder? Maybe we will find out, soon. I wouldn’t want to be an agent of a belligerent government acting for foreign interests, waging war on its own people.
Thank you so much for representing all of us by responding to this with your informed ability to call them out on their crimes against humanity, Your efforts are making such an important difference in shifting us from contracts to covenants, one encounter at a time. Your name in my inbox gives me a steady surge of hope for a brighter future for all. Bless you, Martin.
Absolutely. All operations of police in the UK are indeed completely unlawful and illegal. I recently served an affidavit and lien for £60 million upon the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police, based upon there being no consent or contract between government (a corporation) or any subsidiary corporation such as police and courts with the fraudulently governed. No such contract exists. As such, the individuals in costumes hiding within the fictional government, police and courts are committing criminal fraud (as per their own Companies Act 2006, Section
44, Execution of Documents, which requires wet signatures on contract with full disclosure etc.), malfeasance in public office and willful terrorism.
The root problem can be identified in terms of specific issues in consciousness (which are patently clear and obvious), and is the basis for their ignoring of the truth and facts, their unconscious, unethical and illegal bulldozing forward, using force and terrorism when more subtle, sneaky methods such as mind control, coercion and intimidation haven't worked.
We are in a very sticky situation all round.