Thank you for this, Martin. Once again, you manage to articulate so perfectly how we all feel. I have pinned all my hopes on 2024 being the year of our liberation. I don't know what I will do if I am wrong! One thing is for certain, I cannot continue to do what I am doing, I will have to make serious changes simply to cope with it all. Move house, pull up the drawbridge and keep the world out. I have learned to hibernate well these past four years. Your ability to continue to "put yourself out there" is a testament to your courage, commitment and love for humanity. It really is all about love and no one knows this better than you. xx

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I love reading your updates Martin, so articulately documenting what we are all going through. On the one hand life seems to unfold “as normal” and on the other hugely contradicting narratives are toying with our minds and attention, taunting and confusing us. A calm space within and choosing not to engage with any of the manufactured “narratives” seems to help one hold steady. Wishing you wonderful things in the year to come amongst the fireworks. 🙏

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Once again Martin, we have turned to prose my deepest thoughts and experiences. I am as you, some days more able to enter the matrix, many I can't. As the sequestering serves to minimize the toxic onslaught it leaves me isolated and mostly bored which then turns to despondency. There's barely a day goes by without crying. I can only affirm that this is a positive thing as I have a friend who feels nothing at all anymore. This is experience is like slogging through mud. May it end soon as more and more of us are lost every day.

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The battle rages on, internal peace is hard to find and can be fleeting. But know this, you are loved and prayed for by many. We will see this through.


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Thank you, Martin. I agree with the posts of the 4 previous commenters and can't improve on what they have said.

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Dear Martin,

You are indescribably revered for the love & hope you give us through your words. Just when I think I might lose it, there you are echoing our thoughts & experiences, helping us maintain a foothold in this crazy reality. Thank you so much for your profound truth & perspective.

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Hang in there, Martin. That’s all we can do at this point, put one foot in front of the other and just live life. You are so dialed in, which means you know too much. I find myself on an every-day basis thirsty for knowledge. Even though I know how painful it can be, I read everything I can and listen to videos every day. I couldn’t stand not knowing what’s going on at this important time in our history. I’d rather know than not, and had I not been in the know, COVID would have been very different for me, and I wouldn’t have known what I know financially and be as prepared as I can be. It’s a double-edged sword, but there’s nothing normal about what’s happening to us. I think we all knew why we haven’t been seeing as much from you lately, but there’s no more important time in life to be compassionate and understanding. We all feel your pain. Sounds like you’re doing everything you can to survive these tumultuous times. Good on you!❤️

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BOING!!! Ding, Dong!! Did anyone catch the Katt Williams video with S. Sharpe??? I had never heard of the man, didn't even know he was a comedian!! But one of the people I keep an eye on posted it & my Guides made sure I watched all of it!! Despite being a 79 year old White Grandma, despite not understanding much of the Black Jive, I GOT it!!! Hurrah for me!! He completely dismantled the culture we live in & has done so for years by just being his own Person, living in his own integrity!! His parents are Jeh. Witness & he was forced to leave home at age 13 & learned as he went along just how this Clown Show all operates!! And he Trumped it!!(pun intended!) Here in the U.S. the effect of this interview seems to be sending ripples out that are continuing!! Another score for The Great Awakening!! We each have played our own part, however small that may seem & we can congratulate each other for the impact we are having on our Realm!! Way to GO, People!!! ;-)

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Thank you for sharing your journey, all of it. We all have demons to be slain...it inspires me to carry on with my battles when someone so admired, intelligent, honest, strong and humble as yourself faces hurdles. Looking back can sometimes reveal more triumph than expected. Praying that the future holds continued energy and discernment for us all.

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I am so grateful that someone has matched my experience so excruciatingly well! I am in your debt and one day I hope you will let me take you out, dance with you, celebrate with you and give you a loving hug for bringing me to the surface once again! I have been drowning today because I was so high yesterday! It is so hard having variable frequency days! You helped me to know that I am not alone, not insane and I will fight one more day and continue to focus on the prize, the best version of myself. Thank you so much, Sharon

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Dear Martin, I for one so appreciate you sharing your inner thoughts and realities with us! Truly shows that we are not in this all by ourselves; it will be very interesting to see how we all come out "battle- hardened" at the end of all this. Deep down I know that this evil can't be eradicated overnight but I sure wish it was over! So ready for the end of this movie :)

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Thank you. I totally relate. 🙏

As a Believer in Jesus, I can identify Biblical prophecy (Old & New Testament) fulfilled constantly in today’s world events, especially as I look into the more covert aspects.

Biblical prophecy is a great comfort, seeing how faithful & loving the Lord has been to warn us in great detail. And reassure repeatedly His control over all as He works out His epic phased process of contending with layers of existential evil...a big part of what all human history has been about since the fall.

Personally, I could not begin to have courage to survive or even comprehend the endless red pill realities, except that for me it began to dawn in my teenaged study (40+ yrs back) of biblical prophecy. That, and the Lords reassurance that He never leaves or forsakes those who believe in Him. He knows very well how to guide & protect us thru the trials of this life. I can testify He has done that for me and my comrades.

I pray against the witchcraft & hidden entrenched programming of repulsion that causes ppl to disbelieve the precious Gospel of peace.. a perfect Gift.

“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”

-1 John 4:4 (New Living translation)

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