A humble home below a powerful palace
The extraordinary tale of Michael Humble and his inspirational drive for justice
Life sometimes throws stark juxtapositions at you. Over the last few months I have been to Bishop Auckland in County Durham several times — to attend the Kynren historical re-enactment, walk through the deer park, and gaze at the winter light festival. Auckland Palace looms above the rivers Wear and Gaunless, it being the home of the Bishop of Durham, the fourth most prestigious position in the Church of England. Even though the town itself is an economically deprived area, the ancient buildings embody splendour and luxury on a grand scale.

The establishment church has enthusiastically participated in the Covid genocide, with our bioweapon-hit families now suffering from increasing rates of heart failure, stroke, and cancer. Meanwhile, encamped at the bottom of the hill below the palace, is army veteran Michale Humble. He suffered a traumatic brain injury from an IED in Basra, Iraq, and will sometimes lose his focus mid-sentence. He has been there since the autumn of 2022, yet has continued to serve his country in an unofficial capacity, enduring great persecution by cowards, through lawful resistance to the mass murder.
I attended a court hearing in August that was mysteriously de-listed, and you can read the story here:
This is a chance to tell Michael’s fuller story and showcase the conditions he is living in. You won’t see this situation highlighted in the Northern Echo newspaper, that’s for sure! I hope that someday Michael is recognised as the true hero he is, and serves as inspiration for others as an exemplar of fortitude and perseverance under severe adversity. Michael has lost everything — health, career, child, home, savings, transport, friends — being left only with a friendly small dog called Mush and his integrity. Yet he is arguably the most free man in Bishop Auckland, and spiritually far more blessed than the bishop atop the hill.
To reach where Michael lives you start at the car park near the town centre, which overlooks the River Wear, one of the three major historic and industrial rivers in the North East of England, along with the Tyne and Tees. A former railway line, now converted into a road, scenically traverses just upstream along a viaduct. When Michael tells his story of dangerous orders from army bosses and having to dodge explosives in Land Rovers, it is hard to imagine that this is a war zone too, and in many ways a more barbaric one.
Down below on the flood plain, on common land with traditional public access rights, is Michael’s impromptu hovel. Let’s hold back for a moment on how he got to be here, and the struggles he has had, to focus solely on the physical.
For the first winter Michael lived here, he staying in this small tent in the frost, until it was eaten by the rats. Many suspicious people came by. For instance, he once had a police operative, pretending to be another homeless member of the public, turn up at 11.30pm. They desperately wanted him to be a drug addict or alcoholic, but he is not, as he lives a clean and healthy life outdoors. Even the dog is clean, getting dunked in the river after a muddy walk!
Michael later upgraded to this larger donated tent, which still stands. However, being a man of action and a former bricklayer accustomed to DIY construction, he took scrap wood and made himself somewhere to live, complete with wood-fired stove. The floor is under renovation right now, as the rats are a little persistent, appreciating the shared shelter on offer.
I had personally walked past this spot before I came to know Michael, but had no idea of the backstory. One man, who knew the dangers of mindlessly following orders due to his military training, stood up against the local political establishment as they falsely imprisoned and assaulted children. They then closed ranks to make an example of him and bully him into submission, but failed. Now they are over-extended due to their corrupt and criminal actions against Michael, and fear exposure and accountability. Homeless men don’t get followed by infrared drones unless they are a threat to someone misusing their authority!
Here is Michael’s vegetable patch, although the hen coup is still awaiting the arrival of his hens four months later than the photograph was taken, which are being housed nearby still. Rather obviously, Michael is a man with a message, who seeks to serve and protect — regardless of circumstances. As you can imagine, it is the message that offends those in power, and has resulted in this living arrangement.

When Covid came, Michael immediately saw through the scam, and notified his son’s school headmistress in writing in September of 2020, with no reply. He did it again after a month, and ten months later there was no reply. Then he did it a third time, and they didn’t get back to him. They used excuses about it having to be reviewed by their legal team, to evade personal accountability for their own actions.
So Michael went to the school, and explained how military technology was being installed into schools, the psychological attack of Project Fear, and the potential harms of mask wearing for children. He passed on references from experts like Barry Towers on the risks of WiFi in schools. Michael also served his local MP with notice, and local councillor.

In 2021 he got his son a phone, who then got nosebleeds. At school, his son looked it up on Google Classroom, which allows the teacher to see everything the pupils are doing. His son showed his classmates how research on EMFs indicated that there could be harms. Michael was then accused of using his son to scare the kids and needlessly make them anxious. What followed is an injustice many of us have confronted, whereby other family members then alienate our children from us when we dissent from the official narrative.
Our apostasy from the death cult must be punished by banishment. Based on complaints from the school, intervention from social services, and hostility from the child’s mother, a council employee, Michael was denied access to his son. There were no court proceedings or protection order — a summary injustice. He hasn’t seen his son in three years, yet knows the love is there, and those responsible will regret it in time, as his son knows what’s true. Friends helped raise £14,000 for legal fees to help him get access to his son, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Michael was exercising his free speech right, and protested the gross invasions of civil rights under the Covid regime by standing on roundabouts in Bishop Auckland with banners. He says all the mothers should have been there with him, yet they were not, to his regret. These messages highlighted the complicity of the police in breaking their oaths of office by facilitating crimes including murder. When you point out that those we are taught to trust are acting in a predatory manner, it isn’t popular with the political establishment. So they cooked up a scheme to “get Michael”.
In 2022 Michael got a phone call on behalf of the headmistress, falsely accusing him of harassment. They always pretend to be a victim when they are actually the offender! By coincidence, a 5G mast was vandalised locally, not by Michael (although he has sympathies with whoever did it), which was a trigger for police action. The school, council, police, and child’s mother aligned to stop Michael from being a thorn in the side of the powerful, and he was arrested on the pretext of harassment — a summary offence that needs special permission for an arrest, yet no such paperwork has ever been produced.
Instead of being charged with harassment, he was instead falsely charged with resisting arrest, and the harassment was “no further action”. Of course, the police video evidence has conveniently “disappeared”. Michael was strip searched at the cells in Durham, and assaulted by six officers. He was left naked with shorts too small to put on, and a urine-soaked pillow, as a humiliation ritual by sadists.
It isn’t just Michael who has suffered at the hands of the police. His mother has been threatened with arrest too, and his father barged onto the ground, with video evidence. The whole family is under pressure for their history of resisting official corruption, which goes back to 2017 and Michael protesting unlawful eviction orders. They have been followed, intimidated, and surveilled without just cause.
Meanwhile, Michael continues to appeal his wrongful conviction. At the trial hearing for resisting arrest there were no preambles, case management was done irregularly, he was not allowed to have Mark Steele (weapons expert) act as a defence witness, and they did not look at his defence bundle. As such, he was denied defence in law, and has been convicted without due process. The Crown Prosecution Service barrister has changed three times, and the judge has changed four times. This is not justice!
When you meet Michael he is a true gentle man. I could easily have raised funds for him on the back of my articles, but I know he won’t let me, so I don’t even ask! (Michael doesn’t have a bank account anyhow.) He doesn’t even allow me to give him a lift without chipping in diesel money. No matter how much hardship is thrown at him, he perseveres. It is like meeting a titan of faith.
We went into a cafe in Bishop Auckland, and being Michael, he insisted on paying, despite being homeless and on minimal welfare benefits. I don’t know who the clergyman is on the left just outside the bishop’s palace, but I can assure you that the homeless veteran on the right is as godly a man as you will ever encounter. I hope he is blessed with justice — soon.
Praying for Michael, as a good and Godly man, who has risked his life in so many ways because he stands for the truth of God. Thank you for sharing his story and please thank him for us as we stand with him across the miles! His story gives me strength to carry on for truth and justice for all--may you be reunited with your precious son, Micheal! He is so blessed to have you as his earthly father!
The corruption here is off the scale but sadly, something we've all now come to expect as 'normal'. I pray there will indeed be a reckoning - not only for Michael but also for the army of other souls penalized by the current, very broken, system.