I listened to Andrew Bridgen MP speech in the house of commons,my MP and most others failed to attend.They know that safe&effective was a lie and that the actual trial started when the product was injected into the populace (the trial product was not the same as the product injected due to industrial upscaling).
We are paying our taxes to a corrupt and sinister regime which seems content with harming its citizens , how does it have any legitamcy to govern ,the whole thing is a scam and there greatest fear is that we wake up.The services where I live are being destroyed and there is currently no access to NHS dentists. We have no real representation and a collapsing economy and social services (unless your wealthy). It could be suggested it is our moral duty to withhold payment but like all battles we need strategy and understanding of the enemy to wage a successful campaign.
Thanks again Martin. The problem for me and I'm sure many others is that I live with someone who will not agree to stopping payment. I've tried to have this "tax" put in my name but my clowncil say no and state they will "go after" all people "registered" at this address. They won't take my name off electoral register either. I stopped payment last year and it really backfired on me bigtime and affected others too. I know many more people are waking up to the truth and refusing to fund massive corruption and I applaud them and will join them as soon as I am able to. These clowncils are really showing themselves up now for what they really are. Tyrants. Something which resonates with me is what I heard a couple of years ago from someone I listened to who said. " There are a lot of good people caught up in really bad systems". To all the good people everywhere I agree with Martin it's time right now to stop complying. ♥️
I have stopped paying Council Tax, water bill, parking fines etc and now only give £100 per month for my energy bill. I could not do this without the support of my husband. You cannot fight on two fronts, it will make you ill. The opportunity will come for you to do what you want to do, in the meantime, God know what is in your heart, so do not worry about it. xx
Thankyou for this. You're right in fact my husband, son and daughter are not awake and I've found this hardest to cope with. Now I've detached and try to plant a seed now and again. Being Taurean my instinct is to charge ahead so I'm actually quite proud of myself and I know in my heart the right time will come. ♥️
I do know how you feel, Margaret. My two elder children will have nothing to do with me because I refused to have the jab and I voted for Donald Trump! My elder son, a doctor, stopped speaking to me three years ago, his final words to me were, "Mother, you and your generation are irrelevant. You lack wisdom and intelligence and I am ashamed of you." I have tried everything I can to make peace with him, but he will not respond to me. My daughter stopped speaking to me because I asked her not to vaccinate my two little grandsons as I could see the detrimental effect the shots were having on them. She became enraged with me because I tried to tell her that the WHO vaccination program was corrupted. She was furious because she holds Bill and Melinda Gates in high esteem. She trust them more than she trust me, her mother! I realised that they have been so wholly brainwashed that nothing I said would resonate with them in any way. I miss my grandchildren and I'm sure they wonder where Nonna and Grampy have gone! I have no idea what excuse my daughter gives for the fact that they never see their grandparents! I have no idea how any of this will unfold. Will they, someday, accept the truth and seek me out for reconciliation? My hardest job now is to simply forgive them and pray for them. There are times when I am overwhelmed with grief and anger because I do not know what I have done to make them distrust me so much. I worked hard to be a good mother, trying always to make my children my priority. I have no answers. It is all in God's hands now and as it says in the prayer, Desiderata, "no doubt the world is unfolding as it should". We can only pray and get on with our lives the best we can. The only consolation is that there are many millions like us out there, Margaret, all waiting for friends and family to return to us. I will think of you when I pray for my own and I look forward to the day when we can both look forward to closure.
God bless you Brendaria. At least I still see my grandchildren and my children still speak to me. As I said I know in my heart that our children who have good hearts and have been brainwashed by these demons will awaken and we will be there ready to help and forgive. I don't speak to them about what we know and pray for their awakenings too. Thankyou for including me in your prayers as I will include you in mine. Remember THE BEST IS YET TO COME. ♥️🙏👏
Like you, Martin, I am doing my best to defy the evil Controllers. I receive the threatening letters and texts every day telling me that I will be arrested and that they will force their way into my home and remove whatever they like. I have become inured to their posturing as no one ever shows up to arrest me! This abuse is truly maddening but, it pales into insignificance in comparison to what is going on with the children. My friend has two children in a very famous public school. Her children are exquisitely beautiful and talented, aged 4 and 7. They have been targeted, no doubt, by the KM. Her children are being subjected to sexual grooming, when she defied them, they sent in Social Services. My friend does not understand the seriousness of what is at play here, although I have tried to tell her. The global elites have had their easy access to children minimized, but it has not stopped! I have watched this opera play out over a period of months and I am under no illusions about what is happening. But, where do you go and to whom do you turn to protect the children when the very people that should protect them are the predators??!! I pray for this Satanic, corrupt regime to end, I intention it with all of my being. Not for myself, but for the children and the vulnerable who are suffering before our eyes. I know it will end, but please, let it happen quickly! Before it is too late for my friend's beautiful children.
Good for you to fight the good fight. It’s not an easy road to take, but you’ll be able to look back and be proud you did what you could in this upside-down world to keep it honest and proper. There are so many situations where I look and say where are our leaders? Wouldn’t it be great if one of them, any of them, local or nationally, would stand up and guide their constituents. When the evildoers were demanding masks, lockdowns, etc., where the hell were they? When the elections are stolen, why don’t they guide their constituents to rallies to voice their disapproval? What members were at the Capitol on January 6 standing side-by-side with their constituents? Oh, that’s right! They most likely knew what was going to happen that day. There are hundreds of different scenarios I could talk about. Now, through the drip and sometimes flood of information we’ve been getting over the years, we’re being shown our true enemies, who’s corrupt, what people, institutions, who works for us and who doesn’t, just as in the Speakership problems we’re having, they’re being forced out into the open, and a lot of them could care less we are finally seeing who the uni-party members are. So we must just keep doing what each of us can and are capable of doing to serve our countries, communities, and children. No regrets - never give up; never surrender. The alternative is something you don’t ever want to happen. If what we’re going through now is tough on you, I guarantee you won’t be able to bear the suffering of the children.
I listened to Andrew Bridgen MP speech in the house of commons,my MP and most others failed to attend.They know that safe&effective was a lie and that the actual trial started when the product was injected into the populace (the trial product was not the same as the product injected due to industrial upscaling).
We are paying our taxes to a corrupt and sinister regime which seems content with harming its citizens , how does it have any legitamcy to govern ,the whole thing is a scam and there greatest fear is that we wake up.The services where I live are being destroyed and there is currently no access to NHS dentists. We have no real representation and a collapsing economy and social services (unless your wealthy). It could be suggested it is our moral duty to withhold payment but like all battles we need strategy and understanding of the enemy to wage a successful campaign.
Thanks again Martin. The problem for me and I'm sure many others is that I live with someone who will not agree to stopping payment. I've tried to have this "tax" put in my name but my clowncil say no and state they will "go after" all people "registered" at this address. They won't take my name off electoral register either. I stopped payment last year and it really backfired on me bigtime and affected others too. I know many more people are waking up to the truth and refusing to fund massive corruption and I applaud them and will join them as soon as I am able to. These clowncils are really showing themselves up now for what they really are. Tyrants. Something which resonates with me is what I heard a couple of years ago from someone I listened to who said. " There are a lot of good people caught up in really bad systems". To all the good people everywhere I agree with Martin it's time right now to stop complying. ♥️
I have stopped paying Council Tax, water bill, parking fines etc and now only give £100 per month for my energy bill. I could not do this without the support of my husband. You cannot fight on two fronts, it will make you ill. The opportunity will come for you to do what you want to do, in the meantime, God know what is in your heart, so do not worry about it. xx
Thankyou for this. You're right in fact my husband, son and daughter are not awake and I've found this hardest to cope with. Now I've detached and try to plant a seed now and again. Being Taurean my instinct is to charge ahead so I'm actually quite proud of myself and I know in my heart the right time will come. ♥️
I do know how you feel, Margaret. My two elder children will have nothing to do with me because I refused to have the jab and I voted for Donald Trump! My elder son, a doctor, stopped speaking to me three years ago, his final words to me were, "Mother, you and your generation are irrelevant. You lack wisdom and intelligence and I am ashamed of you." I have tried everything I can to make peace with him, but he will not respond to me. My daughter stopped speaking to me because I asked her not to vaccinate my two little grandsons as I could see the detrimental effect the shots were having on them. She became enraged with me because I tried to tell her that the WHO vaccination program was corrupted. She was furious because she holds Bill and Melinda Gates in high esteem. She trust them more than she trust me, her mother! I realised that they have been so wholly brainwashed that nothing I said would resonate with them in any way. I miss my grandchildren and I'm sure they wonder where Nonna and Grampy have gone! I have no idea what excuse my daughter gives for the fact that they never see their grandparents! I have no idea how any of this will unfold. Will they, someday, accept the truth and seek me out for reconciliation? My hardest job now is to simply forgive them and pray for them. There are times when I am overwhelmed with grief and anger because I do not know what I have done to make them distrust me so much. I worked hard to be a good mother, trying always to make my children my priority. I have no answers. It is all in God's hands now and as it says in the prayer, Desiderata, "no doubt the world is unfolding as it should". We can only pray and get on with our lives the best we can. The only consolation is that there are many millions like us out there, Margaret, all waiting for friends and family to return to us. I will think of you when I pray for my own and I look forward to the day when we can both look forward to closure.
God bless you Brendaria. At least I still see my grandchildren and my children still speak to me. As I said I know in my heart that our children who have good hearts and have been brainwashed by these demons will awaken and we will be there ready to help and forgive. I don't speak to them about what we know and pray for their awakenings too. Thankyou for including me in your prayers as I will include you in mine. Remember THE BEST IS YET TO COME. ♥️🙏👏
Like you, Martin, I am doing my best to defy the evil Controllers. I receive the threatening letters and texts every day telling me that I will be arrested and that they will force their way into my home and remove whatever they like. I have become inured to their posturing as no one ever shows up to arrest me! This abuse is truly maddening but, it pales into insignificance in comparison to what is going on with the children. My friend has two children in a very famous public school. Her children are exquisitely beautiful and talented, aged 4 and 7. They have been targeted, no doubt, by the KM. Her children are being subjected to sexual grooming, when she defied them, they sent in Social Services. My friend does not understand the seriousness of what is at play here, although I have tried to tell her. The global elites have had their easy access to children minimized, but it has not stopped! I have watched this opera play out over a period of months and I am under no illusions about what is happening. But, where do you go and to whom do you turn to protect the children when the very people that should protect them are the predators??!! I pray for this Satanic, corrupt regime to end, I intention it with all of my being. Not for myself, but for the children and the vulnerable who are suffering before our eyes. I know it will end, but please, let it happen quickly! Before it is too late for my friend's beautiful children.
Good for you to fight the good fight. It’s not an easy road to take, but you’ll be able to look back and be proud you did what you could in this upside-down world to keep it honest and proper. There are so many situations where I look and say where are our leaders? Wouldn’t it be great if one of them, any of them, local or nationally, would stand up and guide their constituents. When the evildoers were demanding masks, lockdowns, etc., where the hell were they? When the elections are stolen, why don’t they guide their constituents to rallies to voice their disapproval? What members were at the Capitol on January 6 standing side-by-side with their constituents? Oh, that’s right! They most likely knew what was going to happen that day. There are hundreds of different scenarios I could talk about. Now, through the drip and sometimes flood of information we’ve been getting over the years, we’re being shown our true enemies, who’s corrupt, what people, institutions, who works for us and who doesn’t, just as in the Speakership problems we’re having, they’re being forced out into the open, and a lot of them could care less we are finally seeing who the uni-party members are. So we must just keep doing what each of us can and are capable of doing to serve our countries, communities, and children. No regrets - never give up; never surrender. The alternative is something you don’t ever want to happen. If what we’re going through now is tough on you, I guarantee you won’t be able to bear the suffering of the children.