i subscribed to support your endeavours, as hopefully it may at some point benefit those who seek a fairer world.

the whole system is nothing more than a scam with hired thugs to back it up.

Have cancelled my TV license and come off the full time voting register and will look into the council tax next.

My previous employer went to great lengths to try and construct my dismissal , i sympathise with you for the stress this situation causes but some times we have to defend our beliefs and when you see the system for what it is then doing nothing is the worst option that can be taken as we become complicit in our inactivity to challenge it.

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There are no words to adequately describe our gratitude for the courageous choices you continue to make to stand up to tyranny and expose the evil system. We send prayers for your protection and strength always.

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God bless you Martin. I hope you have a peaceful Sunday. ❤️

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If everyone had your balls this bullshit would end ASAP! Thanks for providing a road map on becoming UNGOVERNABLE! Blessings!

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Your genius coincides with your passion on this one! Know that we support you and are standing behind you always!

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May our Creator God give you strength and protection through this time. You are a beautiful soul and deserve everyone's love and support. You're telling the truth and defending all of our rights by being brave enough to do so. I am trying to get my name removed from the Electoral Register and they're completely ignoring me. Council Tax etc is the tip of the iceberg as we are all coming to understand now how this goes much deeper. WE are trying so hard to remain in honour always as lawful men and women should be. Stand firm Martin YOU are the honourable caring man here showing the world the corrupt and uncaring bullying system we've been living in. Not for much longer I think. 😍

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I feel your pain Martin. I mean I really feel it. I too have been in dispute with our mafioso and their henchman. Quite frankly, the emotional toll it has taken on me, on top of the pain of being awake through this shitshow, is too much. The crying jags have been endless, but my prayers have been answered as here in "chynada" the CRA and 120,000 other governmental hooligans have "gone on strike". I believe with all my heart this is the good psyop rolled out for the sleepers and they aren't "on strike". They have been dismantled. For now I can breathe. (of note, this fact hasn't been touched on in the truther channels I follow.)

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May God continue to guide you, spiritual warrior.♥️

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Sending love and compassion in bucketfulls your way Martin.

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It's a very reasonable proposition that 'merely stating (over and over) that your action is lawful does not make it so', but it's clear in my own life that I have acted as if this indeed so. I now realize that through my life I have repeatedly made the error of bowing to the person with more power or who makes statements the most emphatically. I have even done this in some cases, knowing full well that the person was legally or morally wrong. These days I don't behave that way. The scale of the fraud that has been perpetrated on the world with the death shot, has been 'mind boggling' from the perspective of our prior innocence and ignorance. Now I realize it's just what the criminals in power do. They have always done it. They will continue to do it. Resistance is not futile but it is extremely difficult, draining and dangerous. What you have already accomplished Martin is extraordinary and your courage in facing down these criminals and their minions is an inspiration to all of us. You are a beacon of light on this sea of darkness and your illumination nourishes many more than you can imagine. These criminals will face justice, sooner or later and preferable sooner. You are not standing alone.

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Understand the stress.

Put an emotional & spiritual chasm between them & you.

Sheild your body & psyche with white light.

God bless you.

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We are you and you are us, Martin. All of us who have refused to comply to the tyranny and blackmail of the corrupt judicial system, who receive the almost daily onslaught of threatening leters and fake summonses; we are all so worn out, but we stand on this hill, no matter what. We stand with you, we love you, we are grateful for you. At some point, this will end and we will, at least, know that we have stood in honour and with courage. I know that I will feel no shame when I am asked by my grandchildren, "What did you do to stop the evil, Nonna?". I will be able to say that I did all I could.

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You are a hero Martin. Doing Gods work. There are days I can barely keep going and on those days I am reminded how the devil is dancing when I’m down. THAT and my family keep me going and I’m not dealing with half of what you’re dealing with!! . I don’t know how you do it but you are a very very strong man and you’re family is very lucky indeed

God Bless you

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Personally, I don’t know where you find the energy to continue … I know from experience how exhausting it is to remain steadfast and committed to making a stand for good when you feel like you’re facing a bulldozer in your mini! The good thing about minis though, is they are more agile but they do need to stop and refuel sometimes, otherwise they run out of gas!

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Consider serving a cease and desist notice with reasonable penalties and a schedule of charges for infringement as this will give a course for action, and create a mechanism to counterclaim or countersue any future actions

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It all must end. We are enslaved at every turn by the parasites. Fighting back is our only recourse. May God protect you and all if us. 💕🙏🏻

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