Another excellent article Martin, a much needed reminder of the reason we do this. It can seem frustrating some days, but this read just recalibrated myself, not to focus on the day to day but the end goal, a beautiful future for humanity and all of creation.

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Like Gavin and Pia, because of you and this beautiful post, I feel recalibrated after some time feeling quite battle weary. Thank you, as always, Martin, for nudging me to 'shed a quiet tear' as I humbly see myself in this message and know and love you all as 'frens'.

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I needed this right now. I freakin luv u Martin!

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Martin. You're the best and everyone here too. All we want is the truth, no matter what. We will never stop. Thankyou for this amazing essay. Love it. You should be so proud of the part you're playing in this movement. It's inspirational.❤️

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I am so very proud of the Anons who fought this covert war when I was fast asleep. I consider myself a truther, but I do so with the grateful knowledge that Anons showed me the way.

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27 days and counting..................

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I love you.......I shed a tear or two......hugs nand xxxxx

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Nice!! We have each been in our "allotted" spots carrying on like we knew what we were doing!! Hugs to all!! ;-)

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Thank you, Martin, it's what I need to hear right about now. It's been so long, but no regrets, whatsoever. The truth will win out and maybe justice will be served.

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No maybe =;-)

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WOW! This is a piece I will read and share again and again Martin. I could not have read this at a better time on this roller coaster journey thru the storm. Thank you.

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Martin, thank you for this, truly. I found Q and 4Chan etc in November of 2017 (and you shortly thereafter). I did not contribute directly but followed it all, interpreted it for some others, got dismissed by most. Tried to save people from C19 and then the vaxxx, and did help a number, but 2/3rds of my family and most or all of my larger clan got vaxxxed despite my efforts. People I respect and who respect me just can't go with the whole Q and Anon thing. I even have had a horrifying vivid dream of entering a cannibal restaurant and have been trying to forget it ever since. I warn people that there are horrors coming, yet I also warn them not to go down the rabbit holes too far, but rather, just know what they are about, as the scarring for them could be more than they can bear. Over these years I have been frustrated by the slooooow process of waking people up yet have come over the past 2-3 years to see how critical it is that we go slow. Anger is coming, and justice, and then something glorious. Thank you for your part in it. You have paid a heavy price to do a great deal of good.

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Wow - the best ever and a good one to bookmark (aren't they all?)

Yes, tears shed.

**Does anyone know when JFK said that quote above???**

Does anyone know how to donate to Martin? I don't think he sees comments, and I can't afford $700 to upgrade. But I can't find any other way here and I don't remember how subscribe star works or login. Pleeeeeze . . . . .

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I found his website - you can donate there. Hoping it works!

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