Thanks Martin. Wondered when you would post again. Like you, people who haven’t woken up yet tend to drain me and I’ve gone way past opening up “covid” revelations posts etc. I can feel the last “push” by all of us, whether it’s letter writing, keeping cash alive, attending more sovereignty events, serving papers on the government, council and courts. This is a spiritual “war” and yet we remain peaceful and non-combatant letting our minds take on all the activity to continue to seek solutions to end it.
Our dear Martin. Thank you for literally working through this essay to bring your light to us, once again. My empathic self wants to nurture you and say it's ok to take care of yourself first. But I also sense you work things out through your written essays as you reveal to us this arduous process that we all are going through. We cannot thank you enough for you sharing your process, as we share the myriad of emotional trauma and the scars this war has brought. But we are willing participants by being awake. There is no way in hell, I would choose to be asleep. There is no rest till this is over: just breaks here and there to regroup and gather supplies. It is absolutely true that War is Hell.
I feel so deeply grateful for these comments to your incredible essay, Martin. Having others understand and express precisely how I am feeling is of great comfort as we "fight to a final victory or honorable death". . Thank God for 'strangers' as friends along the way. May deep peace be with us as we answer the call!
Can we take this a little bit further? So deeply true for me that this is a Spiritual war. The pain is deep, which you so beautifully articulate the tragedy of it all. If Spiritually we are all one, the internal pain is so deep because we are becoming even more acutely aware of our Oneness. If this then is also true then healing can come from healing the Spiritual divide within ourselves. How to do that? Sitting in the Silence and radiating Peace, Love, Truth, invoking it downward from our "higher" (energetically higher) levels/selves/God-Self and radiating it outward. The hum of a Spiritual collective can shatter the hypnotic hold. Our most powerful weapon is free and always within us. Your articles bring us together in our pain and can bring us to this next step of power.
We will not be silenced and we stand solidly together united in this spiritual war with evil. You, I, We, altogether are warriors for truth and we are steadfast and determined, no matter what, to bring down evil systems and restore justice for ourselves and all mankind. Wow, can't believe I'm saying this. It's not an ego thing saying I'm proud of myself because I am and I'm so grateful to the Universe and all of us out there for standing up for what's right. Maybe now when you've done so much work for good and are so appreciated by everyone, to really concentrate on yourself knowing we're all right there with you in health, peace, much love and best wishes.
A prayer for you Martin. I have spent my lifetime, as an empath crying for the world. Weltschmerz. Most often my tears had a direction. a source I could identify and give me footing. When, I learned of the child trafficking, I cried for a year. It was the year of crying. Now I don't cry as much but it has a different quality. There seems no one source, no direction and therefore no action I can take to help combat the sadness. It is vague and springs forth at any moment, no provocation needed. Joyful moments are few if existent at all. I plod along (if a person down to 100 lbs can plod?) I can only pray our collective tears and angst is heard. As u mentioned , my hope for any vindication is nil at this point. This too shall pass I repeat, over and over and over...
Nothing worth doing ever came easy. I need to keep reminding myself of this. Thank you so much Martin, once again, for putting into words what we are all feeling right now - lots of love to you and everyone! <3
Well said Martin, as always. I'm sorry that you're feeling so stressed by all of this right now. I guess that a high level of understanding combined with a high level of empathy combine to let you both see and feel the dangers and suffering in play all around you - PTSD potential indeed. I feel the war weariness but thankfully, I seem to somehow float on top of the emotional trauma, to find myself in a far better mental state than I was when this nightmare started. For example, I always thought that I was a soul inhabiting a 3D body and that my life would go on after my body finally 'gives up the ghost' - but after much 'soul searching :-), I'm now absolutely certain of it. So, right now I feel like I'm just participating in a crazy theatrical performance called life and I actually find it all rather funny, as each bonkers act plays out with even more craziness than the last one. Perhaps my wife is correct and I'm delusional (she's not asleep but comatose) but whatever the reason for the smile on my face, it provides me with a good defence mechanism that does wonders for my mental survival. We both find solace in nature but whereas your photography helps you to stand apart from the trauma, for me it's anything that induces laughter that does the trick and thankfully, I seem to be able to find plenty to laugh at right now.
I learnt a very long time ago in the course of my highly stressful childhood and later work life, that I had to occasionally 'drop the ball and leave the pitch', say 'eff it' and just completely divorce myself from the immediate mania, whatever the physical consequences. Not all of the time but just now and then to blow a safety valve and drop everything - to have a beer when I should have been in a meeting, pass work on to others that was really my responsibility, accept a financial and unjustified intellectual loss rather than fight through to achieve a just but all too painful victory, etc., etc. Just survival in practice really and now, thankfully, I can manage to stay sufficiently detached to enjoy the show. I really don't care anymore. I'd be cracking jokes in the line to the gas chamber, looking forward to meeting my relatives who've passed. I mean, what the heck? We all go the same way in the end so one may as well enjoy the show while it lasts - warts and all. I can't wait for the whole alien thing to erupt in the skies; sounds crazy but fun. And then what? Real aliens bringing Jesus and Mohammed back to say hello? So crackers but goodness knows and whatever happens, I'm rather looking forward to it. Whatever else life may be at the moment, it's certainly not boring. :-)
"Many of us are weary at a deep soul level, and are experiencing the cumulative effect of micro-trauma, a kind of pervasive background hurt from the constant exposure to wickedness." Exactly. Thank you for describing this entirely unprecedented position of seemingly never-ending grief amid huge waves of despair.
I am so thankful for my faith in God and find great comfort in prayer and the Scriptures. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountain shake with its swelling.....Be still, and know that I am God.." Psalm 46
It's a brutal war on our sovereign individual consciousness. The toll and totality of the abuse, the injustices, the tyranny, the lies and deception, the multi-layered wounds, is like a combined radiation exposure on our souls. "They" are ruthlessly zapping our souls with toxic radiation. It really hurts. The pain gnaws and nags at us relentlessly.
Yet our ardent Spiritual Sparkle radiates back EVEN BRIGHTER. We GLOW with fluorescent spiritual defiance of their ugliness and evil. Just like your beautiful photo of the radiant green leaves, we find simple JOY and solace in nature, in spontaneity, in truth, in the splendour of organic untainted life. Our vibrant spirits are both hardy bollards of defiance and enduring beacons of radiant LIGHT. Bollards to them! Bollards to their hollow heartless designs. Bollards to their Frankenstein robotic Fourth Reich!
Hello Martin. It pains me to hear how you have suffered. I am with you all the way. I have my days as well. There is one thing that helps me. Tapping. I can go down some extreme rabbit holes and then I remember to tap. I am still amazed after 25 years of tapping (when needed) how well it works.
I was just in Hackney. Sorry I didn’t try to connect.
Thank you for putting our feelings into the words that express what is felt so heavily in our soul. We love you, Martin.
Thanks Martin. Wondered when you would post again. Like you, people who haven’t woken up yet tend to drain me and I’ve gone way past opening up “covid” revelations posts etc. I can feel the last “push” by all of us, whether it’s letter writing, keeping cash alive, attending more sovereignty events, serving papers on the government, council and courts. This is a spiritual “war” and yet we remain peaceful and non-combatant letting our minds take on all the activity to continue to seek solutions to end it.
Our dear Martin. Thank you for literally working through this essay to bring your light to us, once again. My empathic self wants to nurture you and say it's ok to take care of yourself first. But I also sense you work things out through your written essays as you reveal to us this arduous process that we all are going through. We cannot thank you enough for you sharing your process, as we share the myriad of emotional trauma and the scars this war has brought. But we are willing participants by being awake. There is no way in hell, I would choose to be asleep. There is no rest till this is over: just breaks here and there to regroup and gather supplies. It is absolutely true that War is Hell.
I feel so deeply grateful for these comments to your incredible essay, Martin. Having others understand and express precisely how I am feeling is of great comfort as we "fight to a final victory or honorable death". . Thank God for 'strangers' as friends along the way. May deep peace be with us as we answer the call!
Can we take this a little bit further? So deeply true for me that this is a Spiritual war. The pain is deep, which you so beautifully articulate the tragedy of it all. If Spiritually we are all one, the internal pain is so deep because we are becoming even more acutely aware of our Oneness. If this then is also true then healing can come from healing the Spiritual divide within ourselves. How to do that? Sitting in the Silence and radiating Peace, Love, Truth, invoking it downward from our "higher" (energetically higher) levels/selves/God-Self and radiating it outward. The hum of a Spiritual collective can shatter the hypnotic hold. Our most powerful weapon is free and always within us. Your articles bring us together in our pain and can bring us to this next step of power.
And Martin's sweet photos bring us together in nature, our human nature.
Your best yet!
You describe our human condition perfectly.
Terrie in Ohio
Perfectly expressed...thank you. At 76 I AM EXHAUSTED but fight on...
We will not be silenced and we stand solidly together united in this spiritual war with evil. You, I, We, altogether are warriors for truth and we are steadfast and determined, no matter what, to bring down evil systems and restore justice for ourselves and all mankind. Wow, can't believe I'm saying this. It's not an ego thing saying I'm proud of myself because I am and I'm so grateful to the Universe and all of us out there for standing up for what's right. Maybe now when you've done so much work for good and are so appreciated by everyone, to really concentrate on yourself knowing we're all right there with you in health, peace, much love and best wishes.
Where We Go One We Go All ❤️
We will not be silenced... Hell no!
I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly - by Five Times August.
Crank up the volume and kick up your heels!
Notable and quotable.
When the cleansed future eventually arrives, this essay will rank among the memorials of a desperate time.
Thank you Martin! In this war our WMD is the truth. Keep the salvos coming!
A prayer for you Martin. I have spent my lifetime, as an empath crying for the world. Weltschmerz. Most often my tears had a direction. a source I could identify and give me footing. When, I learned of the child trafficking, I cried for a year. It was the year of crying. Now I don't cry as much but it has a different quality. There seems no one source, no direction and therefore no action I can take to help combat the sadness. It is vague and springs forth at any moment, no provocation needed. Joyful moments are few if existent at all. I plod along (if a person down to 100 lbs can plod?) I can only pray our collective tears and angst is heard. As u mentioned , my hope for any vindication is nil at this point. This too shall pass I repeat, over and over and over...
Nothing worth doing ever came easy. I need to keep reminding myself of this. Thank you so much Martin, once again, for putting into words what we are all feeling right now - lots of love to you and everyone! <3
Well said Martin, as always. I'm sorry that you're feeling so stressed by all of this right now. I guess that a high level of understanding combined with a high level of empathy combine to let you both see and feel the dangers and suffering in play all around you - PTSD potential indeed. I feel the war weariness but thankfully, I seem to somehow float on top of the emotional trauma, to find myself in a far better mental state than I was when this nightmare started. For example, I always thought that I was a soul inhabiting a 3D body and that my life would go on after my body finally 'gives up the ghost' - but after much 'soul searching :-), I'm now absolutely certain of it. So, right now I feel like I'm just participating in a crazy theatrical performance called life and I actually find it all rather funny, as each bonkers act plays out with even more craziness than the last one. Perhaps my wife is correct and I'm delusional (she's not asleep but comatose) but whatever the reason for the smile on my face, it provides me with a good defence mechanism that does wonders for my mental survival. We both find solace in nature but whereas your photography helps you to stand apart from the trauma, for me it's anything that induces laughter that does the trick and thankfully, I seem to be able to find plenty to laugh at right now.
I learnt a very long time ago in the course of my highly stressful childhood and later work life, that I had to occasionally 'drop the ball and leave the pitch', say 'eff it' and just completely divorce myself from the immediate mania, whatever the physical consequences. Not all of the time but just now and then to blow a safety valve and drop everything - to have a beer when I should have been in a meeting, pass work on to others that was really my responsibility, accept a financial and unjustified intellectual loss rather than fight through to achieve a just but all too painful victory, etc., etc. Just survival in practice really and now, thankfully, I can manage to stay sufficiently detached to enjoy the show. I really don't care anymore. I'd be cracking jokes in the line to the gas chamber, looking forward to meeting my relatives who've passed. I mean, what the heck? We all go the same way in the end so one may as well enjoy the show while it lasts - warts and all. I can't wait for the whole alien thing to erupt in the skies; sounds crazy but fun. And then what? Real aliens bringing Jesus and Mohammed back to say hello? So crackers but goodness knows and whatever happens, I'm rather looking forward to it. Whatever else life may be at the moment, it's certainly not boring. :-)
also PERFECTLY EXPRESSED...I find myself laughing a lot as well
"Many of us are weary at a deep soul level, and are experiencing the cumulative effect of micro-trauma, a kind of pervasive background hurt from the constant exposure to wickedness." Exactly. Thank you for describing this entirely unprecedented position of seemingly never-ending grief amid huge waves of despair.
I am so thankful for my faith in God and find great comfort in prayer and the Scriptures. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountain shake with its swelling.....Be still, and know that I am God.." Psalm 46
It's a brutal war on our sovereign individual consciousness. The toll and totality of the abuse, the injustices, the tyranny, the lies and deception, the multi-layered wounds, is like a combined radiation exposure on our souls. "They" are ruthlessly zapping our souls with toxic radiation. It really hurts. The pain gnaws and nags at us relentlessly.
Yet our ardent Spiritual Sparkle radiates back EVEN BRIGHTER. We GLOW with fluorescent spiritual defiance of their ugliness and evil. Just like your beautiful photo of the radiant green leaves, we find simple JOY and solace in nature, in spontaneity, in truth, in the splendour of organic untainted life. Our vibrant spirits are both hardy bollards of defiance and enduring beacons of radiant LIGHT. Bollards to them! Bollards to their hollow heartless designs. Bollards to their Frankenstein robotic Fourth Reich!
Hello Martin. It pains me to hear how you have suffered. I am with you all the way. I have my days as well. There is one thing that helps me. Tapping. I can go down some extreme rabbit holes and then I remember to tap. I am still amazed after 25 years of tapping (when needed) how well it works.
I was just in Hackney. Sorry I didn’t try to connect.
Bless you.