Wow, Martin…AGAIN you have managed to converge our collectively scattered thoughts into a perfectly and succinctly worded exposition. Very artful! And one that I will keep treasured in my “Epiphany” file of consequential articles and essays. Thanks for unscrambling my rattled brain and reformatting my thoughts into a refined set of words! Martin, I've followed and learned from you since your first posts 7years ago. Over that time, I've been privy to witness your remarkable transformation, each step of the way. And now I've been thinking of my own remarkable journey of evolution. We have truly been transformed…massively! and it totally blows my mind to think how far we've come. No such thing as a coincidence, right? Makes me think of The Potter…throwing that clump of dirt on the wheel and ever so patiently, yet fervently, working and shaping that clay into a vessel of usefulness, purpose and beauty. That's us, isn't it? I have tears streaming down my face right now, finally realizing, after 70 years, who I am and why I'm here. You are a good, very good man, Martin. Thank you for helping me see. And thank you, God, for putting Martin in our paths.❤️

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Thank you for your service and leadership...each article hits me like a 💣💥💨🤘✝️

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Thanks Karen you’ve expressed exactly how I feel every time I read Martins essays. I feel rooted and grounded in love while being shaken and throwing off much of what I thought I knew and being willing to step into all that God has for us.

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So well stated my Fren. We have had seven years to evolve. Somehow we knew we had to keep searching for spiritual truth. We all are connected to Our Creator. All questions are answered. Since silent running I've concentrated on my community one person at a time. Feeling Blessed

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I agree with all fellow commenters about this truly beautiful post. Only a recovering intellectual of your set apart caliber could ever have connected the hemispheres of your amazing brain to grow to such an extent to help lead us on this journey of transformation...we are all Holy As Thou, together.

Thank you for continuing to help us retain our sanity, while challenging us to connect with deep humility so we can reach for the stars! I consider you one of my greatest teacher/mentors and though we have never met in person, a true friend. Thank you more than I will ever be able to express, Martin!

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Thought provoking and inspiring.

Thanks fren!

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Photo from York. Ooh aye.


Kimberly in the photo? Or perhaps I'm mixing up with another photo you took there. Where this lady in the photo was marching with Kim along The Shambles.

Friend of Jenny, who died of cancer sometime in the 1990s.

Farmer's daughter. Cambridgeshire. Believed in herbal remedies. Before the internet. Didn't make it.

This feeds a quiet fire in me whenever I flag somewhat.

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Well, well. This is quite interesting. One of the things about the Q posts that I noticed early on was that Q was often explicitly spiritual, specifically Christian. I also noticed that others as well as myself (who only read) became more aware over time that there was a higher dimension being pointed to. It wasn't just about being sleuths and finding and archiving evils and the people who were doing those evils. It was also about enabling/encouraging the anons and readers like me to return to at least a willingness to believe in a higher power. I think that without that finger pointing at the moon of spirit and specifically of Christ, the Q phenomenon would have achieved much less and been significantly less transformative of the anons themselves. So I'm prepared to believe you have hit on an important aspect of Q here, Martin. Just as Trump's early willingness to say, "Merry Christmas" led to that tradition coming back strongly among our people (along with the people returning to thinking about Christ and how this country is based on Him), the emphasis on Christ by Q enabled the anons to consider higher dimensions, higher powers. That in turn allowed them to see the reality of true Evil in the world while themselves moving higher and away from the potential corruption that same Evil could have had on their search for Truth. Exposure to Evil will certainly have deleterious effect on someone unless they are well insulated from those effects with the Armor of God, correct? Thanks, Martin.

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Does it matter who Q was? Taking an angled approach....what if it was JFK, himself??? For anyone interested in what really happened on Nov. 22, 1963 check out Phil Godlewski's film titled, "JFK 104".

What we DO know is that it woke a lot of people up to what was really going on around us!! It would seem the mantra, "Question Everything" is a good one!!

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Martin, did it ever occur to you, dear man, that women cannot be a part of a "royal priesthood" and that is the reason for the imbalances we are experiencing in every institution in the world? That the reason our justice system is so unfair and without empathy or compassion for its victims and harmful, (even evil) in its intentions to deny justice to all; the reason for the glorifying of those who fight in and wage wars on this Earth; the reason for the vulnerable (children, women) in our global community being used for horrific reasons of profit, blackmail, and ritualistic sacrifice: the reason powerful men can take over every bit of our financial system with their schemes with no moral consciousness; and the reason the Center of the "royal priesthood" of the world, the Vatican, worships Satan/Lucifer, is because of an imbalance and lack of any mention of the Divine Feminine in our spiritual education and morality?

Most men do not even consider that words are so powerful and that one thing is the reason for why we unconsciously acknowledge a masculine-run and priest /patriarchal spirituality globally that is destroying humanity itself and the Earth and the Elemental Kingdom. and is without LOVE or any morality is because of the separation of the divine feminine from the masculine elements of our entire governing system.

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Royal Priesthood as used here includes everyone, me a woman, if the individual spends enough time to learn.

All corporate churches are controlled. Individuals must learn on their own. What we might call intuition is part of our divine connections. I might add that women come by this intuitiveness more naturally. Keep all thoughts possitive and good things are attracted to you.

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I do not view men as women, nor children and neither did our constitution, and neither do most patriarchal societies like Religious institutions. This has been an age of patriarchy and as a woman and female I notice that women are not considered to be important which means they are not part of any Priesthood that I know of. But Wishfull, can you imagine a matriarchy which did the same thing to men? It did not work either.

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