Ascending through the "spiritual bends"
We are rising from the depths of enslavement to maritime law, but unequally so
I would like to share with you a metaphor for the spiritual change we are going through, a parallel that is designed to assist couples who are “unequally yoked”. Many of us are reflecting deeply on how we got here, at every possible level, including how our parents came into union, how we have tried and failed at various relationships ourselves, and the dysfunctions of our families in the moment. We wish to escape the endless cycles of suffering that repeat in our lives and across generations. Intrinsic to that quest is understanding how we have been quietly enslaved to usury via the banking and legal systems.
Each of us has been taken out of the jurisdiction of the land, and “submerged” into the law of the sea and international commerce. Our governments have ceased to represent us, and instead predate upon us from birth, using us as collateral for their debt bondage system. Discovering that you have been silently enslaved is not a nice experience, and most resist even examining the evidence, since it is so painful to confront. Hopefully we will soon be shorn of these chains of fraudulent courts, fake fines, and theft via unconstitutional taxes. Nonetheless, it doesn’t resolve the deep structural misalignments that now exist in society, especially in our domestic partnerships.
Recognising that we are “land creatures” who have been “dragged into the deep” offers a way of reframing any contention between couples that are “ascending” at different rates, and find themselves enduring increased separation as they cannot occupy the same “depth”. We have each been burdened and weighted down in different ways by trauma and our pasts, and it is not a personal judgement to realise that shedding that spiritual ballast cannot be done all at once; indeed, to do so too fast is dangerous, as we are not meant to rush straight to the surface. Each of us has a “spirit body” that can only tolerate the “ascension” at a certain maximum rate.
That we are rising up at all is to be celebrated. Our “matrix dive buddy” has a different spiritual body, and tolerance to changes in “mind repression pressure”, so this comparison is no flattery or damnation of ourselves. You can be a fabulous swimmer, even, yet still only be able to climb gently, lest you get the “spiritual bends” that endanger you. We were not meant to be submerged involuntarily, so it is no reflection on character or performance to restore your “buoyant body” to the land level at the rate that matches your physiology. As a corollary, it is no abandonment for the person who was well-adapted as a life partner “at depth” to move upwards as they “seek the sunlight” above.
The temptation is to “look across” and complain that we are now at different submarine plateaus, when the only job is to “look up” and seek the light at the rate that is safe for ourselves. As we shed the dense load of worldly ways we naturally surface, and there is no harm or foul done by ceasing addictions or rejecting distractions. The partner we knew is no longer the person they were, but the idea that they had to match a fixed snapshot is a constraint we have imposed, not a moral growth limit they have to maintain. Not everyone is meant to reach the surface and freedom, either; that is their choice, and it is wrong to drag them up in our own will.
I hope this aquatic ascension reframing metaphor is useful to you, especially the focus on us never having chosen to be “drowned in commerce” in the first place. Marriages and civil partnerships are not spiritual suicide pacts, so if one party can’t tolerate the necessary rate of ascent in the “sea of surety”, that is no reason for the other party to feel guilty or having failed them. Our choices in the past were in an unconscious mode and optimised for our wellbeing in a covert system of tax harvesting; we were “compatible” for the environment where everyone operated out of fear of “running out of oxygen” to survive the thieving authorities.
As a concluding thought, the idea of immersion is obviously also tied to baptism, albeit with a very different connotation. While I am no expert on theology or the symbolism involved, a possible interpretation is that the watery world of commerce is built upon self-will, and all sin is opposition to divine will. When we emerge from the waters, it rebirths us outside of the maritime law, and back under God’s law. However, the religious world sells the idea of “get wet for discount salvation”, focusing on the easy words shorn of the hard ascension works, and trapping people in the “wet ink” world of contracts, denied the “solid” covenant.
Adopting the baptismal form without the sovereign substance tricks church-minded couples into imagining there is spiritual alignment where there is not. A more nuanced metaphor of forced submersion into the “merchant ocean” may help explain how recovery from silent enslavement on the human farm naturally bubbles up imbalances. Nearly every trusted institution seems to be a captive operation of the enemy, and recognition you have been duped into counterfeit sacraments to bind you to the watery underworld is too awful to bear. Not everyone is meant to ascend into the fresh air, or is capable of doing so. The “spiritual bends” are a real danger, and not all souls can be saved.
A thoughtful (as usual) and gentle, but powerful, reminder that relationships however complicated, need self awareness. Addressing the emotional state of failing another person is pain that need not be carried.
Almost every time—if not every time—I read Martin clarity and calm result.
"We have each been burdened and weighted down in different ways by trauma and our pasts, and it is not a personal judgement to realise that shedding that spiritual ballast cannot be done all at once; indeed, to do so too fast is dangerous, as we are not meant to rush straight to the surface. Each of us has a “spirit body” that can only tolerate the “ascension” at a certain maximum rate."