A thoughtful (as usual) and gentle, but powerful, reminder that relationships however complicated, need self awareness. Addressing the emotional state of failing another person is pain that need not be carried.

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Almost every time—if not every time—I read Martin clarity and calm result.

"We have each been burdened and weighted down in different ways by trauma and our pasts, and it is not a personal judgement to realise that shedding that spiritual ballast cannot be done all at once; indeed, to do so too fast is dangerous, as we are not meant to rush straight to the surface. Each of us has a “spirit body” that can only tolerate the “ascension” at a certain maximum rate."

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Sorry, people.....but when we incarnated here we happen to be on the bottom rung of the ladder in this particular Universe!! I just got into The Urantia Book & turns out Jesus chose THIS planet for His incarnation as it is "disordered & disturbed"!! How good is that?! Describes it to a "t"!! For anyone interested in knowing what The Urantia Book is about, check out Byron Belitsos book, "Reason and Revelation"!! Apparently, the Heavenly Hierarchy is so complex we can hardly comprehend what it is all about!! We can't even understand what our own lives have been about.....but,,,, we CAN give each other hugs & thank each person who has been there to help us along on our own Personal Journey! Thank You, Martin!! Hugs from this Grandma!! ;-)

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Yours is the best writing I have come across in a looong time. Thank you so much for this piece, Martin.

Deep, truthful, bang-on pertinent insight, loaded with heartfelt compassion. Also reflecting my experience, my anguish so accurately. Brought me to tears.

Subscribed 🙏

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We can always count on you, Martin, to tackle the gritty issues that most would rather leave untouched for fear of what might crawl out! Over the years, I have met so many couples who are "unbalanced" in their spirituality, to the extent that I have often wondered how their relationships worked. I have known friends and family members in marriages where one person is a devout Christian and the other party is an atheist! How does that work on a daily basis, especially when children come along? This has always seemed to me to be one of the biggest setbacks with "multiculturalism". How much easier and safer it was when humans lived within their tribes and everyone knew and understood the "rules" and why they mattered. I think of the culture and customs of the indigenous Native Americans and feel a sense of envy for the solidity of their way of life, despite the precariousness of it. I do believe that we are going to see a huge migration of people back to their own countries and cultures in the future as I can't see how humanity can continue to function as one big global "melting pot". Humans function better within their own tribes, which is why the Deep State created forced migration using wars, pandemics, etc, forcing large numbers of humans to scatter all over the planet. The Council on Foreign Relations was established in the US for this main purpose, the beginning of the planned weakening of our cultures in accordance with the Deep State playbook. Marriage is hard enough, but when it involves two humans from disparate cultures and religions, separated from families and generations, it can be unbearable for the party that is alien. Our ability to ascend spiritually is so much easier if we are, at least, living in a happy union, a "yoke of oxen" going in the same direction. I suspect that, when the dust settles, many unions will no longer exist in their current state. Souls seeking a life which is framed in the harmony of Divine Creation will not cope with an atheistic lifestyle and vice versa! Restructuring is inevitable if humanity is to evolve in the right direction but it will not be easy or quick. Somehow, I think these are matters already being discussed and developed at the highest levels and have been for a long time. The foundation of the Golden Age of humanity is going to be a challenge that will require several generations to solve, but we will get there.

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