Wow, great article, Martin. You've gotten to a central if not the central issue in our lives - Do we have God in our life or something else? Maybe you're finding your next "Q"-type role, to help/coach people how to integrate God into their everyday activities, no matter what those activities happen to be, which I believe (as others do) is *the* central issue in healing our world. What would our world be like if we all lived in the Divine all day every day? God certainly never forces us to choose Him, but He can show us what happens when we do not do so. We see it all around us now, and are going to have our noses rubbed in it over the next several months as dreadful crimes are exposed.
He is posing that Choice to us every day, it seems. I'm heartened to see that more and more often, people are Choosing to say yes to Him. The interesting aspect I find in this choice for me and others is that so often, we assume that Choosing God means we have to be locked into constant (boring!) religiosity, but it seems to me that a person who Chooses God ends up with happiness and self-expression, among other gifts. Look at you and your growth path - a great example!
Somewhere in that aspect, we have been subtly misled, and I'm not sure how.
Martin, your word smith ability is a pleasure to behold, again and again.
God bless you on the good path as you proceed in a good way. Our lives certainly do change upon learning the purpose of life, the answer to the grand question, to make our personal connection to God and apply God's guidance to our focused intent of love to those we meet on the path. It is a blessing for many to be able to see the potential of man's future and I am thankful for your shared insights.
Dear Martin. Bravo! Your wisdom also pertains to the wacky world of modern medicine. We are lost without Divine Intelligence. I don't use the word 'God' to sidestep endless debates about limited form. God is formless. Thank you.
I guess one would need to define exactly what one means by the word, "God". People in the Western mind set would immediately think of the "God" of the Old Testament. We now know the word "elohim" is plural but was translated in the singular which means our whole Belief System has been based on a mistaken translation! Check out Hebrew Scholar Mauro Biglino's "Gods of The Bible". The work of Anglican Priest Paul A. Wallis is helpful, as well, with his series of "Eden" books!
Wow, great article, Martin. You've gotten to a central if not the central issue in our lives - Do we have God in our life or something else? Maybe you're finding your next "Q"-type role, to help/coach people how to integrate God into their everyday activities, no matter what those activities happen to be, which I believe (as others do) is *the* central issue in healing our world. What would our world be like if we all lived in the Divine all day every day? God certainly never forces us to choose Him, but He can show us what happens when we do not do so. We see it all around us now, and are going to have our noses rubbed in it over the next several months as dreadful crimes are exposed.
He is posing that Choice to us every day, it seems. I'm heartened to see that more and more often, people are Choosing to say yes to Him. The interesting aspect I find in this choice for me and others is that so often, we assume that Choosing God means we have to be locked into constant (boring!) religiosity, but it seems to me that a person who Chooses God ends up with happiness and self-expression, among other gifts. Look at you and your growth path - a great example!
Somewhere in that aspect, we have been subtly misled, and I'm not sure how.
Martin, your word smith ability is a pleasure to behold, again and again.
God bless you on the good path as you proceed in a good way. Our lives certainly do change upon learning the purpose of life, the answer to the grand question, to make our personal connection to God and apply God's guidance to our focused intent of love to those we meet on the path. It is a blessing for many to be able to see the potential of man's future and I am thankful for your shared insights.
Dear Martin. Bravo! Your wisdom also pertains to the wacky world of modern medicine. We are lost without Divine Intelligence. I don't use the word 'God' to sidestep endless debates about limited form. God is formless. Thank you.
I guess one would need to define exactly what one means by the word, "God". People in the Western mind set would immediately think of the "God" of the Old Testament. We now know the word "elohim" is plural but was translated in the singular which means our whole Belief System has been based on a mistaken translation! Check out Hebrew Scholar Mauro Biglino's "Gods of The Bible". The work of Anglican Priest Paul A. Wallis is helpful, as well, with his series of "Eden" books!