I love this Martin. It will be interesting how they try to spin this multiple ways. I think you will have a lot of folks right behind you waiting to turn in their letter of “resignation” of being governed. If a child can be emancipated from their parent then why can’t one he emancipated from being governed ?
I love this Martin. It will be interesting how they try to spin this multiple ways. I think you will have a lot of folks right behind you waiting to turn in their letter of “resignation” of being governed. If a child can be emancipated from their parent then why can’t one he emancipated from being governed ?
I love this Martin. It will be interesting how they try to spin this multiple ways. I think you will have a lot of folks right behind you waiting to turn in their letter of “resignation” of being governed. If a child can be emancipated from their parent then why can’t one he emancipated from being governed ?