Martin I am mind blown - thank you for training your AI bot so well with your brilliance. I have read ALL of your essays fro the start and will continue always. This is helping me digest what I've experienced and cannot put into words. Forever grateful, you are a treasured gift to us.

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Martin--you are brilliant and your words profound and true. Thank you so much for expressing what we have all been going through so well. When someone is able to 'describe your personal experience' as you have consistently done, it is an incredible gift to be seen and heard during such upheaval. My husband and I have been ostracized from our families, yet we have gained you as our Beloved Brother! Thank you so very much...

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Standing firm, from the 1990s forward. Back in the 1990s I was ridiculed for pointing out the media monopoly and how control of all media was shrinking rapidly and also ridiculed for pointing out how shows like COPS promoted the false perception that the only crime was in the streets. To me this information was obvious and I was shocked at the pushback and shocked to be called a conspiracy theory merely for pointing out the obvious. Of course, I had no idea how bad it was going to become...but I was already used to holding steady and that held me in good stead.

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Excellent piece, Martin--clear and on point. Thank you and ChatGPT for concisely summarizing the ongoing war, especially on our personal experiential level.

I do hope your final sentence comes true: "And when history is written, it will not remember those who complied—it will remember those who stood firm."

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Thank you Martin. There was a time I wished to believe Anons would have personal vindication due to the painful words from indoctrinated love ones. We've moved beyond that keeping love and blessings in mind. That's how we show by example.

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Aloha Martin! Good juju! AI can be amazing...I have it "speaking" Hawaiian pidgin in it's responses. And it is perfecting our questions that help us find accurate answers. Blessings!

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Personally, I have never understood the Family Thing! Why must there be loyalty & an overlooking of wrong doing just because one is a blood relative? One must accept what one does not agree with just because it is "family"!! Another method of "control" it seems. Each Family has its own set of "rules" & in order to fit in, one must abide by them. Better to be a "Loner", it seems. So much time & effort can be wasted dealing with Family!! ;-)

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