Well done Martin, now that Chat GPT has 'got it', all we need to do is wake up the army of humans who don't - including most of my family and friends. I think we're getting there - but oh so slowly!
Martin, when someone goes through this kind of retraining of ChatGPT, does it propagate outward into other people's analyses of related topics, or does ChatGPT "lose" the thread of knowledge once you end your session? If the latter, then this is a cool analysis that has no impact except through your writings here and isolated to this post. However, if it is the former, then we the People may have an ability to "turn" ChatGPT and perhaps other AIs such that they become much more our allies. This propagation could occur simply as an unlooked-for effect of more and more patriots and patriotic analysts running more such analyses than the number run by the Woke and gradually "waking up" the AI by altering the corpus of knowledge/information it uses over time. Or if it learns specifically from sessions like yours, then perhaps the army of digital soldiers could mount a concerted effort to retrain the various AIs through conscious efforts to make the AIs "think" differently or from different assumptions.
What do you think of this? Is it a one-off effect soon forgotten, or can it be propagated through conscious retraining by thousands of digital soldiers?
Wow! What a great synopsis of our ongoing struggle. Martin, in a relatively short piece you've covered a lot of ground and perfectly summarized many aspects of this war--5th Gen warfare, the battle to define reality, "truth", information saturation, censorship, lawfare, the Q op, the resistance, and more. I'll keep this as a reference to help wake up anyone who is seriously starting to explore the rabbit hole. Thank you!!
Excellent and informative article, Martin - good thinking to see the opportunity to use AI for this. it may be that is where comprehensive analysis by AI s such as ChatGPT can distinguish truth - as weight of evidence of reality and facts lead - from lies and propaganda and therefore could become part of the truth-revealing mechanism.
Off topic......We are living through a major Galactic Happening! Only happens every 3,654 years! Since about 2009 our twin solar system has been crossing ours & the 8 some planets, moons & asteroids have been hanging so low in our sky, we thought they were our sky!! For a quick catch up on this, check out the SAMUEL HOFMAN interviews on Radio Wasteland! Back in 1978 at age 17 he wrote a paper about this & gov't agents showed up in his parents' living room & he was made to sign a 30 year NDA about all this!! Another secret we Normies are not supposed to know about!! Pictures from around the world have confirmed what is going on. Montana Sky Watcher is one place to see them; Nibiru Followers Anonymous is another! The interaction between these bodies & our planet is what is causing all the weird weather & odd lightning!! Remember the herd of reindeer that was electrocuted?! Or the rain dumps happening worldwide?!! For nearly 15 years these people have been following its trek through our own galaxy. We do not bump into them because of the repelling factor. Those that knew about this ahead of time didn't want us to know about it.....Why???
Brilliant let AI expose AI. However in my mind with real intelligence its hard enough to discern the truth way trust artificial intelligence? Worksofwords.live
Well done Martin, now that Chat GPT has 'got it', all we need to do is wake up the army of humans who don't - including most of my family and friends. I think we're getting there - but oh so slowly!
We are with You, Martin, and You with Us
Thank Q
In using ChatGPT, you have boldly stepped on ground where I would fear to tread.
Experiment looks a success.🙂
frick... This is good! Be proud Martin!
Martin, when someone goes through this kind of retraining of ChatGPT, does it propagate outward into other people's analyses of related topics, or does ChatGPT "lose" the thread of knowledge once you end your session? If the latter, then this is a cool analysis that has no impact except through your writings here and isolated to this post. However, if it is the former, then we the People may have an ability to "turn" ChatGPT and perhaps other AIs such that they become much more our allies. This propagation could occur simply as an unlooked-for effect of more and more patriots and patriotic analysts running more such analyses than the number run by the Woke and gradually "waking up" the AI by altering the corpus of knowledge/information it uses over time. Or if it learns specifically from sessions like yours, then perhaps the army of digital soldiers could mount a concerted effort to retrain the various AIs through conscious efforts to make the AIs "think" differently or from different assumptions.
What do you think of this? Is it a one-off effect soon forgotten, or can it be propagated through conscious retraining by thousands of digital soldiers?
Wow! What a great synopsis of our ongoing struggle. Martin, in a relatively short piece you've covered a lot of ground and perfectly summarized many aspects of this war--5th Gen warfare, the battle to define reality, "truth", information saturation, censorship, lawfare, the Q op, the resistance, and more. I'll keep this as a reference to help wake up anyone who is seriously starting to explore the rabbit hole. Thank you!!
I couldn't comment any better than that 👏
Once again, an excellent and very useful article. Thank you, Martin.
Excellent and informative article, Martin - good thinking to see the opportunity to use AI for this. it may be that is where comprehensive analysis by AI s such as ChatGPT can distinguish truth - as weight of evidence of reality and facts lead - from lies and propaganda and therefore could become part of the truth-revealing mechanism.
"They" create an illusion, each One of the People sticks to the reality. This is how We the People win.
Off topic......We are living through a major Galactic Happening! Only happens every 3,654 years! Since about 2009 our twin solar system has been crossing ours & the 8 some planets, moons & asteroids have been hanging so low in our sky, we thought they were our sky!! For a quick catch up on this, check out the SAMUEL HOFMAN interviews on Radio Wasteland! Back in 1978 at age 17 he wrote a paper about this & gov't agents showed up in his parents' living room & he was made to sign a 30 year NDA about all this!! Another secret we Normies are not supposed to know about!! Pictures from around the world have confirmed what is going on. Montana Sky Watcher is one place to see them; Nibiru Followers Anonymous is another! The interaction between these bodies & our planet is what is causing all the weird weather & odd lightning!! Remember the herd of reindeer that was electrocuted?! Or the rain dumps happening worldwide?!! For nearly 15 years these people have been following its trek through our own galaxy. We do not bump into them because of the repelling factor. Those that knew about this ahead of time didn't want us to know about it.....Why???
Brilliant let AI expose AI. However in my mind with real intelligence its hard enough to discern the truth way trust artificial intelligence? Worksofwords.live