A friend reached out this week as one in the family was jabbed and seems to have gotten a "bad batch". Naturally, this was a source of great upset and sadness. That said, the victim is not visibly damaged at present as a result of the injection. We can cross our fingers and hope that it ends well: either that this was a saline injection, causes no harm to this individual, or that some kind of mitigation or therapy is in place for any hurt.
I have been going through the grieving process with my own family, and having to (temporarily) sever ties with those who abuse me. Hardly anyone has ever died in my life — I have only been to one funeral of anyone close, ever. So I am a beginner at working through the process of loss, whether for the deceased, or the “living dead” from mass psychosis. After many sleepless hours I realised (with some good advice) that I was stuck at the “bargaining” stage. It is time to move on, recognise I have no power to make the others treat me with respect, and guiltlessly focus on my own life — without them.
Which takes me back to my friend. My advice was to "bracket" the situation around the relative issue: this relationship with “other” has on one side our relationship with “self”, and on the other our relationship with “all”. (Some may wish to use the “G word”, others “society”; reframe this thought in your own cosmology.) All three require attention and alignment for us to be in balance internally and harmony with the world.
Relationship with self
The first step is to recognise that you are not the victim, and are not injured or dying. This has not changed: your relationship to self is stable. The ideal response to bad news about another is to double down on self-care and activities that bring you personal satisfaction. I am not an expert in bereavement, so maybe this is an absurd suggestion, but perhaps we can “joyfully grieve” by not letting go of our own love of life?
Admiral McRaven gave a commencement speech where he advised the young to form a habit making their bed at the start of each day. I myself have taken his advice — literally as a result of his speech — and no longer leave my duvet in a misshapen pile. As evidence of my devotion to discipline, here is my own (sadly single) bed, exactly as I left it to go for a bath this morning:
Sure, it’s not going to get me a job as housekeeper for a prized mansion: it is only about my psychological attitude, in that I am setting off each day as captain of my own ship. (I fold the duvet back so the bed can air a bit in summer — so you get to see the horror of wrinkled sheets, I am afraid.) By making my bed, however haphazardly, I am in a position of empowerment rather than victimhood. My very first action is one of routine and motivation to care for myself and my lived environment.
We also care for ourselves by cutting loose ties that don't serve us and drain our energy; rescuer fantasies are best kept to fiction books. We must deal with our own traumas and demons first, before we use the surplus life force to help others. It is not selfish to love yourself and say “no” or “not now” to demands that would encroach on our essential health and healing activities.
Relationship with other
The all cause mortality data is in, and these injections are killing people, not saving lives. There is no debate, and if you think there is one, please consider whether you are the victim of social engineering and vicious propaganda — you may be in a death cult. The only matter of contention is whether it is a product of greed or genocide, and the evidence is very strongly in favour of that latter hypothesis.
While there are lucky countries like Haiti and Tanzania that have mostly escaped the poison poke, hardly anyone in the Western world is going to escape unscathed, one way or another. By the times this is done we will all know people who were injured or killed. Some people were forcibly coerced (e.g. in care homes or the disabled); a few had impossible choices (like get urgent heart surgery denied if you refused the jab).
Most made their own choices and it was free will, even if lacking informed consent. It is not on the “unjabbed” that the “jabbed” ignored the dangers. You can still have unconditional love for the injected person without condoning dumb acts. There are consequences to their choices, and they have to bear the burden. You are not obligated to care for someone who is in distress after you have warned them they are on a suicidal path. It may be done on a compassionate and humanitarian basis, but it is no longer a moral duty.
Don't torment yourself with possible bad futures that may never happen. A good piece of advice I heard, in the context of cancer patients, is not to grieve for those who have yet to die. It is a waste of energy, as the timing is wrong, and they may miraculously recover anyhow. When you find your mind wandering into the past (regret) or future (worry), ask yourself whether those ruminations are serving you.
Relationship with all there is
When we look at the wider world, some of us believe in the ultimate triumph of good over evil. In my book I gave my own cybernetic view of why evil doesn’t scale, which is framed in (somewhat restrictive) view of classical (rather than quantum) computing. Whatever the cause, there are valid reasons to believe that “good wins” at a long enough timescale, and compartmentalisation and control always collapses in the end.
As such, we can accept bad things have a higher purse, even the murderous loss of loved ones. We might not live to see that higher purpose; no human may. It is an “information residue” in the vibration of everything. This benevolent belief cannot be proven, because we cannot conjure up multiple universes and run controlled experiments to gather data over unbounded time periods. Eventually you have to rely on faith that there is a humanitarian life-giving purpose even to transhumanist genetic genocide.
I have been wisely counselled that the world to come may not suit everyone, and indeed those who naively trust wicked authority may be a danger to others. People who succumb to these injections may, under different circumstances, have fallen for the next trickster that came along, with even worse results. They were not meant to be the progenitors of a reformed humanity and refounded culture. In the blackest form of humour ever devised, a failed eugenics project will accidentally clean up our genome base: the meek are inheriting everything… because the prideful didn’t make it.
Many of us are forced to watch as onlookers while others dear to us get sick and die. It is easy to be morose under these circumstances. Rather, we should stay focused on creating the new world we want, and mindful of gains to come, as well as losses that present now. The costs are visible first, and it may seem like we are in a perpetual downward slide, but this is just the passing of the seasons in human civilisation. There has to be autumnal decay and death, so as to create the wintry compost for the springing of future generational crops — and summertime spiritual flowering.

Is it possible that Martin is both a wordsmith and a mind reader?
I can't love this hard enough!! 💞💖💝💥