It is a privilege to walk with you on your spiritual journey, Martin, even if some of us are a few paces behind or in front. And, although we are souls having a human experience, our human bodies and minds must take on the brunt of our experiences, as you so clearly point out. As Oscar Wilde so aptly portrayed in "The Picture of Dorian Gray", the quality of our souls is reflected in our human bodies; we either shine with angelic beauty or we wear the corruption of evil in our eyes or on our faces. The toll of this spiritual war can be seen all around us on the way people carry themselves or the way they avoid eye contact, as if it is painful to see and be seen. Each of us must set our own "line" of combat. I am not in favour of martyrdom so, although I always aim for sovereignty, I will weigh the cost of the exchange. I will, if I have to, choose to fight another day, for that day just might be the most important one. Your courageous work has taken its toll, you have nothing to prove to your warrior tribe. We would all rather see you take a well earned spiritual retreat than burn yourself out in the battle. This is a good time for older Martin to become younger Martin while recharging the batteries. Besides, we need you refreshed for the Weekend Truth Festival! xx

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"All you have to do is outlast these lying and thieving bastards, not personally defeat them."

That's standout for me Martin. You're so right.

Thankyou for all your hardwork, honesty and integrity. Your photographs are beautiful and truly capture this place we call earth.

United we stand in dogged determination, love, peace harmony and truth. ❤️

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it's funny but as a fellow writer i've had a similar awakening -- since the eclipse esp, go figure -- about outlasting the fookers, i'll be damned if i let them defeat me -- as well as the realization that our human creativity is what makes us wondrous and special to the cosmos, and probably saves our sanity

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Martin, I recall a story from a Vietnam vet who was a prisoner in the Hanoi Hilton. He was tortured by the same guy day after day. One day it became too much for him. He ended up lying face down in an exhausted and broken heap on the floor, unable to conceive how he could continue, and said, "Jesus, I can't do this any more. You're going to have to do something" or words to the effect that he gave it all over to Jesus. At that very moment his torturer stormed out of the room and confronted his boss, yelling at him angrily. The man was taken back to his cell and never tortured again. Sometimes, maybe more than sometimes, you take it as far as you can and then give the rest to God. Oftentimes, that is enough. St Joan of Arc was asked, well, if God will win this for France, why do you need soldiers? She replied something like this, "It is up to the soldiers to fight the battles and up to God to bring the victory." Your body has its own kind of strength and its own kind of wisdom. If you feel you have carried one of your many burdens as far as you can and that you cannot carry it any further, the time may have come to leave the rest of that burden in God's hands and focus on the battles/burdens your body is still willing to carry forward (if any). If none, then perhaps it is time to leave the fighting behind and instead to begin embodying the kind of person you want to be in the coming Peaceful Land in order to help live that new world into being.

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Awesome, Brother! :)

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Couldn’t resonate with your eloquent words more! Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world Martin. Makes the journey way more bearable! 💖

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Another good one Martin!

The header image (no photos!) and the first line of this post (no writing!) made me think of the constant reminders not to record during the 3-day hearing just concluded at Judicial Center at the Minnesota Capitol… livestreaming would have been minimal cost, and even less cost video or audio recording... Instead the 'rule' was no recording, and $3,000 per copy of a paper transcript is the going rate (but can pay more for expedited)... else the transcript will be finished when they get around to it... meanwhile the public in my opinion has a right to know how things went - me and others in attendance can piece together the key details. Brought my son along and it took much energy, but the people that came from all around the state lifted me up!

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This is the clear indication what Justice has become. What should be free for all people is a business now with prices only affordable by the rich. So wrong. But people can still come and pay by the only value we all have - our time. We must win in the end. It is just a mater of time. More of us came together - sooner the win will come.

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Dmitri, great point about our time. When we did show up, good things happened. 'Prosecution' and their key witness made mistakes. Interesting how that works...

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YES! :All you have to do is outlast these lying and thieving bastards, not personally defeat them. Once the financial system blows up, and their fiat money is taken away, the gangsters cannot pay their bribes and mercenaries." At 70 & 80, Dear Hubby and I are hoping that we live to see - and LIVE - it!

Kudos Martin, that ids a joy to read (your way with words) and many blessings to soothe your soul.❤️

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Martin, I agree with you that we must fight this war. However, you are coming to a conclusion that I have come to because of all the unreasonable, confused, psychological tampering, and spell casting going on. All of which is designed to distract us from what is really true and the only thing that can really empower us and help us remember who we are. But I am older and wiser (70) and realize that wisdom and spiritual connection is much stronger and more successful in a war where spirit and "infinite awareness" (David Icke calls "spiritual connection to ALL THAT IS)is the only real thing and the only way to overcome any of the CABAL systems existing today. Those systems are important as they cause sufficient suffering and trauma to bring us to an awaked state helping us to realize that raising our own frequency and being the best version of ourselves is the only way to create the world we know is where we belong. As long as you are focused on fighting what is contrived, fictitious, made up and really a hologram created by AI to trap you and take your energy and power, you will stay in HELL and its lower density constructs.

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