Everything you've written resonates with me, again. Once we begin to "see" the world we live in for what it truly is and negotiate our way individually through the shock and realisation of the lies literally everywhere, then it's a massive wake-up call to break free. Your heartfelt stoicism and undeniable talent, written and photographic is truly inspiring, as is the beautiful soul and man you've become . I thank you for everything you've done and are doing right now, no matter how difficult, to provide solutions and make the right honourable changes needed going forward. You've certainly helped me and for that I'm eternally grateful. ♥️

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Very good - "The effect of Babylonian spiritual beliefs on society is so ingrained and unexamined that it cannot be reversed in an instant. You could have 24-hour TV telling people the hidden history, and instant reversal of all the iniquitous laws, but the consciousness of enslavement to persons takes time to develop. We have to come to terms with our own existence, and that of our families, being the result of choices influenced by enemies of humanity, using hidden hand mechanisms to corral us into corrupted versions of familiar relationships."

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The placards and posters (so poignant) photographed will be looked back on, analysed and recognised for their originality and meanings. Martin may have captured many of them not recorded elsewhere. History in the making.

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rather than see a "fix" of our current lamentable situation, from any direction, seems to me to be resolvable by staying in high frequency and watching the false matrix dissolve around us, i don't have the energy to fix the world

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look in the mirror and start where one is

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Beyond amazing 🙏

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Totally resonates. But we all agreed to come here to play those roles to remember who we are. Bad and good play a role to help each other. Some take the role toooooo far to say the least but everything is of the Divine. So we have to forgive and let go the painful emotions trapped in us so we can allow more of the Divine back into our hearts.

The only way is love and seeing it through the bigger picture of the Universe. I have empathy for all now after 4 long years of battling through trying to find my divinity again. I still have long long way to go but I do empathise that this who took the game too far will have already long ago faced their Karmic lessons at the hands of the Divine or worse still their higher self who will be facing them with the worse parts of themselves for evolutionary purposes.

But we all took part because we have the power by belief and our own energy entanglement to have made bigger changes. But we sort of knew it was not a good world and ignored it and played out our own realities without sending much love and peace energy and thought to those we knew were in a bad place. We all have contributed to this unknowingly at one level but subconsciously we did know our egos hide our subconscious from us and the challenge as evolving souls is to remember who we are despite the veil of amnesia and feel the love.

Many people have done exactly that but not enough until now. Another divine plan to help us evolve

All is well in the world. It’s just the egos of many have to catch up and it’s a slow process because the nervous system is delicate and hence many have decided too much at this time for them so they return to the love of the divine and leave us to “battle” our own egos until we collectively are agreed. Painful as that is, I can’t think of another solution and am so grateful for the support we have had.

Much love Martin. All great and very valuable experiences and your writing helps so many of us find our true selves again. 💜

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Does anyone have an idea of what the soul of the collective is or will be after the Awakening?

I’m not even sure that the abstraction that is “the collective” could ever have a soul in much the same way that a “group” thinks in the activity of “groupthink”. Help!

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I think we already decided. Our higher selves/future selves meet in the astral to plan the ethics and tactics of the game every night Sometimes I remember dreams and a day or so later the action will be replayed and help me bring up long buried anger for release without harm to anyone else now I’m aware.

New way of learning won’t be polarity but floaty and collaboration. Much better IMO.

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I'd like to think we'd be like lions. Their souls are peaceful, playful, yet guard full. When one steps out of line, the rest unite , attack the agitator until peace is restored, often without the pride leader. The collective will hopefully be at peace, but willing to , without fear attack the agitator. That is a soul I'd love to love.

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