We spend a lifetime undoing the chains of our childhood brainwashing!! 'Nuff said!! ;-)

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“There is nothing holy about a system of control to compile an inventory of the human herd, and ensure compliance with the asset management policies of the slave owning class.”

This is a perfect statement of current human reality in my view, the highlight of an excellent take on a difficult subject. Every moment of life presents the opportunity to realise that the "other" is in actual fact the real Self - but no moment is so charged with that opportunity, for everyone, than the moment of authentic union with another human being in the human realm. That is the hook - and that is why there is so much extraneous garbage that has been attached to it in our modern, alienated culture. When our culture matures in this sense, it will be unrecognisable from the present point of view. And as for the 'progressives' thinking for one moment they are lurching towards freedom with their utterly disrespectful (self and other) licentiousness - ... bless. That's a long road to take on.

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Brilliant! U put into prose my own gut “knowings” of marriage. I reflect with embarrassment how little thought I gave to “getting married “ years ago. I can only say I am thankful I went through these war years free of this particular bondage.

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This makes my head spin, as I, too, only began to grasp the sacred energy exchange in this awakening, and it has tossed a grenade into my marriage. I do believe if both redirect toward a divine union without state interference, the family can be recreated in a sense. But man, it’s daunting, undoing the MTV/« i have needs » brainwashing. Actually sickening, because I knew when I was coming of age that the societal views did not gel with mine. But I believed I had to settle. Ugh. This hurts.

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I agree with what you say, however, I would add that if you "marry" someone you have entered into a consensual contract that means you both must "manifest life together", forever. This is an entanglement that makes the exact dynamic that keeps people from ascending to a higher frequency. One partner is an energy vampire while the other is drained and so... you become cocreators of a mediocre, addictive or habitual existence (and stay in it because of religious dictates or the fact that one partner owns everything and the other has nothing). The CABAL has created this dynamic by defining social roles for the sexes, who is the "head" of the home, setting up the divine masculine and feminine to be imbalanced in us and in our relationship with others. I see it in most of the generation I belong to.

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Martin I can’t thank you enough for your profound essays. Of all the things I read in the week they make me think the most. And your most recent one will need some chewing over. What is marriage. Some days it’s hard to untangle what is the convention and debt slavery system and what is God ordained and beautiful. My young people challenge me on this front regularly. It’s hard after a life time of church and being asleep. When we step outside of the system we are left with the question, how then should I live? Thank you

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When I first read the headline, I thought it was going to be about politicians in general or the Democrat party!

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