The level of corruption that has infiltrated every system is incredible to become aware of. Not only do they depend on general compliance, but they count on attrition when people give up and give in---I believe they chose the perfect person since you have the capacity to outlast them with your knowledge and passion to turn the tables over on these criminals!! We are with you all the way as this shift MUST happen on every level! Keep us posted--many prayers coming across the waters!

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You're absolutely right. I am challenging my council too. The corruption and fraud is rife basically in every system and the more of us who question and stop complying the quicker it ends. ♥️

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The game is afoot!

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Martin, would you please write more about what you've broached with this phrase, "As long as sufficient numbers of us — perhaps one in ten — consistently refuse to “go along to get along” then these criminal schemes cannot sustain themselves"? Anything you could say which explains how this works, combining statistics modeling and psychology would be supportive.

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If and when you need, just publish the phone number of these officials - and emails - and I will personally call and email each and every one each and every day. Hmm - you have HOW many subscribers?????

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Excellent letters challenging the authority of the self anointed. The intentional failure to include a signature, so that responsibility cannot be identified, appears to me to open liability to the entire entity of selfanoints! If it’s practice to do so & they are showing you that it is their practice, then they are all in on it.

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Martin, I would be surprised if most who follow you and support you wouldn’t also like to take part in supporting a legal fund for you, since you are in actuality fighting for all of us and are paving the way. I excitedly pledge $100 USD and would ask that you would email me, call me or just leave some kind of a link of where I (or we) can donate to such valiant cause! My email is Yeshuais4me@hotmail.com and my cell phone is 1-515-218-5904. Blessings, Paul Richardson

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Once again, pure genius and above normal fortitude! Thank you for being the shining example of the way forward for ALL of us! May YHWH bless you and show favor on your efforts!

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"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." -Thomas Paine

"The real virus is corruption. Let’s control that." No, let's eradicate corruption. Viruses don't exist, but corruption is the bane of all human systems. End it. Now. "Going along to get along" is prima facie corruption. May we all rise up with the resolve and vigor of Patrick Henry who said, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

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💪🏋🏻‍♂️ fight fight fight

With honesty, courage, tenacity, and faith, we fight on

What I have learned in the last few years is that our freedoms depend on a small minority of people being absolutely intolerant of the normalisation of lawlessness. As long as sufficient numbers of us — perhaps one in ten — consistently refuse to “go along to get along” then these criminal schemes cannot sustain themselves.

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