I myself am vibing. I started out 4(!) years ago fighting and swinging but not anymore. The matrix encounters begin with ptsd symptoms and end with breathing exercises to rid myself of the noxious energies. I am wired much like u Martin, however u seem to be able to still throw a good punch. Mine is more like a whimper. I feel like the “sweet spot” for this war to flip has passed for us truthers and I also have concluded that isn’t the primary concern of the alliance. It appears the “primary concern” is with the masses as they hold the most power for destruction. We r like the bright kids in the classroom who sit quietly in the corner doing extra math problems as the teachers focus on the slowest.

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Martin, eloquent as always and I have the same experience having been fighting with the state for 3 years over unlawful contracts and obligations. It ruled my world apart, my family apart and I continued thinking I was helping save others. I think the saviour complex is part of the Cabal programming that brings those of us with a spiritual connection to the surface so we can be identified and taken out. The only reason I hadn’t fought it before was I was unaware- the state I’m sure my soul kept me in to keep me safe until now.

I felt huge guilt when I found out how the world really worked, guilt for not having done my bit during the majority of my lifetime to stop it.

Like another commenter above I have suffered such personal pain as I’ve had to dig into that programming to understand was it really my true self or was it a social programme I was unaware of planted deep through one of their teaching institutions.

I have had PTSD symptoms, with a fear programme running through my body for 3 weeks while I observed it petrified I wouldn’t be able to release it and not recognising myself as I’ve never experienced anxiety in my life but now I totally empathise with those that have. Petrified of what else I would manifest for myself in that low vibrational state.

I think this was possibly part of the plan, those that recognise it and feel the distress it causes their soul are the ones that dig away to release the programming so the can put down their arms in the “Game of life” to ensure it stops the awful Hunger Games.

When people start to see the Game for what it is and put down their arms - then the others also lose interest and the Game stops!

After much soul searching I believe we can change the world to a much better place energetically than we can physically in the 3D by focusing with love and kindness in the World we want rather than the world we have inherited and by disengaging our energy in the past and focus on the present with those intentions and actions the future will become what we’ve all been waiting for. Humanity has to drop the warring ideology at all levels! We are all one and as each of who put ANY negative warring energy out receives it back we will all soon put down our arms! Us first though - we’ve seen the light!

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Game analogy is fitting.

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Finding balance in this world of constant war is challenging intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, socially......

On this Easter weekend I'm so grateful to be reminded of the example of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 53:9

He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.

I don't claim to be expert on any of it - (except maybe the medical side more so) - but we all face these challenges, and Jesus remains our example.

Receive HIS lovingkindness, HIS healing, HIS mercy - and seek HIS guidance in which wars to fight now - and which are for the supreme battle - which we know we have already won.

22 And he showed me a river of the water of life, [a]clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of [b]the Lamb, 2 in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve [c]kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3 There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; 4 they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. 5 And there will no longer be any night; and they [d]will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illuminate them; and they will reign forever and ever.

6 And he said to me, “These words are faithful and true”; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show His bond-servants the things which must soon take place.

7 “And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is the one who [e]keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”


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The prayer: And may HIS river of abundance flow to you and through you! IJNWP

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Scripture References:

Hebrews 53:9, Revelation 22:1-7

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I believe we have to follow YESHUA's example. We are in the world but not of the world. HE changed people by HIS teaching and example. The LORD GOD gave us the answer to healing our land. Humble ourselves, repent, seek HIS face, will and way, put HIM in first position in our lives..then HE will heal our land. Always be in direct contact with HIM, listen to HIS voice and obey HIS will. HE gives us a job to do, be willing. Be aware of Satan and his followers and their ways. Believe GOD is; believe HE sent HIS SON to pay the price of our sins; believe YESHUA is indeed GOD'S son; believe in HIS promises. Also believe HIS words on what is to come because people refuse to change. We have choices every moment. Either for GOD or for Satan. Each of us is ultimately responsible for the outcome. Be for the world or be for GOD. HE tells us the path is narrow. We are seeing a tiny example of where we will go if we follow Satan in this war against GOD. Decide wisely. Your life and future does truly depend on it.

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Compelling reading-best yet, I believe, tho in a world of input overload, I'ts hard to be sure. Thank you for your work.

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“…the constant challenge: to be in the world, yet not of the world….”

This framing sets the challenge… is it not possible that the ‘problem’ is in the framing - and so is the ‘solution’?

You are not ‘in’ the world. The world is in you. Your rational, ego-and-language-bound self is indeed in you, as it is also in (and of) the world. Your clash with the criminal mediocrity of the language created legal world is an encounter between parts of you. It is not for your parts to decide between themselves what is in your best interests to engage with - it is up to you. Your parts cannot decide anything - they just tick along, mechanically, as they must. If your world brings you to deal with something, you know it, it is inescapable. So deal with it. If you don’t have to deal with it, don’t. It is all you. By all means point out their criminality, to them, and then pay the bloody fine and walk away. This place costs us all, every day. It is also the biggest freebie ever invented - the ultimate rabbit out of the hat freebie.

I once publicly admonished you , years ago now (I was drunk at the time!) for pushing out your art instead of writing political analysis - and that was all about me, then, not you. My point is that you can only do this for you, and you can only do it now. Saving the world is saving you. Challenging the mediocrities of the world is challenging the mediocrity in you. If you’re tired, refresh yourself. If you need picking up, pick yourself up. It is Easter. It is a direct reminder that the most terrible calamities can befall the individual self in the world, and ultimately what is REAL about that self is utterly indestructible, forever untouched by any time and circumstance. From the first time I read your writing years ago until now, I have never doubted that you are bringing something unique and special to this world, at this time, that the rest of us here benefit from, that we perhaps need. I prefer your political analysis to your photos, and your courtroom shenanigans with mediocrity, but I choose what suits me now and discard the rest. I see no reason why you cannot do exactly the same.

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The photos are an enjoyable accompaniment to the music of your prose. Thanks also for mentioning the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto...

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so glad to read this! been worried you'd get caught up -- and down-- in the legalese of a soul-sucking system -- Wilhelm Reich called it emotional plague, yonks before the current manufactured one -- and you're right about "pointing at the path" in whatever way we each can, using our energetic resources as cannily as our financial

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