Wow! Martin, you are so gifted with thought and word. I loved reading this essay and will read it again. So much there. Thank you for your light on this new path we ( that are open to it) are navigating. Bless you 🙏

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I love this, Martin! I love that you are willing to share your thoughts and perspectives with us. It is a very exciting journey we are on!

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Very well expressed. The journey my partner and I are on is running so closely parallel to yours, as you describe it here. Your thoughts about the process are a real help to us as we plunge into the essentials of Christianity. We prefer to describe ourselves as disciples of Yeshua, listening intently to his word and feeling our way with questions like would does baptism or immersion mean for us. I love your need for it to be in nature in living water. This feels like my need too, and your essay is so formative in what you are proposing. Thank you and blessings to you in Jesus' name.

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My first read this morning, Martin. What a lovely way to start my day! I will be reading this one over and over, it is a "Martin Masterpiece"! xxx

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Thank you Martin with gratitude for Living Water...

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Hi, Friday was a great subject and talk. I am looking for the letter you shared. Any clues on where to find - anyone?

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For anyone wanting to read a more complete story on The Life of Jesus, I would suggest The Urantia Book. It was a big Lightbulb Moment for me when I realized the Roman Gov't had taken "Christianity" & turned it up-side-down!! We were given only the texts that fit their agenda of control!! Jesus came here to show us how to LIVE!! Imagine how different the world would be if each of us were to daily live out The Love of The Father. Jesus showed us how to do that! God is Love has become such a flippant phrase....it is difficult for us to really fathom that The Source of All is the Source & Fountain of all Love!

He draws us to Himself by loving us....that is why it was such a relief for me to discover that the "God" of the Old Testament was NOT the Creator of All. Again, The Controllers did a great job of confusing us!! To Baptize or not to Baptize....that is the question!! ;-) We each must sort things out in our own minds. Remember, this IS a Journey....we have never "arrived"!! On another note, I was surprised to see Miram Delicado has gone Public once again! Her main encounter was back in 1988. Her own Journey has been unique! We each contribute our piece to the puzzle, content in knowing we are working for the Greater Good, whatever our Belief System might be!!

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