I feel so humbled and deeply grateful to be moving through this period of intense insanity with my physical, mental and emotional health reasonably intact and my spiritual health energized and expanded, Martin, you and those who learn with you are my comrades now and forever!

Many thanks to all of you, WWG1WGA

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Thanks, Martin. This one sentence alone is an excellent precis for understanding the world we are confronting as we are forced to live in it: "a fully infiltrated criminal state working as a captured operation for international cartels."

Intensely ironic and just flat out weird that the media denied the elite trafficking networks in the midst of both NXIUM and Epstein's arrest.

One last observation: Independent thinkers who read extensively and observe know the ring of truth when they hear it. Those who are not independent thinkers tend to believe what they are told--which is sort of like buying an opinion, really. They get frightened and bury their heads in the sand.

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I love Q. I love being part of the Q team(in my tiny way), I love that I landed on you and your analysis of Q. I feel some pride(perhaps not good) in my ability to see all of this so clearly. I have a secret, deeply harbored wish that the normies would read this but I know that is fantastical. I do want some vindication even though I know in my spirit I shouldn't need it. I wish the normies could see how unbelievably brilliant the Q thing was. We are Q comrades for life, the rest of them well, I guess it's their loss. One of many. Thankyou again Martin. I love ya.

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Great content, as always, Martin. Although I have high expectations for your contributions, I do not take them for granted. I am deeply grateful and appreciative of your work.

Why do we read, research, love, seek community, etc.? For myself, I recognize a compulsion to feel I am not alone. I used to seek vindication, but as I discover, accept, and appreciate my authentic self, enhance my intuition, and expand consciousness, I am letting go of seeking external validation.

This psychological warfare we have endured has been a crucible, revealing, in word and in deed, how exceedingly narrow is the path of righteousness. And that the way is through.

Reflecting on the Q drops and research from the perspective of this article, gives me greater appreciation of the phenomena. I had been focused on external fulfillment of the Q drops, so much so that I became frustrated when things didn’t play out the way I wanted. Now, I realize the benefits of these reveals are intrinsic and internal. In a way no doubt intended by the Q team creators, all the while I was focused on external changes, I changed profoundly. My mind has been opened, from within, to change. As I once read, “we don’t resist change, we resist being changed.” I realize the Q intel and research, especially contributions from Martin both by precept and by his experiences, have been a profound catalyst in my awakening.

While I had always known, at least theoretically, evil existed, it hadn’t been more than a latent possibility, never experiencing its horrors firsthand. I have remained relatively unscathed during these Covid years, learning to not fear evil as we sojourn through the valley of the shadow of death. It seems the Great Awakening may also be called the Great Separation, as in the sheep (the righteous) from the goats (the evil ones). In this time of great revelation, it is increasing evident many “normies” have judged themselves unworthy of the promises awaiting the awakening. While the normies receive my compassion, I no longer take responsibility for their awakening, nor do I cast my “pearls before swine.” That is, I am more cautious in my dealings with those who remain asleep, and don’t verbally spar with them, no do I seek vindication of the truth or of my identification with it.

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Hurrah for the Good Psyop that woke a lot of people up!! Woo-Hoo!!! What is sad is that so many well-meaning people made fun of Q Followers from their High Intellectual Horses!!! Next subject....the Nibiru System has been traversing our own solar system since about 2009 & the planets have been hanging so low in our sky that we thought it was our sky!! This is what happens every 3,654 years; our Twin Solar System! Back in 1978 SAMUEL HOFMAN at age 17 wrote a paper purporting this. He was made to sign a 30 year NDA. Check out his interviews on Radio Wasteland for a quick update! Such a Momentous Happening & we Normies are not supposed to know about it!!

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Yep - and we’re both still here Martin. 😂😂. Stuff’m - and on we go to a better future, whilst they have an enforced excursion behind bars to look forward to - if they’re lucky.

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WOW. Beautiful overview. Thank you Martin!

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