Martin, I have followed your writings for many years and have found it both interesting and rewarding to follow you on your path, winding as it has seemed sometimes, now finding that path heading in a direction that could prove particularly helpful in what is to come in this world for us all.

But I must ask your forgiveness, as I have filched your lovely picture at the end of your post for inclusion in my folder of Desktop Pictures. Given the subject matter of your writings lately, I find this particular picture like so much of our lives moving forward, seeing clearly only slightly ahead of where we are but with the promise of a rising light in the distance to walk toward in our journey. Thank you for the picture and its reminding function for me, and thank you for sharing so much of your path over the years.

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You spoke about your "aha" moment. I can speak about mine too now. I'm an "anon" and I'm in the wonderful realisation that I'm choosing to be the best version of myself by just being me now. This is beautiful and exhilarating and just so true. I believe we can and are manifesting the life we want now more and more as all of us see this world for what it is. Still a work in progress but there are so many good people doing good things now the best is yet to come. ❤️

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We are each on our own Personal Journey & it is good to share things with each other as we have all had different experiences!! There can be only ONE end to all our "discoveries"....The Source of All!!! I like the way The Urantia Book describes how each of us has a "Father Fragment" within us & we can choose how we wish to react with our Free Will! Blessings on all!!

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