"It’s cool being a king"
You really are a free man on land, not surety to a bond, so act like you are sovereign
On Tuesday I was an observer on a court hearing conducted online, and what happened is of wider significance. The details of the civil case itself are not important, being a contract dispute. The hearing established, if only in initial form and as an existence proof, that courts administering legal persons are subject to higher law, and the superior claim to be a living man puts you outside of the jurisdiction of that commercial court, effectively giving you sovereign immunity. While not a final judgement, but a case in progress, the court was on notice that it was exceeding its authority, and took the potential constraint on its power (and consequent criminal accountability) seriously.
Many courts have the superficial appearance of authority, and use the violence of the commercialised state to enforce their edicts. Yet they lack the legitimacy of being authorised agents of the people, especially when they answer to the Bar Association and Crown corporation. What they are really doing is piracy, but on land, taking maritime law into places where it does not belong. They cannot admit to it directly, you have to be able to read the signs of their submission to your status as a sovereign man on land. They know what they are doing is treasonous and a crime against humanity, but you have to work it out for yourself and not be intimidated. It is jurisdictional trickery, and nothing more.
In this instance, they didn’t want to address the “hot potato” of the “living man as administrator of the defendant’s legal trust” turning up in person to speak as the highest status in the court, above the judge, so they kicked the can down the road. They use phrases like “not get into the detail”, “get proper legal advice”, and “file the proper paperwork” that keep up the look and feel of proper adherence to procedure and being in control. These veiled directives without force of law attempt to redirect you back within their remit, but ultimately it is all noise. When authorities resort to insults like “vexatious”, you know they are saying they have lost the argument, but dare you to find remedy and enforcement in a system rigged to protect the insiders.
The wickedness of what is happening is hard to fathom unless you get to observe it first-hand. Private corporations like the Crown act for a de facto foreign entity, the City of London, and use the population as collateral for a system of debt slavery. Our children are being taken from us, and assigned a debtor status. Many are stolen from families for paedophiles and body parts — we are literally being farmed by the banking class. Each man or woman has a parallel legal person (all capitals on the birth certificate) with a Cestui Que Vie (CQV) trust fund, based on a false presumption of death. Courts, prisons, hospitals, social services, traffic penalties… the whole system silently revolves around the administration of these funds, and imposition of fraudulent liabilities upon the trust’s beneficiary.
Imagine if you will that the state decided to create a social media account for each baby as it is registered, that they could claim when they turn 18, and is held in trust. It would seem like a nice benefit, and who could object? But then, imagine that the state made a commercial agreement with X or Facebook to cover the £10/month premium account fee, and then presented you with a bill as you turned into an adult, with compound interest. That would obviously be wrong; you (as a man/woman) never agreed to it. That your parents tied you into some trust arrangement is not binding on you; a trust is designed to create benefits for the beneficiary, not losses or obligations. Yet this is how the state has been operating for centuries.
You can use legal processes like UCC 1-308 to assert your CQV trust creditor status, and insist that the judge or sheriff, acting as a banker for commerce, respects that fact. What they are doing is really adopting the roles and titles of judge or sheriff, not the status, and using an opaque jurisdiction in fraud. This is a breach of their oath and treason. (Elected sheriff’s in America are an exception and are legitimate.) You can also go a step further than merely asserting creditor status, and also declare your sovereignty “as king under the dome” to administer the trust fund, using an affidavit of non-corporate status. This paperwork was all filed with the court in advance in yesterday’s case.
The jurisdiction of the court was essentially destroyed in advance via multiple routes: under admiralty law, via a complaint of necromancy; under Crown law, by a notice that the purported king was not crowned upon the right symbol of authority (Stone of Scone), with the correct regal crown, and with the lawful oath; and under constitutional law as well (e.g. Bill of Rights 1689, Magna Carta 1215). Furthermore, the court had been given notice of its limited authority, as well as complicity in genocide, and being subject to the laws of war (with cited texts from 2015 and 2023). We actually have the right to form a militia to remove a belligerent and treasonous regime.
It takes real guts to do this, and you have to feel it in your heart and understand it in your head, not just do the paperwork, as these are hardcore criminals in official colours wielding tools of force. I keep hearing horror stories, like pregnant women being forced to go to hospital far away to give birth against their will, as the state regards us as property, and is our master. Social services move children around for profit alone. Families are crushed below the poverty line to stress them, and they naively reach out to police and social services, not realising these are fronts for human trafficking. A child will routinely be taken from the honourable parent and given to a narcissist to create behaviour issues, so they can later be taken into profitable care. A friend says he “cannot describe how vile it is” having fully investigated in person.
Our entire police, courts, and councils are one giant blackmail operation, and many in senior positions know exactly what they are doing. Naturally, we seek our “out”, and while it is possible to use the system itself to reclaim your trust and status as a living man, it is difficult to enforce in practise. It is potentially dangerous if you broadcast your successes too widely. I have personally seen how the energy, medical, and transport mafia crack down on anyone who lawfully asserts their rights and holds the system to account — not all stories can be told here (yet). Authorities only care about money, and not constitutional law or the people. For instance, one police officer notified of genocide with a crime number said “I can’t deal with that, I have to go golfing this weekend”. They feel untouchable.
You are either a sovereign (and own your body and product of your labour) or a slave; there is no in-between status. In my own dealings with Durham County Council, they behave in an abhorrent and abusive manner. For example, when I first wrote to them acknowledging their council tax “notice of liability order”, I conditionally accepted their claim to be owed money, subject to proof of claim that the purported liability order from a court could be shown to exist. They totally ignored that offer, and instead denounced me as a “freeman of the land” — a frivolous evader of their levy, being a term I had never used. The same terminology was used to smear me when I turned up in court last autumn, and asserted my rights as the beneficiary of the trust being administered.
They even have a website that lays out their position as being your master and not your servant — Freeman on the Land and challenges to the legality of Council Tax. They attempt to paint you as a kooky nutcase if you object to their predation, but the court case this week (and the experience of many other activists I know) says otherwise. Let’s peek at the detail of what they say and deconstruct it.
Council Tax in the UK is laid out in the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and its subsequent statutory regulations. This statute was created by a democratically elected Parliament of the United Kingdom which has received the assent of the Crown.
This is their claim to authority: the Parliament is sovereign, and can do anything it wants as long as elected (by any means), even if to the detriment of the people. However, it is only an agent of the people, and any act against the interests of the principal is unconstitutional, and hence void.
Any claim made stating that a contract or consent is required for the Council Tax charge to be valid is incorrect and holds no legal basis.
Any obligation to provide the energy of your labour without consideration or prosecution is slavery. They are telling you here that they regard you as a slave. They are elevating legislation above law, including natural law and God’s law. You have to pay them in order to exercise an inalienable right, that being to seek shelter!
On occasion the council receives correspondence advising of old, outdated laws which remove an individual's liability or requirement to pay Council Tax.
These “old, outdated laws” include Magna Carta (1297 in legislative form), Coronation Oath Act (1688), Bill of Rights (1689), and The Slavery Abolition Act (1833) — as well as more modern acts such as The Human Rights Act (1998) and The Modern Slavery Act (2015). They form the foundation of the claim to legitimacy of Parliament as a lawmaking body, so if they no longer apply, nor does Local Government Finance Act 1992. The council wants to pick the laws that apply to them; this is absurd and evil.
In MacFoy v United Africa Co Ltd" [1961] 3 All ER 1169, Lord Denning famously stated:
"If an act is void, then it is in law a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad. There is no need for an order of the court to set it aside. It is automatically null and void without more ado, though it is sometimes convenient to have the court declare it to be so. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. It will collapse."
These officials acting outside their jurisdiction, being wholly ultra vires, and breaching natural justice, are the frontmen of a treasonous system that has taken hold of our society. All their acts are void due to fraud, and as Denning also stated, fraud unravels everything. They are “nothing” in law, and once you realise that, you don’t have to give them “something for nothing”, since that is slavery. You are only a slave as long as you act like one; recognise your sovereign status, and become a king! They might still rob, imprison, or kill you, but those come as standard risks of the sovereign status.
All of us were born free, on the land, and that status is ours in perpetuity.
Kings are cool — so be one!

Martin, I've looked at all the straw man stuff and this kind of material. I see people try it and get nailed to the wall. I see people *claim* they know how to do it, but who knows if they really do know how to do it. You tried and apparently ultimately failed, but it was very enlightening to follow your courageous efforts. We really are being "harmonized" into a single language designed to enslave us. You are coping with British stuff. I'm in the USA trying to figure out how I might work things here and hoping against all past experience that Q and Trump will truly help us get out from under this XXX System imposed on us via subterfuge and fraud. How does the actual set of methods get out to the rest of us? Who actually knows how to do it without triggering a dangerous response? Who is trustworthy to teach this kind of material? There is something here, but I haven't been able to do more than grab fog.
THE URANTIA BOOK: This will blow away the final cobwebs of the brainwashing we received as children!! OooooHAH!!! ;-)