I’m sensing a shift, tides turning and evil reacting publicly…no longer in the shadows. So grateful for that and might I add my appreciation for all who are on this journey to true freedom. Thanks as always Martin for your brilliant synopsis of events past and present and for giving us all hope in the future. God bless you my friend🙏❤️

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U r a gorgeous soul….sending to my friend in Iran. She needs grounding

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A brilliant summary of the current situation Martin and thankfully, a reassuring one. I do not pretend to have your depth of understanding of events and I continue to draw comfort from your conclusions. However, I do think it is now obvious that the traditional occult (hidden), operations of the evil ones have failed and that they are being obliged to show their hand and themselves openly in the light, which considering their few numbers and relative lack of power will mean their downfall. I just pray that this war will end soon and as prophesied once - not with a bang but with a whimper. Please God let the suffering of the innocents stop at last and forgive us all for being so blind to have let it happen in the first place.

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Amen. x

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I recently upgraded to 'paid ' as I want to support you. I have spent the last couple of months catching up with all your work (I first came across you in 2020 but only really the full extent of your articles etc). Thank you for all your work.

I have just read this piece on a sunday morning; it is beautifully written and has given me strength for the day and week ahead.

I had a good conversation with my 17 year old son last night. I have faith that he and his generation are not being fooled by the media and the tactics of the evil ones.

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Spot on as usual Martin! I agree with everything you state in this piece! Thank you once again for everything you do 💙

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Excellent summation, Martin!! For anyone wanting a peek behind the scenes, check out the book series, "Sands of Time" by Dr. Sean D. Morton! In 2009 he was given the Journals of a scientist who had been drawn into the Black Projects back in the 1960's. He was 40 years in the Shadow Gov't, moving in a world none of us knew about!! Sean is suffering from a fast-acting cancer, IMO, as a result of getting this story out! People on all levels of society have been involved in this & we are all coming together now to take back control of our own lives!! Hip! Hip! Hooray!!! ;-)

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Martin, another brilliant read, thank you. This all resonates so much with me and I'm sure many others. We have an amazing future to look forward to once we help the masses through the coming months and years. I'm a firm believer we all chose to incarnate here at this time to help with the liberation of humanity. Thank you

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Thank you Martin, not had much time to read your posts over the last few weeks but always find them a great comfort. Speaking out every time I go out though and many friends too doing the same, we also do a lot of leafletting about 5G, social credit, 15 minute cities and more. Keep up the great work!

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This is a great piece of writing Martin. Not easy to write, but you have summed up the situation so well, expressed your mainly positive view of outcomes through the mire of atrocities we have been witnessing ands living through, as well as left enough space for the many unknowns which still have to be worked out. You are one of the anons I consider to be a rock at this time , yet sharing your own vulnerabilities along side your obvious courage. Thank you.

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I don’t know what we would do without you, Martin. You bring such thoughtful clarity to a chaotic landscape. I always feel more spiritually balanced after digesting your commentary. Thank you for all that you do, you are a loving and steadfast warrior that has protected his flock with great diligence. It has cost you dear and I can only give gratitude for your love and generosity! ❤️

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I would suggest a watch of "anatomy of the sinister covid project ,professor Norman Fenton and guest" . The overlaps between what Martin has written and this are many.

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Yes, very good listen with a similar stance to Sasha Latypova. They can't hide from the truth much longer.....

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Thank you sir, as always. Hope all is well.

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Martin, thank you for being awake and aware, for your dedication to truth and love. We have a future because of all who have faced and fought this spiritual and informational war. I am with you as always and together we are going to reach "critical mass" and bring humanity up to the next level along with Mother Earth and ALL LIFE on her.

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Thank you Martin for your timely and very reassuring synopsis of where we currently are in ‘this movie’. Despite the insanity and horror, I will continue to stay grounded and hopeful, and pray that we ‘anons’ collectively will stay strong.

Martin, may God keep His hand upon you and keep you safe and thank you again for time and insights..God bless you 🙏💛

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I recall saying years ago when I was on gab that whatever happens it’s going to be people simultaneously around the world taking their countries back (White Hats/military covertly planning for the end game), and it’s definitely not going to be a walk in the park. We can’t allow bad characters to have nuclear weapons available to them. It seems that if we follow logic, it couldn’t be any other way. A lot of us know what’s happening in Europe - they couldn’t hide it from all of us - and the invaders have admitted themselves what their goals are. BELIEVE THEM. We in America keep talking about the invaders from South America, but after the attack in Israel, I think the terrorists’ goals have come to light. The South Americans are a means to an end. I’ve always believed there were at least 40m+ here already. (That 11m figure they’ve pushed for decades is BS.) Now, at least 15m more have come in from both our northern and southern borders, to include Ch-eye-nese and terrorists (The WEF wants the number to be 100m). That’s what happens when they can’t take your guns. They’re flooding our country with young fighting-aged men. Is it being really naive to hope at least one country out there that isn’t for the WEF reset to aid us in this situation? If not, although many of us aren’t trained in combat, there are many capable people in this country and others who would “rather die on their feet than live on their knees” and won’t let their countries go down without a fight. We then have to get tough. We have to do whatever is right for OUR countries. No more far-Left BS, suing for very little thing, everything’s a fight - NO! No more minority groups deciding what’s best for the masses. America first, Britain first, Hungary first, etc., etc. No coming to our country to build your country. We will not conform to your beliefs, values, culture, religions. You MUST go where you belong. We no longer will be spending our hard-earned tax dollars on anyone else besides Americans. If you can’t make your own way, you don’t belong here. America is a Christian nation. If you don’t want that, don’t bring your hate here! And those people who would cheer for the deaths of innocent men, women, and children, you don’t belong here, using our tax dollars to boot. We don’t support that type of barbarism. STOP GIVING OUR MONEY TO PEOPLE/CORPORATIONS WHO SUPPORT OUR DEMISE!

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