
Love this Martin! Thanks much as usual - what an honor it is to be awake and alive during this historic time with you all! <3

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Spot on. The clock is running out for anyone still going along with this evil - it has to be 'knowingly' by now. All those still circling the chairs, hoping for a place when the music stops are in a fantasy bubble. The only chair left is truth - grasp it, or go down with the filth. One thing - I do not care about the 'Qanon' label any more. That label, as shorthand for the Q operation combined with anons, historically predates the legacy media bullshit appropriation. I know that for a fact, and I consider 'Qanon' a badge of honour - and anyone who challenges me on that basis has a lot of awkward questions coming that I know for a fact they cannot answer. I do not surrender the power to define language - or anything else for that matter. It's about time those that know stood up and stopped kowtowing to their lies. This will be done much quicker when we do so.

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Well said. Spot on.

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Thank you Martin. 💛🙏

I hope you’re correct about the evil grand house of cards collapse happening imminently. I know it must happen at some point. Evil has always been very obviously unsustainable.

Even biblical prophecy explains the big ending crash in detail.. including how it will rock spiritual realms and basically take the entire ecosystem down with it, as well as invoke the Second Coming (literally).

One thing is certain- we shall all see where we stand.

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Yes Martin I totally agree. Steve Bannon’s show ,The War Room, was just on for 2 hrs covering the details & Miranda Devine & Guiliani.& the others who tried to expose the story 2 yrs were also on. As you know the amazing part is, the Atty for Twitter who signed off on the supression in Oct 2020 was Atty Jim Baker, and coincidentally he was the “FBI atty”during the faux “Russiagate” attack on Pres Trump! And the 51 politicans and government officials that swore “ The Laptop” was not real. Well now they are calling for those traitors to have their Intelligence clearance taken down. Matt T. ‘s treasure trove of Twitter data & documents is unreal & I followed it as the story broke last evening. You are correct it’s just the beginning, as the long awaited justice and truth are finally here. Blessings🦋

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Thank you Martin, your timing is perfect! I will be printing this to go along with my on meagre attemp made yesterday to spread as wide as I can in my hometown of Wanganui N.Z which has become a hot bed for these scum. One of the major art players walks around with a huge slice of ceramic pizza around his/her neck, just to rub it in. And while in Waiheke last month I saw a huge painting in the art awards of 2 emancipated young boys with rabbit ears flooded in a sureal bloody landscape diggingr up a monster carrtot! How in tour face is that & to top it off it was name 'Pests' & described as a 'Queer Landscape'. An upsidedown Putin featured in another. The first image can be found on my youtube channeI under Christina Gavin. Looks very similar to these being used in the fake story, but this is the real deal & I still have the vids showing the images of the stanic art of our ex PM John Key's daughter 'Cherry Lazar' before her instagram was taken down during lock down. But even afterwards it was clear she was trafficking kids & adrenachrome. I believe he made a plea deal for her, but that is just speculation, he did sell many of his properties at the same time.

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Thank Q

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Looks like you’ve already shifted up a gear, Martin. Nice. The next phase begins.

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Bring on the NEXT PHASE!

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Thanks Martin 🙏

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Boom. I’m in Oklahoma. Nothing on our news either. Only Prince William and Kate with Harry and Megan trying to upstage their visit. The important stuff. Not only was Trump right all along. So were we.

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Maybe it was them inside the huge 3 story bus I dremt of last week. It was painted dark blue grey to match the colour of the early morning light so it could not be seen, as it passed through the intesection beside the racecourse, which in my dream was a roundabout. It looked just like those windowless trains photograped in the USA, which I used in some of my leaflets. Only the driver could be seen & Martin's words 'the death spiral of the deep state' triggered me to remember it. It decribes well the way the bus just kept on coming without an end in sight. Funny I didn't dream of a train, as the tracks are there, but it was definately a bus going across them.

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You cover a lot of ground but chief amongst your points are:

“ The US government (in collusion with members of both established parties) has been caught acting like communist China ” boom!

What this shows is that there is no actual two party system because is all the same rancid UNIPARTY giving the illusion of choice whilst milking the public dry. We had the same over here, where was Labour, Liberal, Green when our liberties were taken away? Proof positive they are all fake controlled opposition.

Lastly all these platforms were seeded by DARPA and given the illusion of private control as we are now seeing behind the curtain

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There's only two "parties" in the whole world. ie. Good party by GOD and evil party by satan Discernment is most important to distinguish the difference and repentance is necessary to be accepted back into the fold of our Creator.

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Praise be to God and the Universal Army of digital soldiers pushing back and holding the line for the children and all those in great need--! We are ready to continue to stand firm in truth--hearts open yet protected in faith with our fellows by our sides!

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Thank you Martin. You speak with such clarity and I look forward to the great cleansing of the world. BRING IT ON!!!!

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Pre-stretched 3/4 inch sisal ropes are going to be in short supply unless they step up the production to WWI levels.

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