Thoughtful essay, Martin. I cannot escape the conclusion I arrived at 15 or so years ago. There is a design afoot to enslave us completely. To strike at every aspect of culture just as the wrecking ball to the old building. Culture is something that melds people together--and so,it must be destroyed. People with no cultural memory are imported. All cultures across the globe are under assault. London, in particular, demonstrates this, as you have shown. You are correct--it can no longer be a taboo topic, but then, I think there is a clue in why it became taboo to begin with. Now the conversation is a cultural and emotional minefield. You've negotiated it ably, but it is full of snares and traps for most.

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From Magna Carta onwards, through the English revolution, and the long, slow, accumulated wisdom of English Common Law, this nation has contributed to the bedrock of global civilisation itself. It is no accident that the writers of the US Constitution, in my view the finest political document of all time, were rooted in the English tradition. These developments - exemplified in Classical Liberalism - place primary value on the individual experienced life, exactly where it belongs. We live and love and create and thrive as individual lives - together. That is the root of our humanity. Those who deny that - are self-contradictory and inconsistent at best, and sociopaths/psychopaths at worst. I don’t care the colour of my neighbours, their clothes, their Gods and habits. As long as they tolerate my differences as I tolerate theirs there is no problem, only the potential for mutual enrichment, and friendship. Such people contribute to this primary ‘Englishness’ in my view - and are welcome. Those who don’t - the intolerant, the usurpers, who wish to impose their alien cultures here and stamp out the best of ours - are not welcome. They should live where those views are welcomed and honoured - and historically I suspect that will be ever shrinking terrain. This is not an origin issue, a culture issue, a colour issue, a God issue. It is an issue regarding who I invite into my home - and who I want, preferably politely, kept out.

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Excellent questions!! ;-) Reading "Jennie", a bio of Winston Churchill's Mother, laid out quite clearly how the English operated in the 1800's!! It was clearly a stratified structure. Then we came through the two World Wars with Germans fighting Germans!! I had to laugh while reading Ike's bio, he understood the Germans because he WAS German!! ;-) Then of course, all the Royal Houses of Europe were interrelated. Now we can see that whole structure crumbling; the Old Order is no more. We are all witnesses to & holding our breath as a new Order is being formed. We are told & believe there is a Faithful Few who are "in charge" of guiding this Big Change. Each of us can only effect change in our tiny sphere of influence.......but that is helping the Big Change come into being!! How the New Order handles what has been a weapon of mass migrations....we will have to watch & observe. The Epoch Times recently did a documentary on just that!! We each have been coming along on our own Personal Journey & we will see where all of these separate Journeys converge!!

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