Please dear Martin, what about this: having hundreds (thousands?) of people sending in checks for his account, or directly to him - local news-worthy, don't you think???? If the PO had to handle BAGS of letters to one gentleman's address?????

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All excellent ideas. I would be happy to donate. I realize Twitter is an echo chamber sometimes but, now that Elon Musk has allowed millions of accounts to be reinstated- including mine after a two year suspension, and my meager 9k “following”, I would be happy to engage with Martin’s guidance. I would not want to exacerbate Andrew’s situation. Martin, tell us what we can do to help.

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Disgusting and unlawful. Bullies who think they're untouchable. Always have. Their time is fast running out. The Justice System is top of my list of the many massive corrupt systems currently operating. We need complete public outrage regarding this despicable case. Practical support and financial help for Andrew right now too. Thankyou for being a true friend. Please let me/us know how we can do more practically and/or financially. ❤️

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Praying praying praying for dear Andrew with gratitude to him and to you for shining light on this tangled web of corruption. People blindly following 'rules' has disconnected the culture from what is morally right...and we all have you and Andrew to thank for your courage in standing up to this tyranny. The US Constitution says it is our duty to do so, an obedience in the right direction. Keep looking up---there is an ever growing army of open hearted open minded people with you!

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This makes me absolutely weep...May we soon be delivered

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I see this coming to USA.

Probably already here in places.

How can we help Andrew?

-Joni 🙏

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Yet another story of injustice, the world's institutions, structures and power bases are so corrupt and evil.

I sadly have come to realise we cannot beat them playing in their rigged game.

I live in a weird dichotomy, like so many of us fighting a battle against evil within it's playground constantly being reminded all the time we are loosing, on the other hand working on my connection to source, the Divine Creator, Christ Consciousness, accepting Divine Righteousness which I know will free us from this evil.

Andrew, my heart reaches out to you, sadly I cannot help you materially fight the soulless entities that you are dealing with, on the other hand being a solutions man, I have prayed for you which is no small thing.

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I am increasingly sceptical that you can’t use the law - any law ancient or modern - to defend your ‘rights’ & interests against the mafia rulers. The mafia don’t observe the law - their own or anyone else’s. They just use naked aggression & power to achieve their ends. We don’t have power. Over the centuries it’s been carefully stripped away. Power is the issue here.

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He may want to consider any legal action upon those as one which is advanced “jointly and severally”

Upon them all, and to allow the court to decide relative guilty or not in the circumstances of the case

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