As per 2 Edras/Ezra a whole new company of peaceful men come down from the mountain, to lead what is left of mankind. And they will be all of one mind, straightened by the things they went through. This is how Messiah returns & this whole farce we call 'civilised society' is overthrown & returned to God within us.

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Keep on spreading the word Martin. Good stuff!

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I like your framing of the problem personality: “someone without the moral fortitude to seek contradictory data, follow logic … and stand with the truth…”. I wouldn’t label them fools, which I feel is too benign a term. I see them as intellectually sloppy persons with misplaced priorities—valuing peer acceptance over truth.

A fool is someone who believes a liar, which we all do sometime. That’s forgivable; disdaining the truth is not.

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Great Article Martin!!!

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Open it all! 🔓#Truth

This isn’t just a Pandora’s Box being opened; it’s a complete Pandora’s Self Storage warehouse chain having its doors flung open. #LFG

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