I feel a sense of shame, Martin, having journeyed through my life consciously and determinedly not wanting to know about places like Bransholme. It hurts to know that living, breathing men and women have been reduced to such extremes of neglect and poverty. It is obvious to me now that there has always been enough money to take care of everyone, if we were not supporting a voracious, corrupt secret elite who delight in making us live like slaves. Darren and Gareth are the fallout, the ones whose lives started out so compromised that they did not have a chance to succeed. The miracle is that they still have goodness in their hearts, that it has not been pounded out of them! The resilience of the human soul is astounding! The light at the end of the tunnel is knowing that soon this whole vile matrix system will come down and we will have the opportunity to live as humans were meant to live, in love and harmony with each other in a world of abundance and joy. I wish we could wave a magic wand now and make it happen. But, it will come, and knowing that the lives of the Darrens and Gareths of this world will be transformed, enables me to keep going. Thank you, Martin, for being our eyes and ears, so that we cannot ignore our brothers and sisters. I wonder where you will take us next? xx

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I didn’t expect it to be particularly interesting but I read it right to the end…

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Lovely essay. I lived and worked in Hull for 3 years in the mid 1990s and this bought back memories. I remember being told about Bransholme being the largest council estate in Europe and how only the residents went there. After a year or so in Hull I ended up going to Bransholme in order to buy a Ford Fiesta for £500 from a young man there. The place was huge and a bit bleak but in decent condition. I enjoyed my time in Hull...the locals saw me as a bit of a curiosity as a relatively 'posh' southerner, and I just went along with it.

Love your writing Martin

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You are a good soul covering these two men. You gave them a real beacon of light in an otherwise pretty bleak world. Do you have a way to contact them again? I'd like you to start a GoFundMe for them to split to help better their situation! I will donate!


Silence DoGood


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