Thank you for nailing it again, Martin. I love you for that. So many other substackers complain about the various types of oppression but they refuse to trace it all back and see the big picture. They do not want to admit that it is all connected, coordinated, with evil intentions. And they especially refuse to see that it is much,much bigger and more sophisticated than they could previously imagine. Yes, there are benevolent off-world forces at work , wanting to help, but there is only so much they can do. If they tried to jump in with guns blazing to free us, most dummies would fight against them and for our captors!

Oh, and yes, soul traps are real. Understanding that is THE most important thing each individual needs to learn in order to save himself. If I were to edit your article, on that subject I would change “would” to “is”, from the subjunctive tense to the present tense. I understand your caution, however. You risk losing a lot of followers by crossing that line. I on the other hand have no such concerns so I can say it.

Love and appreciation to you for all that you do.

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As always, your ability to articulate, in a handful of paragraphs, the most far reaching concepts of our human condition, is breathtaking, Martin. Having awoken with a jolt on the day of Donald Trump's Inaugural Address, as I watched an entourage of high ranking military officers gather behind him, I have not drawn breath, metaphorically speaking. These last weeks have made me realise how completely exhausted we all are, all of us who have been here from the outset, and before. I distinctly remember the day, age 14, when I sat with my father while we watched Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson being sworn in as President, following the assassination of JFK, I told my father that LBJ was one of the men who had killed our President. My father thought that I had completely misunderstood what I was viewing, but I had not. I "knew" with a built-in certainty that it was true. How did I know? I have no idea. This inexplicable "knowing" has been in the hearts of all of us Anons, leaving us with the feeling that we were cuckoos in the wrong nest. Q enabled us to find each other, to end up in the same nest. How many of us will stay the course, until the end, is questionable. The toll has been enormous, the worst facet being the alienation from family and dearly loved friends; relationships in tatters with little hope that they can be repaired. And so, we have become a family of Anons, we fill the crevices in each others' lives left by the absence of blood family. We don't know what our world will look like when the enemy has been defeated, but I expect that, when the time comes, we will simply be so grateful that the war is over, that we will rise to all challenge as required. We know that we must all be the creators of the world that we want, we must begin now visualising it, intentioning it so that it becomes a reality. We will be ready to roll up our sleeves, indeed, we will welcome the sheer joy of hard work in the effort. And so we continue relentlessly, as seasoned troops until the end, because we know that "nothing can stop what is coming" and "where we go one, we go all".

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Your brilliant essays and the comments are a balm for battle fatigue---thanks to all of you.

Scrolling to your amazing images at the end feels like dessert in the desert--the hope of faith.

This time FROG...Fully Rely On God

With God leading, we captives are set free...

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Martin, you continue to astonish with every word and insight. I've been reading your communications for over 5 years now, and I still love you for your perceptive clarity & brevity. No matter how much gloom threatens, you make light work seem like "light" work. In words, and in photos. Please never stop.--- Just know how much you're loved by those you inspire.

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Very well stated!! Here's to each of us taking back our Personal Sovereignty & refusing to come back to this Nut House!! ;-)

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You wordsmithery makes me giggle. "mother of all hostage takings!" I hope you speak like this in real time, I would love to witness it. So fun.

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Thank you Martin for letting me share your inner Soul felt and expressed feelings and thoughts, struggles and life! A connection I need so deeply of understanding and complete and open communication which is so rarely experienced and so vital to keeping us all mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically functional. PTSD as you spoke of in your last article is real and you are a balm that reduces it's intensity always. Sharon

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I do, too! We are blessed with a huge natural pond and frogsong...a celebration of God's Creation!

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Thank you for putting words to what so many have intuitively perceived—that we are all hostages. And for seeing the promising aspects of our circumstances. (If the global predators had already won we would not be having this conversation. ) we are battle weary and your observations and vision helps breathe a bit of hope into bruised hearts. I hope you will take a look at our book - one of the first and few that identifies many aspects of the global cabal working to enslave humanity. Titled COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. Very best Ginger Breggin

And here is my latest stack:


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