Incredulous! If there is no 'identifiable' person, there must at least be a Department who oversees and approves the content submitted to the website.....If not, Parliament is basically stating there is no accountability. This has to stop!

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I feel so grateful that you expressed being "stunned"---we as 'the people' need to continue to express being stunned and outraged in the face of not only a complete lack of accountability in government, but that it is so deliberately 'built into' all processes. I do not advocate violence and anger that leads to bitterness ( nor do you!) yet our lack of expressing being stunned and outraged is how we got to this level of evil infiltration. As for dogs, we have two ( or they have us!) who are far wiser than whoever wrote this rebuttal. Once again, they are no match for you, Martin. You are an uncommonly amazing 'common man', and the world is better for all you offer. Thank you and Bravo!

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Maybe it’s a response generated by AI (Arrogant Insolence). Of course, nobody is responsible. Who is in the Privy Council?

Are any of them responsible for anything?

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You're expertly peeling back the layers and exposing the collective "blind belief in authority". Well done!

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When I did an event in the mall some years ago, I was cautioned by officialdom not to take a picture of Buckingham Palace because doing so was in someway restricted...

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