Best one yet!

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🤩 wow! Well good luck to us all. I guess it’s back to looking for a good handyman!

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I've been a couple's therapist for 40 years. I so admire your ability to distill wisdom so succinctly and clearly. This is such beautiful articulation of where we might and hopefully will go as we create a new reality grounded in spiritual alignment with the Oneness that is all that is. Your presence is so precious to me. There's peace within the pain that left me sitting silent, absorbing the light you emanate through your writing. Thank you for being here.

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Excellent and very sobering. Depressing too as at the moment I seem to have all the spiritual discernment of a plank of wood☹️. The Truth May set you free, but not without pain.

Thank you, Martin

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another totally brill insight into so-called modern relationships, and why i'm abstaining until 5D

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Marriages & failed marriages seem to be a part of many of our Personal Journeys!! This 80 year old Grandma can state that at age 18 entering a purely "religious-based" set of rules marriage resulted in much pain & screwed up lives, not just for myself, but for the many children I bore. One does not think as an "adult" at that age. What one learns from experience is that even if the couple is nicely matched, one is still marrying the entire family which, in itself, can lead to problems!! ;-) In my second marriage(33 yrs.) I discovered I had actually married a set of Behavioral Patterns set up my husband's first marriage!! There is no getting away from the fact that with so many different peoples' set patterns of behavior there are bound to be misunderstandings & clashes!! Then one has to take into account that some people grow & learn as life goes by & some do not!! So, if two people who have matured to the point of considering the many varied aspects of joining two lives......perhaps they might have a chance at a Good Marriage!! Best Wishes to all!!!

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When I was in my early twenties and an ardent believer in existentialism--particularly the idea that each decision was crucial and lead down a path of self determinism--I was quite wary of marriage. And for me, honestly, it took a long time to meet the right person--but I did, and count myself most fortunate--. But my point is that I didn't stop to think of marriage as fundamentally important to the future of civilization--which, you rightly show--it is. I think your daughters must be quite pleased to have you as their father.

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Insightful (of course), shareable, and more pebbles in the crow's proverbial pitcher toward a more peaceful, loving and sacred planet. Thank you and God bless.

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Earned another cross-post, Martin - this gets at root of so much.

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