This is an excellent contribution, as is usual. The psychotherapy profession is indeed in for a very rude awakening, on a par with that which will sweep away the existing medical profession at large in the coming months and years. I doubt either will emerge without complete transformation, for much the same reasons. You appear to be working with the understanding that psychotherapy actually needs to be distinguished from what you call the ‘macro-spiritual’ - and yet at the same time you acknowledge that this is for practical focus on the ‘ordinary’ problems of everyday life, rather than a cleavage in principle between ‘therapy and God’. You state: “The therapist draws their authority from the client, not God, and that’s how it is meant to be. It is not a criticism of psychotherapy, merely to observe it deals with the mind and its thoughts; the therapy room is not meant to be a temple.”

This is pragmatic - but conceptually I think it is a major part of the problem. In essence - the therapist is in a ‘spiritual master’ role. The ideal mentor for any human being is one who is further along the path of self-realisation than the ‘client/apprentice’, one who can guide them to their optimal path for their own self-realisation. Each and every one of us takes turns in these roles in our various life situations - and we always will. It is fundamental to our humanity.

But there aren’t enough specialised spiritual masters. Apparently. The spiritual master does not have to answer the life issues of the client - the spiritual master/therapist simply holds the optimal space for the apprentice/client to find their own unique path. There really is no distance, whatsoever, in principle - between the role of the spiritual master, and the role of the accomplished psychotherapist - they are one and the same thing. This is not a popular notion in most contemporary schools of psychotherapy though - outside certain streams of transpersonal psychotherapy. Having a secular - and profitable - specialised and monetisable industry of spiritual mastery is really a perfect encapsulation of where Western Civilisation has lost its way, into the present unfolding existential crisis.

You suggest that: “The therapist draws their authority from the client, not God, and that’s how it is meant to be. It is not a criticism of psychotherapy, merely to observe it deals with the mind and its thoughts; the therapy room is not meant to be a temple.”

I disagree, this is precisely backwards. What will emerge from the current reconstruction of our civilisation from this genocidal nadir is precisely that: a civilisation that draws its authority from God. This actually removes the concept of ‘authority’ from the therapist altogether. This God is not the God of books, religions and external authorities (that is where we are now) - but the God of each unique inwardly and externally connected individual sovereign citizen. The spiritual master/therapist does not draw authority from the client/ego in the room. The spiritual master/therapist has no intrinsic authority whatsoever. The only authority in the therapy room is the God which expresses itself uniquely between every authentically relating participant - it is the authority of authentic relationship, not a fixed role with a specific identity. In other words - God is authenticity itself, and all authority flows from that authenticity in the therapist-client relationship, rather than being the property of participants of that, or any, particular relationship. ‘Authority’ is a key misnomer that that has driven the current genocidal atrocities being actively carried out by the medical profession globally. When psychotherapy, as a profession, drops entirely the notion of ‘authority’ as part of its description, it will have matured to something worthy of its name.

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Near the beginning of this shitshow (November/20) my medical “college “ came after me as I wasn’t playing plandemic. I was in clinic and got a call from a lawyer regarding my noncompliance status and I literally lost it. My anxiety skyrocketed and I dropped to my knees. The staff hustled me into the psychologist’s lair and tried to calm me. Her focus was that I had a “choice”. She couldn’t understand what I was doing wasn’t a “choice”. Her secular understanding of this deeply spiritual path was nil. We fighters never had a “choice”, which is the mantra of the self empowerment movement. Many times we do. In this; this spiritual Armageddon I was commanded by spirit to walk a path. I know you will all understand this.

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Very well written, helpful and incisive Martin. The photography greatly added to the vibe of the once lonely battle we fight. We are winning but many of us are wounded as the fake and evil construct of our world collapses around us. We are damaged by the huge pieces of falling debris, like those killed and wounded when the Twin Towers fell. Perhaps a list of therapists qualified to deal with trauma of this type would help us all.

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I agree Tony, it has been a long fight against a total world system, but take pride at having fought it and know that Battle Fatigue and all the trauma we have suffered will have new and improved therapies and healing techniques being discovered as I share this. Gregg Braden has an amazing video library devoted to ancient and modern discoveries about how our brains and bodies work to heal and deal. greggbraden.com will get you started and hope can rest beside you daily as you use much of what he has learned and shared.

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Hi Sharon, thanks for the Greg Barden recommendation. Been to his website just now and put his book in my shopping cart.

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I think you will not regret it. I spent time with him in the Yucatan and he is the real deal and a very dedicated man to humanity and LIFE!

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Will check out his videos as well!

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Psychiatry is a totally captured occupation, Martin. It is full of people who wish to do good by doing as little as possible and make money but have only followed a manual (DSM 1 thru 6 or 7 by now) designed by the pharmaceutical industry to place people on medications , do shock therapy and mess up the brain and lives of millions of people. They only made them ideal subjects for mind altering experimentation, vulnerable to being controlled and manipulated, for victimization by CABAL, Cartels, mind control programs and Nazi play things.

I have worked in that field for 40 years starting with Satanically Abused women, children and men called "Multiple Personality Disorders" in the 90s by the DSM 3, and am very sad I went along with so much ruination of humanity as ignorance would allow. I hope I can be forgiven now that I know the truth! There is no excuse for ruining so many lives even though my main job was to do the cleanup after psychiatrists and their lack of compassion and true dedication to patient advocacy.

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