1 Comment

Insightful as ever Martin.

Thank you.

I actually find this piece reassuring, in that I had assumed from other reports that the entire UK legal system had been irredeemably corrupted and your comments here suggest that it is salvageable with modifications. Good. Lots of work to do but potentially achievable. Where does one person with very limited time and resources available start though? I guess we all have to work that one out on an individual basis or be prepared to 'turn a blind eye' and continue to see the innocent suffer.

If this 'Great Awakening' means anything, I guess it means that now we are aware of various horrors that have been going on around us all of our lives without our knowledge, we have a moral obligation to do something about it all. Goodness, so much to do and such a responsibility. I think I need another lifetime to make a difference but if we all do what we can in the time we have left then it must surely make a useful difference - and I do believe that 'the tide will then turn' as a result. So it's 'hi-ho, hi-ho and off to work we go' - just doing something useful, somewhere, somehow, as best we can.

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