This took fifty years to write. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. And while the most “sophisticated deceit” may be the one our own ego perpetrates, I trust that you have shared it not as much for the accolades, but as an expression of someone who has set forth on a path to seek morality and truth in each “micro interaction” along the way. Each of us has that weaponry imbedded within us, which we can choose to pick up and fight with each day. Well done setting the example, Martin. To arms!

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An amazing work of depth, clarity, and reflection. Another "Home Run", Martin !

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So grateful for you and your words of wisdom Martin! 💙

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I comprehend every word, I resonate with every word. Now to fully live it! I say this often, yet this is one of the greatest essays written by you---or anyone. Bless you, dear Martin. You are both scholar and sage and I feel incredibly grateful to start my day reflecting on your wisdom and truth.

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He's almost freaky in his "sagey-ness"...

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BRILLIANT! And just what I needed to read today….it’s easy for me to drift into judgmental self righteousness…..my Mirror is important.

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True sovereignty comes in recognizing the God of the Bible as our Lord and Savior. We willingly become bond servants, slaves, to Jesus Christ. There is no wisdom in the false religions of the world. Satan looks like an Angel of light, but his way is death.

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What is "sin" & whose definition applies??? Each of us has been brainwashed in childhood as to what "sin" is. Most of us have had the Sin Guilt Trip imposed upon us by one religion or another! That's why it was such a relief for me to wake up to the fact that the "God" of the Old Testament is NOT The Creator of All!! He was simply one of a group of "elohim" in operation here on Planet Earth during that time period!! Check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino's new book, "Gods of The Bible"!! Incorrect translation of key words is the "sin" of translators, in this case!! Each of us is on a Personal Journey & each Journey is different as we are unique individuals making our way through this morass!!

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“Every day is a fresh engagement with temptation…” 🤯

Radical Acceptance ❤️

“Every form of blame on external agents or circumstances is a distraction from the only thing we control, which is ourself and our own behaviour.”

In my opinion, how we choose to react, how we react to our mistakes and failures and triumphs, says it all.

Much luv and hugz Martin 🙏🏻

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You look into your soul and we benefit. God bless you always Martin.

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I send your writings to some of the biblical followers in my truth seeking group. There is a form of tyranny amongst the "thumpers" I see not elsewhere. A quote that has stuck with me is something like" searching for truth is a noble endeavor, but beware of those who find it". Have always resonated with your perspective inclusive of the higher power and appreciate greatly your nonselective, "religious" stance.

Love ya Martin, I really have come to believe u r more to this journey than what you profess.

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Erudite as usual.

Kind and kind hearted.

Clear and compassionate.

Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude.

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Perhaps those of us "in these hard spaces" - and places of dissonance between what we know to be true, and surrounded and sometimes bombarded by those who refuse to see, and the cultivation of grace despite our maddening desire to help others see.. will help us grow deeper roots of humility and humanity and certainly dependence the one true divine sovereign. Keep up the good work.

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Holy shit Martin! Your frankness & honesty. The pen truly is mightier than the sword. I am eternally grateful for you.

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Excellent. Very well said. You should be a Pastor and leader in the worldwide government.

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agree...........but not in the WW govt..

rather to the sheep who are lost and wandering........

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