From around 2008 until 2018 I was principally focused on an obscure topic: the science and engineering of telecoms network performance. I have a heavyweight background in computer science, but no qualifications in telecoms or networking, so I had nothing to lose by asking “dumb” questions to get to the root of everything. The job was to pull apart the broken models and processes, so as to locate the underlying conceptual errors that were preventing progress. You can read a bit more at
Since then I have moved on to look at the corrupt nature (and criminal control) of the mass media and Big Tech, as well as dissecting the meaning of the Q drops and the Great Awakening process to deprogram the masses from brainwashing. It has taken me a long time to realise that these are quests of the same intrinsic nature: the spiritual search for what is genuinely real (less delusion), not the intellectual hunt for the feeling of knowing (more understanding), and they aren’t the same thing. It is that difference between "righteous” (universally holy) and “right” (adherence to social rules) that keeps cropping up.
In particular I am seeing the recurrence of the same basic patterns between “positivist” beliefs systems (do more work to get further) and “negativist” ones (take away the friction so you naturally progress). Riffing off my article on marriage, in a contract paradigm a difficult relationship takes “work” to fix. In the covenant one, it requires both parties to look inside and remove the unhelpful and unhealthy ways in which they are living, so they automatically align to the same ends; there is no interpersonal relationship “work” to do, so attempting to do so is useless and harmful.

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