So much truth in this, especially the emphasis on the ethical dilemmas racing towards us as this ‘great awakening’ process accelerates and begins to expose the genuine rot beneath the globalist public facade. But in another sense there is nothing new here: for at least a hundred generations human lives have been shunted and manipulated by organised crime. The qualitative difference is negligible- it is really only a matter of scale.

So yes; “…. restoring individual liberty for all demands a collective perspective, albeit not a collectivist one. “ - but there is no such thing as a collective perspective. All perspectives, by definition, are individual. That is precisely why ‘divide and rule’ is so powerful - and that is how the shadow side of our human nature has brought us to this brink of civilisational collapse. There will never be a ‘collective perspective’ - the best that is even conceivable is collective agreement that certain foundational principles for the very possibility of civilisation are absolutely sacrosanct and inviolable. In fact, we already have that - the United States Constitution is an excellent example of it. So it is not ‘collective perspective’ that is required - or the lack of collective perspective that is the problem. The real problem is related to this: public transparency. For example - if all adult public interactions (financial, legal, etc - not private lives) were as a matter of principle and legal enforcement publicly transparent, the cabal global control since WW2 would have been utterly impossible. The fatal enemy of any web of lies is always the light of cold, hard facts. Cold, hard facts are highly energy efficient - layers of lies and manipulation are utterly inefficient. Here is one example of the way forward: Any public official found to deliberately lie to the public for personal gain has an immediate lifetime ban from office.

I don’t believe we need some novel (and impossible) ‘collective perspective’ for the way out of this mess. We need full exposure of everything. All the crimes - and all the possible information on how we allowed these crimes to happen. Every individual crime should be addressed - and yes, punished - publicly, on an individual level. That is precisely how those crimes have been perpetrated, and a ‘collective’ response to individual actions is a fundamental mistake. On the collective abstract level the shadow is OUR shadow. The only way to rid ourselves of shadow - is light.

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I’m just thankful I’m not one of the ones in charge. Way too heavy.

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But the point is that you are in charge dear person, as you are in charge of being the best version of yourself and choosing LOVE at every choice point as that is the only way to end this once and for all. We must unite as ONE and not comply with those who wish to control manipulate and enslave us. WEG1WGA

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I love you Martin and I recommend Laura Eisenhower's book, Awaken the Truth. You will not be able to put it down. It is full of wisdom, knowledge and truth! You will also find a kindred soul.

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"The Biblical wrath may be an affront to the aesthetic of the gentle, but that doesn’t make it wrong." Brilliant sentence, Martin. I wrestled with this very issue when Saddam Hussein was arrested and tried. After long thought, I realized much of what you have discussed here, that there are certain circumstances and certain people who if granted life instead of execution, will represent existential risks that cannot reliably be contained. I also am struck by the different treatments of Joan of Arc and Napoleon. Joan was acting under the lawful authority of her King and was executed, leaving France to fight for another 23 years less effectively without her, resulting in more death and destruction than was needful. Napoleon was exiled to Elba and was later freed by partisans and caused vast death and destruction all over Europe right up to the gates of Moscow before the retreat that killed hundreds of thousands more. Both were improperly handled. It behooves us to make sure we execute our major and minor Napoleons while sparing those who like Joan fought legally and toward good ends.

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