I am continually amazed at the breadth and depth of your perceptions and your exquisite ability to convey such a vast and complex aggregation in a clear, concise, and coherent manner. Write on !

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Clearly Martin was..

“born for such a time as this”

The bullet points are very.. helpful


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Thanks for summing it all up so well!! ;-) It is correct to say we have been lied to about EVERYTHING from birth!! Way to go.....Q!!!!

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The most epic articulation of our times ever written. Thank you from every fiber of my being.

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I have followed your wisdom for decades and continue to watch for anywhere I can hear your voice...so lovely to see you here. Thank you for always being a lighthouse in the storms with your gracious heart and beautiful mind!

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Thank you so much!

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Thank you again, Martin! You bring a window of clarity to the scramblings in my mind that I cannot share freely with so many around me! When I do share, I am the crazy mom, wife, grandma, aunt, cousin, friend, neighbor etc!!!! I do have a few like minded friends, thank God!! I will be here with love and open arms, when the truths become so, “in their faces”, that they will start waking up! I wait for that day!! God’s Speed and thank you again!


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Martin, I love you!

Bravo for yet another searing piece!

Your ability to articulate the story we are all suffering through is truly epic. Your gift as an artist is formidable, as Marshall McLuhan told us in his1960’s book “The Medium is the Message,” artists are the antennae of society, and it is their duty to inform the rest of society what they see and feel, to alert society to what is the ineffable about our world. You do this so well. Your Oxford skills are sharply enhanced for a reason...the scale of what is hidden from us is off the charts and we desperately need artists like yourself to open our eyes to your clarity. Thank you again for being able to describe in exquisite detail the sitrep!! As time passes, the Q gang sees what the Box of Pandora has released and you lead that pack from your UK position, and all of us digital soldiers embrace you.

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You nailed it, Martin. Thank you.

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I wish they'd hurry up and flick that switch. The dystopian mainstream nonsense has gone on for far too long. The Orwellian propaganda and lies are upheld. The silence continues. The darkness prevails. The 'white hats' have so far failed to show up. There are few wholesome leaders. We have only ourselves as our true sovereign solace. Shallow 'society' pretends to be 'as normal' yet it's a hollow fabrication, a vacuous scripted sham. There is no trust left in anything except the promise of ultimate justice or societal recalibration and renewal.

It feels like we, the awake and aware, are the battered 'hard hats' living in a parallel reality. It continues to be a lonely and cruel endurance test 'living' in this 'Twilight Zone' half-life existence. A robust resonant parallel society may well be the best we can realistically hope for and constructively work towards. Whatever happens we must keep the sovereign torch shining bright, ever radiant. Lanterns of Light across the global landscape. "They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.

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You are following your calling to tell the truth come what may. You are brilliant at doing so in every way. You are divinely gifted and so appreciated. Where we go one we go all. ❤️

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I love all of these comments in response to your amazing essay. Since children and horses are what helps me to access joy and encouragement on a daily basis, I love the synchronicity of these beautiful images. Thank you thank you thank you for guiding us to persevere in the darkness by sharing the amazing light within us all!

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You are bang on!!! Keep up the good work

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Thank you so very much Martin! Sharing :) xo

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This is going out tonight to all my adult children...I have held back long enough. Your exquisite writing paired with your skills of analysis and spiritual insight never cease to amaze! The video linked brought back the memory and excitement of the early days. You have reminded us of our roles and the HOPE that "they" have failed to extinguish. God bless you, Martin.

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Martin, like yourself, I have found the 'risks' associated with announcing certain 'show dates' on the calendar of events can give false hope to those we seek to awaken and can quickly turn potential believers into hecklers. The Q drop you reference states clearly the battle will continue through 2025 but even this date may be designed to force the hand of enemy combatants. More importantly, you opened up the bigger picture to your followers with concepts that are truly Biblical. Yes, we are living in the most amazing time in human history. We just don't know it.... yet.

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Simply. Utterly exquisite. Encapsulating vastness of big mind and big heart. Blessings. For The Children.

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Wow Martin, j always knew something was up, but I had no idea it was THAT ‘up’.

My head is still spinning, and I’ve got to go back and read your article again.

After my first reading though, my gut reaction is that my confidence in the future is based on the existence of the Holy God of the Bible, and while ever that is so - and it always will be so - I have confidence that all that should/ could happen does not necessarily happen.

This of course may be wishful thinking; nothing more than the outworking of a lifetime of wrong understanding. Not wishful thinking about the existence of a Holy God, but that He might be about to intervene in a way that only a loving God can.

But then, He’s got form.

He’s done it so many times before...and always in impossible circumstances. The circumstances have never been a problem to Him. The people trusting Him is always the issue.

To me, whatever is going on, and I’m sure that much of what you articulated is right, we are in another ‘God Only’ moment. A time when only God can intervene in a way and with the power to bring the change we all so desperately need.

And I believe that He is about to intervene in a way that will leave us as amazed and joyful as the Israelites who saw the dead bodies of Egypt’s army floating in the sea the day after.

430 years of bondage overthrown in a single day!

Whatever the black hats are doing, and heaven help us, it is certainly satanic beyond imagination, God is greater. He spoke this world into being in the first place, (John 1:1-5) and He will decide the when, where and how of its future.

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I don't speak Lithuanian well, but all children know what love is, so it doesn't matter


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