"Three Wide Men"! Hahahaha. Thanks for the laugh and the pep talk. Your words are like a "light" balm on my sore soul. Especially after encountering my liberal, fully brainwashed sister who unwittingly called me a right-wing racist, sexist and bigamists. 🤣😂😆 She got all flustered in her "ists". So yeah, we all got a lot of work ahead as people begin to comprehend what has happened and their part in it. Armor Up Light Soldiers!

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Bravo again Martin. Thank you for posting on the fake “xmas” and today as I was absolutely and literally alone yesterday as I chose to not partake in the faketivities. I had cereal for dinner ,the dogs got their favourite chewy and I spent much time praying that this would end before I die of sadness. That was my “xmas” day.

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You are loved... thank you for your honesty🌲🦋🌲

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Thank you Martin🌲♥️🌲Your words are the best Christmas gift I received! You explained everything that we have been thru these past few years. It is amazing how we all can relate to one another. There is a connection amongst all of us all over the world. From the beginning it was a “knowing” deep inside. Need I say more? Blessings to all who have taken the “Road less travelled”. Even though it’s been difficult I wouldn’t trade the travelers I have met along this journey. Peace, Love and Justice to all.🌲🇺🇸🌲

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This is, by far, your most important piece of writing to date. May it be disseminated far and wide by all existing members. I'm afraid the only course left for every current system is total destruction as there can be no reform for them; deep or otherwise. New decentralized systems must be given the freedom to grow unhindered out of the ashes of the old. Let the cycle begin anew.

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Very well said!

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Brilliant post holiday message Martin. Just being able to know exactly what you speak of, being in the LIGHT CLUB, brings me joy. Well said, as usual, eloquent and articulate and yummy. Robert Lee Morris, a huge fan…

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God willing, YES. These evil people need to face true JUSTICE, and held accountable, for everything that they have done.

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Thank you for this absolutely wonderful post--I resonate with every word. Love all of the comments by the Light Soldiers of Love and Strength--Pia, you are surrounded by many who care for you and

your sadness--please know with certainty that once again you will be singing! Martin, thank you for inspiring us to remain awake and aware and to stay courageous for the battles ahead. Let us unite and know we are called to this Light, and MUST answer that call! For ourselves, our family and friends ( regardless of their unhealthy behaviors) and for the children and elders and those in great need who we will never 'know'. May this New Year, be THE year of new beginnings and may we take our places that we have been assigned by our Creator!

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Beautifully said Connie🦋💕🦋

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Uplifting article and full of good will. This journey has been every word you used and exhausting. The internal growth and strength has been worth it alone. I hope every person gets to experience la life with no fear.

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Once again, bravo 🙏🏻

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I am filled with joy just having you affirm there is a “Light Club”! Others I talk to are too but don’t know it yet! We are more than legion! I really feel close to you in my Spirit and hope others do too! We need to move as one, even though we have already won! I agree with Connie Funk.God Bless you Martin!

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It is interesting that you place the root of all evil in love (of money) - paradox in action again. I would parse that down to the root of 'selfishness'. That of course could be described as 'self-love'. But selfishness is really love of a false self. Belief in that false self leads to very real actions in the world. The paradox remains; everything flows from love, even evil. Our civilisation is in peril because of fantasy-rooted love. We will rescue our species, our civilisation, with reality-rooted love. Bring on 23, we are ready.

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You are right about all this.

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My father once said, "Your enemy can become a friend." Yes, anything is possible in this life.

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Always spot on and inspiring Martin. I'm now researching Digital Wallets and ETH. Trump introduction on December 15th may be our future financially. Book Secrets of the Light by Dannion Brinkley has reminded me to have councious intent thoughts. I enjoy picking up that book when life is throwing nasties at me. Calms me back to my goodness and purpose. Sending you Love always.

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Your insight is spot on. I do feel different from many and find it is a positive. I am far removed from flipping news channels to NO news except that of my own research. I have learned to control what goes in my brain, heart and soul. Your Substack and work is a safe place that I connect to the real me.

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This piece is refreshing to me. To know that others have experienced every emotion and trial that I have, since being awake, makes the loneliness easier. I am slowly finding a new small tribe, mostly online. And yes, I will be there to help the normies when they wake up. This situation has forced us to acquire more honesty with ourselves, which is a good thing. The world is changing from a life of deception to a life of truth. We are all self-deceived to some extent and the Light of Truth is the goal. I think the more honest we are with ourselves, the more we will attract the right people that bring true benefit into our lives. It's all a process. The journey is not always easy, but always interesting in the rear-view mirror. Thanks for the insight and clarity. Wonderful to see your growth and change.

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