I agree. It has to get far worse for it to fully implode and completely crash normality. It's the only way to finally wake people up. I just wish it would happen NOW and be done with. Instead, the wretched 'thing' keeps grinding on and on like a nagging gnawing toothache. Let's have that avalanche. Get it over with.

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Thanks, Martin!! Most interesting to be Witnesses to the Regeneration of Planet Earth!! For me, one of the saddest things is that "Religion" has been a big part of the Enslavement Program put upon us!! Not many would have suspected that!! It was so refreshing to hear Paul A. Wallis expose one of the greatest lies contained within Christendom! Who knew??? He has a good number of videos on ThemTube for anyone wanting to be exposed to a truth we have needed to know!!

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Link to the Paul Wallace discuss?

Love "Witnesses to the Regeneration of Planet Earth!"

Here here!

Martin you are on my list of dream dinner guests (remember that party game?) - along with DJT, clif high and a few others!

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Excellent commentary I look forward to each time!

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Well said Martin! Although I hate watching my investments head into the ground on a daily basis!

Riding it out!

Thank you for your insight!

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Martin … are you one of the less than 10 (Q) group ?

Darkness to Light …

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Ha - I'd bet on it - if Q were as smart as supposed to be =:-)

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Have read a Q post … ever?

I bet not.

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LOL - let's see, how many years . . . . Martin is brilliant is my point - not that he *is* Q but that he is part of what clif calls the SOC (self organizing collective). Best -

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Wise words

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BEFisher525.....I'm an Old Lady who doesn't know how to do links, but Paul A. Wallis has many videos on YTube under his name!! His website is The 5th Kind

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