Your observations regarding the inner struggle reflect the very thing the Apostle Paul talks about in Romans 7:13-25 regarding the recognition of sin working in our lives - and not for our benefit - and the need for salvation from its consequences. Thank you for sharing your spiritual journey with us !

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LOVE the shirt!!

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I truly appreciate you sharing your experiences, as is said "warts and all". The truth that is revealed when we are willing to take a step back/aside from our own experiences and be the sacred witness to ourselves allows us to see our transgressions more fully as well as our innocence for following a culture gone full tilt skewed from wholy-ness. We are stronger when we learn to love and accept our place on a narrow path, and I thank those who have commented--you are able to support others more fully because of your wilder rides and willingness to acknowledge them. Though tempted to place you on a pedestal due to your wit and wisdom, I am grateful to stand beside you, learning and sharing together.

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watcher, witness … luvely when one is free and clear and integrated in this position, body mind and spirit — 3 in 1 🕊

#noshame #nofear ❤️

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The original meaning of the word "Sin" was to "miss the mark", which came from archery. Once the mark is missed, all the classically defined "sins" ensue.

In order to get oneself properly reoriented to truth/reality, the question to be asking is, "what exactly is the mark?".

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Wishing you continued blessings on your journey, Martin.

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Lovely, thank you for sharing your unique insight - I hadn't put those together quite like that. ❤️

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Hip! Hip! Hooray!! Let's hear it for Transparency!!! No need for the religious pretending hypocrisy that we are something that we are NOT!!! And....we don't need anyone to step in & "Save" us!! Each of us is a Work in Progress & if we need to be quoting Scripture, The Apostle Paul said, "Work out your own salvation with fear & trembling!! Sounds a bit like something The Buddha would say!! IMO, that is where Structured "Christianity" went off the rails.....having us believe someone else could do our work FOR us... sorry....we each have to handle our own Stuff & move forward in our own way!!

Along the lines of Transparency.....here's a great book by Whitney Webb: "One Nation Under Blackmail"!!! Amazing title that describes how we got to where we are as a Nation!! This all makes me wonder which "god" it was that caused the huge storm in 1588 that set up the British Empire?! ;-)

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Thank You Martin and God bless 🙏 💪

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I am deeply touched by your transparency, honesty, love and courage! And I feel ya bros.! Hard work indeed! . . .AND the only game in town that will EVER transform the WAY we see!

Good news. . .

"we never become something we're NOT, we only IMAGINE it" ~Adyashanti

"Little blue planet in a big Universe, sometimes it looks blessed,

sometimes it looks cursed. Depends on what you look at obviously,

even more it depends on the WAY that you see" ~Bruce Cockburn from his song, "Child of the Wind" (listening to the song is worth the effort to do so. $.02)


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Please, Martin, arrange a get together so that all of us can meet up and celebrate our journeys! I love being here with you and all of your "friends", it is a joyous experience! It would be such a fabulous party! As for transparency, it is probably going to take many people a lot of practice. It is not something that has been taught or encouraged in our lifetime. Even those who have been raised within a religious framework have learned the "get out" clauses! I am three years into "sovereignty" and, although I am better at it, I still struggle. I have forced myself to look honestly at my conduct, especially throughout my youth, and I can still feel guilt at those times when I have acted less than honestly in relationships. Much of my behaviour was born from simply not knowing how to behave because I had never been taught but, even now, as an "elder", I struggle sometimes to know just what to say and what to do. Being surrounded by zombies, makes it difficult to be open and transparent because it is, at best uncomfortable, at worst, dangerous. But, I am getting better at it and I certainly appreciate it in others. The more we connect with Source, the safer and stronger we feel in our desire to be true and transparent. As for sin, I do believe, without a doubt, that evil exists. There are those who are guilty of great sin because they are causing human suffering and enjoying it. This does not represent the bulk of humanity, but many of us are guilty of inaction due to ignorance, indifference or sloth and, so, we enable bad things to happen. This is unacceptable. We must now all become leaders and warriors in the transition of humanity by becoming transparent in all that we do.

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Such a valuable teaching. Transparency is powerful and I noticed it takes energy to hide the past. It's so liberating, as well as relaxing, to be honest with yourself and others. God can work with you when you are honest with Him and heal all the traumas of the past.

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