Great piece. The demise of museums is one of the many things I mourn culturally. For the last 25 years I have had so many bad experiences. There is often, as you point out, a total disconnect between the spirit of the place--the essential truth--and the over-riding overlay which diametrically undercuts the essence.
The absolute worst experience I had was at the Anne Frank House. After touring the museum they had an 'interactive' exhibit. It was set up like a game show and all the participants were given a podium with two buzzers--one red and one green. Then we were shown bits of film and scenarios and asked to respond. As I recall, all the questions revolved around freedom of speech. I was the only participant that voted in every instance for free speech. They showed vitriolic and racist clips in an attempt, I believe, to get us to compromise and fold. I repeat, everyone folded but me.
It was insanely ironic. We had just been through a family's hiding place and the remedy to this was supposed to be oppression of ideas, thought and speech. It was clearly a propaganda exercise. It was about social conditioning and shaping of consensus viewpoints. This was 25 years ago and I am still outraged.
Thank you Martin! I loved your perspective on this! "They" have worked very hard to separate us from our divine origins and they have been very successful, but God has a plan and He is bringing some of us back to Him. It is glorious! NCSWIC!
Another great essay. It's interesting that the fear mongering phyops II has started. Supermarkets in our town have installed new plexiglass shields with tiny communication slits as well as programming their staff to wear the muzzle.
My local GP wants me to go in and get triple jabbed. Can't get an appointment for 14 days, that's if I wanted any of their advice, but I can get a jab instantly.
THEY have already announced the next plandemic will be the deadliest yet and it is fast approaching. Early next year so the Special Council says. What insight!
And is it true that the devil incarnate Dr Fauci has been given a full pardon. I was unaware that he had been arrested or given a trial. According to the MSM this guy deserved a sainthood so why does he need a full pardon and for what atrocities.
I also suspect that when stage 2 starts the vast proportion of slaves will go along with the programme. Some will never wake up. I also suspect, that we the awakened will be fully in their sights. Don't be fooled into thinking that you are so irrelevent as to fall beneath their radar. You are not. From one acorn grows a mighty oak. At least there is hope in knowing that WE are not alone.
Thank you Martin. I'd be very interested to know your thoughts on what lies ahead.
In the end, we are what we decide to become after learning our personal lessons....or not....and remaining within the brainwashing of childhood!! ;-) On to a different subject....did you realize that since about 2009 the Nibiru System has been "passing through" above us & we are not even aware of it?!!! This happens every 3,654 years & accounts for our "climate change" at present. Has anyone else noticed the Earth "wobble"?! Like the Moon being where it's not supposed to be? Check out the Samuel Hofman interviews on Radio Wasteland! Sam has received photos & videos from all over the world of people seeing these planets above us & accompanying asteroids!! Has the spraying been hiding something??? Sumerian Tablets anyone? ;-)
Great piece. The demise of museums is one of the many things I mourn culturally. For the last 25 years I have had so many bad experiences. There is often, as you point out, a total disconnect between the spirit of the place--the essential truth--and the over-riding overlay which diametrically undercuts the essence.
The absolute worst experience I had was at the Anne Frank House. After touring the museum they had an 'interactive' exhibit. It was set up like a game show and all the participants were given a podium with two buzzers--one red and one green. Then we were shown bits of film and scenarios and asked to respond. As I recall, all the questions revolved around freedom of speech. I was the only participant that voted in every instance for free speech. They showed vitriolic and racist clips in an attempt, I believe, to get us to compromise and fold. I repeat, everyone folded but me.
It was insanely ironic. We had just been through a family's hiding place and the remedy to this was supposed to be oppression of ideas, thought and speech. It was clearly a propaganda exercise. It was about social conditioning and shaping of consensus viewpoints. This was 25 years ago and I am still outraged.
Thank you Martin! I loved your perspective on this! "They" have worked very hard to separate us from our divine origins and they have been very successful, but God has a plan and He is bringing some of us back to Him. It is glorious! NCSWIC!
Love this essay and the commenters as well...thank you so much for your indoor and outdoor brightness!
Amen. Very well stated
Another great essay. It's interesting that the fear mongering phyops II has started. Supermarkets in our town have installed new plexiglass shields with tiny communication slits as well as programming their staff to wear the muzzle.
My local GP wants me to go in and get triple jabbed. Can't get an appointment for 14 days, that's if I wanted any of their advice, but I can get a jab instantly.
THEY have already announced the next plandemic will be the deadliest yet and it is fast approaching. Early next year so the Special Council says. What insight!
And is it true that the devil incarnate Dr Fauci has been given a full pardon. I was unaware that he had been arrested or given a trial. According to the MSM this guy deserved a sainthood so why does he need a full pardon and for what atrocities.
I also suspect that when stage 2 starts the vast proportion of slaves will go along with the programme. Some will never wake up. I also suspect, that we the awakened will be fully in their sights. Don't be fooled into thinking that you are so irrelevent as to fall beneath their radar. You are not. From one acorn grows a mighty oak. At least there is hope in knowing that WE are not alone.
Thank you Martin. I'd be very interested to know your thoughts on what lies ahead.
In the end, we are what we decide to become after learning our personal lessons....or not....and remaining within the brainwashing of childhood!! ;-) On to a different subject....did you realize that since about 2009 the Nibiru System has been "passing through" above us & we are not even aware of it?!!! This happens every 3,654 years & accounts for our "climate change" at present. Has anyone else noticed the Earth "wobble"?! Like the Moon being where it's not supposed to be? Check out the Samuel Hofman interviews on Radio Wasteland! Sam has received photos & videos from all over the world of people seeing these planets above us & accompanying asteroids!! Has the spraying been hiding something??? Sumerian Tablets anyone? ;-)
Thank you Martin. Very nice. I am in Moravian town of Bethlehem, PA and it is not like that.
Maybe come here next?
We could take you to dinner at the Hotel Bethlehem =:-)
Or the Sun Inn which is older (1758).
But ugh - I'm *sure* the old Moravians had Beer Gartens and distilleries . . . . Sigh . . .