The Great Awakening is categorically NOT about creating New Rome for the sake of us being in power instead of them. Not even close. It's about ending all the abuses that delegitimize Rome, and insisting on a society that has it's foundation in moral behavior and a nation caring for it's populace. You are conflating submitting to authority, with submitting to an amoral system of human degradation, child exploitations, war, and tax abuse. And you are using out-of-context and manipulated text of a bible and an AI program to justify it. We are not Monty Python, we are people who want to live our lives in a world where goodness and charity is the norm, and not war and exploitation. We have a right to demand that our government reflect our values.

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Sep 19Edited

The Bible makes a distinction between God's 10 commandment moral law (Ex20:1-17) and the oft called 'law of Moses' governing the sacrificial system (a training system pointing to Christ's future one time and ultimate sacrificial payment for sin by His death on the cross) and some 600+ others which, though intended to make it practically impossible to break the 10 commandments, instead just became a rote 'system' to which the word "religion" has been misapplied and become a dirty word in spite of how the Bible defines *true* or "pure" religion in James1:27. It was that rote system whereby men could 'keep the law' with no change of their actual hearts necessary for *true* living within God's 10 commandment moral law. Which law, once 'written on our hearts and minds' as God promised eventually to do (through the presence and gift of the Holy Spirit available to us once Christ's sacrifice was accepted by the Father in due payment for all sin), being actually the expression of God's character and divine will, makes all external 'by rote' or 'by force' laws unnecessary ... giving us that 'freedom' we naturally so desire that can only exist *within* God's divine will and character. Hence "the law" (God's 10 commandment moral law) was not ever 'done away with' but is made part of our very nature once we turn ourselves over to Christ; he then imparting His character and righteousness unto us that we may then obey and keep His commandments just as Christ did.

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Yep!! We fell hook, line & sinker for Pauline Christianity!! "Control" is the key word here!! I can speak as one who was "inside" that System for a lifetime! Paul's "Christianity" came from a "vision" he had; The Urantia Book came from "Higher Beings" who claimed to have been observers to the Life of Jesus here on Earth. A rather different telling than what we received from the Roman Gov't. in 325 A.D.

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Than You for such a generous gift of thoughtful humor!

I look forward to hearing how your audience responds.


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Those with a religious spirit detest having their deviance from the spirit of truth pointed out.

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