If you were my local priest Martin, I would start going to church.

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Having just finished reading The Life of Jesus in The Urantia Book, I was pleasantly surprised. It is a more complete version of his life given to us by some who were actually able to observe while it was happening! It confirmed a conclusion I had come to......that we were handed The Pauline version of Christianity, the one sympathetic to the Roman Gov't. Jesus came to show us how to LIVE...instead, we focused on his death. His message was quite simple, actually! The Fatherhood of God & The Brotherhood of Man. Now I understand better why "Christianity" has not changed the world as it was purported to!! It would if it was lived in everyday life!!

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That was a great read, i got so much out of it. Moving from duality into oneness and surrendering free will to God is a daily practice...perfect alignment and no requirement for law enforcement!


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As we take control of our lives walking with God, Maritime Law will go away. Dear Martin, I have felt much kinship with you for years now. Fantastic work you just completed! Please check out the Founders Bible. My copy arrives this week. It's scripture relating to each part of America's Constitution. This is how I'll fight local government and Cabalistic Institutions from now on.

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Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom of all that you have experienced with us. Brilliant. Not easy, yet so simple. Finding the balance between the recognition of self acceptance and love and deep humility is so important to being able to love our neighbors as ourselves...

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I must admit that when you went off on this path a few months ago, Martin, I was wondering where you were going with it and whether it would prove fruitful or a dead end. This justifies that choice on your part. My head is exploding with implications. Thank you!

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